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Helicopter crash sites

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Happened to log in today and find a heli crash right next to me again, yes this has happened 2 times in the last 3 days, this 1 had been looted though, it was south west of kabanino, the deer stand furthest away from the road, about 300 metres to the west of it.

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I played for 8 hours straight today with 3 friends and even the days before that I haven't found a single helo crash site yet. Maybe I'm just unlucky.

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from a programmers point of view you know that there is no such thing as "/random" ;)

I respectfully disagree' date=' and argue that for the purposes of video games, PRNGs are so seemingly random nobody would notice.

And no, I am not saying the helicopter sites are random - I highly doubt it. Just saying, from a programmer's point of view, there is a such thing as random (even without HRNGs or PRNGs)

And i respectfully disagree with you as well.

pseu·do   [soo-doh] Show IPA



not actually but having the appearance of; pretended; false or spurious; sham.


almost, approaching, or trying to be.

So they arent TRULY random. As there really is no ACTUAL random. Appearing to be and actually BEING we can all agree is a different thing.

I do agree that for videogames as you stated they do suffice...but still. Tomato/Tomato

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I don't think that they are random at all.

In my first 80 hours of playing I was west of Vybor alot and didn't find a single one. In the last 2 days I've tried following the map, which has resulted in 9 crash sites (For a total of 12 FAL's. 4 of them with Nightvision Scope. So much for being 'extremely rare')

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"He didn't manage to press alt+f4 in time" (From page 1).

Good, I'm glad he didn't press it in time. Alt+f4 is cheating, no way about it. You might as well just spawn in all your gear and give yourself infinite ammo while you're at it. Why you would admit it on a forum is beyond me, but please...stop.

I don't think that they are random at all.

In my first 80 hours of playing I was west of Vybor alot and didn't find a single one. In the last 2 days I've tried following the map' date=' which has resulted in 9 crash sites (For a total of 12 FAL's. 4 of them with Nightvision Scope. So much for being 'extremely rare')


They are rare...it's just that you followed a map to visit 9 crash sites in 2 days. If you were playing "legit" without the map, you'd still be on your 80 hour cycle of not finding any. Maybe finding 1.

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But that's exacly my point. They should be random. The fact that you can make a map predicting where to locate them is an error in the game. I wish that I could say that the map didn't help at all and that they seem to be 100% random and extremly rare.

But no.

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I know i spotted one just outside of zelnogorsk. Im not certain enough where, so i just say generally close to zelnogorsk. Just so someone can check and confirm.

But that's exacly my point. They should be random. The fact that you can make a map predicting where to locate them is an error in the game. I wish that I could say that the map didn't help at all and that they seem to be 100% random and extremly rare.

But no.

From an engine standpoint they probably can't be 100% random. I guess there are enough designated spawn points to make them appear at least somewhat random.

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I guess. But in that case it's the frequency of the crashes that should be toned down a bit to make it a rare event, map ot no map.

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I don't know whats wrong,but me and some mates,went to 10+ crash sites according the map,and we didn't saw any.Not even in the NW airfield.

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I don't know whats wrong' date='but me and some mates,went to 10+ crash sites according the map,and we didn't saw any.Not even in the NW airfield.


Seriously? They are potential crash site locations, doesn't mean they will always be there...

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Did nobody notice that guy thebluesfish92 commented that his buddy couldn't alf + f4 fast enough' date=' sigh


Stop whining you noob. If it's in the game it's in the game as the griefers would say. Suck it up or stop playing.

It's pussies like you and anyone who alt+F4s from a gun fight scared to lose their heads and gear who should be banned from the game. It's pussies like you who spawn into the air fields and loot the place and jump to another server. It's pussies like you who cheat cause you have no back bone or balls. It's pussies like you who I would love to kick in the balls and beat your face in until theres nothing left but mashed skin, hair and bone.

Well, look at this. Stump jumpin' Jethro is using all three of his brain cells to type. There's nothing sweeter than the tears of bandits who shoot some random survivor in the back in the hope of getting epic loot and then get nothing but a swarm of zombies on their asses because the body with the gear suddenly disappears. I call that karma. And the raging really is most amusing, please don't stop.

You both need to stop complaining about this. From the way I read the original post leading up to this discussion, I thought the bandit tried to d/c on him, not his friend. But that is beside the point. Do you guys really want to get banned on the forums for arguing like little kids? This is a discussion of helicopter crash zones, not an Alt+F4 topic. Move it there. Or better yet, since you guys seem to enjoy eachother's harrassment so much, exchange steam ID's and talk on there.

Back to topic. I have found a heli south of the NEAF and east of Kamshov(sp?) (the city to the south west of the NEAF) As well as 2 heli's spawned in the field west of Bereznio. If you follow the main road out of berez to Polana, you will come to a turn where the road goes left, but there is a white streak in the grass straight, Follow that streak and they should be off (quite a ways) to your left and right, in that field to the west of Berez.

I wish I had a gps to give exact grids. Don't want to give the wrong ones here.

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First... Thanks for those who helped make this map.

Second, the server picks randomly from the available crash sites. So, yes it is a random selection. But, no, the locations are not random. They are limited.

Third, the dev team need to create about 100 more possible sites and then it will appear much more random and make having a map of the sites less of an advantage.

And last, yes alt f4 is cheating, and I have seen tons of players do it. no need to take it out on this guy. It will be managed some way. Log out timers will be nice, but what if you have a bsod or a Internet outage and your character gets killed during the logout delay? I guess it's a price we all will have to pay to combat exploits.

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Is anyone else having trouble finding crash sites recently? It seems like they are spawning less frequently. In the last few days I have not found one.

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Is anyone else having trouble finding crash sites recently? It seems like they are spawning less frequently. In the last few days I have not found one.

Have you been looking for them actively?

I've found plenty by knowing where to look in the past few days.

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Is anyone else having trouble finding crash sites recently? It seems like they are spawning less frequently. In the last few days I have not found one.

I've probably hit 12 in the last 3 days.

They're out there.

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Yeah I have. We had a four man team split up and scout all known locations on our home server and we did not find one. Thanks for the replies I must have just hit a dry spell and will keep looking

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this map has led me to finding 1 crash site but when i searched 10 more locations couldn't find any

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Shouldn't be in the game.

A)With the loots tables that they currently have.

B)They are already being 'farmed'.

TBH i hope the Devs have seen this thread and pulled them.

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