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Terror (DayZ)

In game black screen receiving

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While playing arma 2/dayz i will randomly get a black screen that just says receiving. i can still hear ingame sound and read chat but have no control over my character and cant see anything. it lasts for a few seconds up to about 20 seconds and then returns back to normal but if im driving or flying im pretty much guaranteed to crash and if im in a gun fight or running from zombies i get killed. I have tried setting all my graphics to minimum and even lowering my resolution but it does not fix it, so at this point im pretty sure its not a computer graphics issue. please help asap because its ruining my gaming experience.

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I'm currently having this same issue and trying to find a solution.  I play on a new laptop which is overqualified to run DayZ and somebody is trying to tell me that my HDD is slowing down or going out causing this problem... It is as well ruining my game experience so if you find a solution please post it.

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I'm currently having this same issue and trying to find a solution.  I play on a new laptop which is overqualified to run DayZ and somebody is trying to tell me that my HDD is slowing down or going out causing this problem... It is as well ruining my game experience so if you find a solution please post it.



Are you sure you're in the correct topic / Section? This topic is about the mod / ARMA 2.

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