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Not sure about the B&W filter

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I got some problems with the idea of using a b&w filter to inform the player about the health of the character. I'll go ahead and explain why. 

First of all, I think that DayZ looks incredibly good, I like how detailed everything is and how saturated the colors are. My problem is, that it is enough getting hit once by a zombie and not be able to bandage yourself immediately and you are going to play the next 30min to an hour in black and white. I mean most of the time the health of your character is not at 100%, this means that most of the time you are not playing in color, which is too bad since the game would look awesome if not for the b&w filter.

My point is: aren't there other ways of showing the health status of the character which do not involve taking all the beauty out of the game? I'm thinking about blood on the screen or things like that.


Does anyone agree with me? Let me know

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While I see where you're coming from, it's also one of the main reasons for it. It is an encouragement not to get hit, because like you said you'll lose colour, so you'll try your best to stay intact. Also it's not exact, which is a good thing. This isn't meant to be a game with a health bar, this is meant to be a realistic-ish survival game, that's why they also removed exact hunger and thirst bars. 


So short answer, no, I like it the way it is atm.

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I like it how it is. 


The black and white effect is actually your blood level, not your health. It is easy to keep a relatively full to maxed blood level at all times if you are healthy and healing.


Health is shown by a blurry screen, turn Post Processing on to see it, most people seem to have no idea this even exists, because they (rightly) have it turned off for performance sake.

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If you can find yourself a bag of rice and a few cans of beans eat em and drink from a well/pond until you get the healing/healthy buff. in this state you gain 3 blood per second which heals you very quickly and keeps you at full health as long as you keep your food and drink topped up.

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Its an actual condition you can get when your blood pressure is to low and cant bring enough oxygen to the brain :)




And yes, its not 100% "authentic" but its a quite cool feature tbh.
Makes you try really hard not to get hit by anything.

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