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InbredScorpion (DayZ)

My ideas for added "realism"

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Okay, so from what I've seen this game obvious tries to employ a sense of realism, and I am having a lot of fun playing this, however, there a few things that I'd add (or more or less, see what others have to say about my suggestions for game content).

1. Water and sea-water:

So up until (from what I've read) sea water was undrinkable in 1.5.8, which makes sense, because well, drinking sea water dehydrates you, and eventually you'll die. However, I think sea water should still be collectable, not drinkable. This way, sea water stored in a canteen can be boiled in order to remove the salt and then drunk safely. Although, technically not how it really work, but it's something. Maybe include the need to cover it with a sheet or something similar. (Not to sure if the salt left over could have a use? Maybe to preserve raw meat? I don't know.)

2. Kevlar/ballistic vest:

I am not sure if this idea would work, specifically due to the fact that it would probably make the game unbalanced (in the higher skilled players favour), as this would make bandits and other high skilled players even harder to kill.

The original idea was that it would reduce the amount of damage that FIREARMS, and firearms only, would deal (by an arbitrary amount), as well as only protecting from body shots, allowing head shots to insta-kill the person. The suit itself would be degraded after usage (i.e. being shot), and eventually, will just break. (It should also be mentioned that the intent was for this item to be rare, something at the rarity levels of NVG's, and can only be found in similar areas)

3. More complexity in blood transfusion:

Let's face it; the current blood transfusion is pretty darn simple, just get another person to walk up to you and start doing things. However, in order to make it more complex, or harder, would be to add blood types.

Everyone has heard of the standard (and most common out of the literal 100 or so ways of blood grouping) ABO grouping. With AB being the universal recipient and O being the universal donor. So, in the debug monitor (next to blood or something) should be the players blood type. This would also mean including, blood bags of the corresponding blood types, A, B, AB and O. Giving a player with blood type A, a blood bag containing blood type B, would result in a negative effect, e.g. unconsciousness. Giving a player with any blood type, a blood bag containing blood type O would work, however, realistically, blood type O is the rarest, and should follow suit.

As well as this, the more transfusions you have over a frequent period of time increases the chances of a bad reaction to transfusion (a small %, but a chance nonetheless)

Those are my ideas. I'd like to get some constructive criticism or just general feedback on those ideas, if you have any (esp. on that last one).

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Sorry, I don't agree with any of these.

1) This system seems complex and difficult to code in

2) That would make WAY too many players overpowered.

3) Transfusions are hard enough as it is. It requires another players and makes both players idle for quite a bit.

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Sorry' date=' I don't agree with any of these.

1) This system seems complex and difficult to code in

2) That would make WAY too many players overpowered.

3) Transfusions are hard enough as it is. It requires another players and makes both players idle for quite a bit.


Okay, so I'd agree with the first two comments, and I thank you for your feedback, but the third one I don't agree with in this case. I mean, yes it is bothersome to find another person to give you the blood transfusion. Maybe a counter balance for my suggestions could be that it wouldn't be required to have an addition person. I mean face it, placing an IV and then holding the blood bag up doesn't require an additional person, would be helpful though.

My rationale for having it more tougher is that, realistically, the only challenge of getting the blood bag is getting into the hospital and looting, I've never had a negative experience with that (maybe that's just me). And the whole, being idle thing for a bit is annoying, but it's the essentially the same duration as apply bandages.

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1. Agreed. Just like we have the option to cook meat over a fire, we should have an option to purify water. If you drink water that isn't purified, you have a chance of getting sick.

2. No.

3. I somewhat agree. I think transfusions should be riskier, not harder. I think the simple answer is increasing the time it takes to transfuse. What is it now, like 5 seconds? I think it should be at least 20 so this way you can't just transfuse anywhere in the middle of a firefight.

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Regarding number 2, that is NOT how body armor works.

Weapons with a high muzzle velocity can still easily penetrate body armor (so that's your lee enfield, and anything with a 7.62 or 5.56 round among others). Body armor IRL still stops low velocity rounds, but it knocks you on your ass and winds you and leaves you with a nasty bruise (if not some broken ribs). Furthermore, it doesn't protect your head, neck, legs, or arms.

So unless you want to see people running around in those heavy kevlar suits (at about 1 mph), NO.

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Number 1 isnt a bad idea

Number 2 (i agree with what seannybgoode has replyed with)

Number 3 i feel like its as hard and complex as it has to to be, first getting blood bags is extremly dangerous on highly populated servers plus with the now buffed zombies where they break your bones it shouldnt be hard, the bleeding system is a little out of wack because you can lose all your blood very quickly and blood blags replenish this quickly, instead of eating 10 meats at once. (other times i find myself in a bug where i was hit by 1 and i repeat 1 zombie. i insta lost 11k health and had broken bones and was losing 100 heath per second, my buddy was not able to save me but i would have been able to get it back with 1 blood pack). thats my story ha

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Number one is excellent.You can make a makeshift distiller maybe with parts you find.Distilling is the process of boiling water and collecting the steam which is pure H2O.

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Regarding number 2' date=' that is NOT how body armor works.

Weapons with a high muzzle velocity can still easily penetrate body armor (so that's your lee enfield, and anything with a 7.62 or 5.56 round among others). Body armor IRL still stops low velocity rounds, but it knocks you on your ass and winds you and leaves you with a nasty bruise (if not some broken ribs). Furthermore, it doesn't protect your head, neck, legs, or arms.

So unless you want to see people running around in those heavy kevlar suits (at about 1 mph), NO.


I understand that, that's not how ballistic vests work, and it was just an idea, that I've already stated as overpowered.

I also did state that the standard kevlar vest would only protect body shots. However, the game doesn't really contain a in-depth physiological response to various stimuli. That's why I suggest reduced damage, which is the closest thing that works. However, I understand your point that, it would limit almost every gun in the game (unless they were all using hollow-points).

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Sorry' date=' I don't agree with any of these.

1) This system seems complex and difficult to code in

2) That would make WAY too many players overpowered.

3) Transfusions are hard enough as it is. It requires another players and makes both players idle for quite a bit.


1 and 3 are poor ideas, I think.

A vest, however. Would be quite alright. If you had any idea how they work IRL, you wouldn't call it OP. They do not make the wearer indestructible. They protect against low-caliber rounds and shrapnel. Your head, arms, legs would still be unprotected. People in this game die so easily anyway. It's not like other modern shooters.

Ballistic vest -> I approve.

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