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Enemies spotting me in the bushes

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I've noticed that some enemies don't spot me even when they walk over me, while other spot me from very far even when I hide in the thickest bush available. We've tested the visibility of our positions (with a friend) on a less populated server to see if we were easy to be spotted (everything on low and disabled). It was very hard. Even when I knew where my friend was hiding, it was still very hard to spot him even when he moved. We decided to test if people will spot us in a populated server (hardcore). The 3rd person we saw,  directly shot both of us while we were hiding. We were hiding in completely different sites on the same hill (didn't shoot, didn't move) and I cannot imagine how he could've seen us both at the same time (we didn't even see where he was shooting from). All this happens way too often, some people notice my position even when I stand completely still in a jungle of bushes. I feel there's some sort of hack or maybe some console command or something involved. Maybe I'm wrong, did someone else notice that?

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question how far was your friend when you were testing if you had not seen it yet grass does not load from far away so its easy to see you from more then 100m 

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people who are in the  game for pvp turn off Grass and trees and bring the graphics down, this means the next thing that appears are 1st party objects, such as players and zombies, this means that players can spot you before the environment even renders. turn your graphics down if u want this hack.

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Unfortunately, there's no way around this hack.


Maybe Dean can buy us all supercomputers to even the playing field.



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I don't think anyone has done a video guide on how effective concealment/cover is in the DayZ engine under the various detail settings. It sure would be interesting if some dedicated group were to make such a video guide for the rest of us...


Hint... Hint....



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Unfortunately, there's no way around this hack.


Yes, there is. 

1) Disable the option to turn the foliage off. 


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Thank you guys for the info. I was thinking there's something like this happening but I didn't know how they do it. It actually bothers me a lot that ppl can do that. I certainly hope that they will fix this "issue" on the final version :)

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I will never sacrifice my awesome graphics and immersion  for some piss weak vision hack. fark that

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Really bothers me as well. There should be servers where you cannot change your graphics below a certain point. I mean, you don´t have a potent PC just to turn everything down to have a chance...

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Also the draw distance is important..


we tested it at rifta.. we where standing on the backside of the boat and a friend was walking down the coast towards the south (berezino)..

My friend with pretty good pc saw my friend pretty good at the last wall at the coast.. and i was just seeing a white pixel moving... 

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I will never sacrifice my awesome graphics and immersion  for some piss weak vision hack. fark that

 Agreed i play as a bandit hunter, but i will never sacrifice the deliciousness of the sights to aid me in my mission.



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Agreed i play as a bandit hunter, but i will never sacrifice the deliciousness of the sights to aid me in my mission.


As a bandit hunter hunter, I agree as well.
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Also. Hide behind walls :)

This is pretty much the best idea.. provided your location has walls to hide behind... The standalone towns have alot more character and nooks and crannies, a bit more "maze" like qualities using alot more walls etc between houses than the mod did with the old map

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people who are in the  game for pvp turn off Grass and trees and bring the graphics down, this means the next thing that appears are 1st party objects, such as players and zombies, this means that players can spot you before the environment even renders. turn your graphics down if u want this hack.

This ^


If you turn head movement off, lay down on a hill and watch over a town, you can literally notice ANY movement whatsoever, also what are you wearing? I tend to not carry anything that doesn't at least blend with grass



edit:  As per post above, the only SURE way to find cover is to find something man-made (walls, buildings, doors, cars - anything metal or stone)

Edited by AJ4211

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ive learned that people will do just about anything to have an advantage over someone else especially in games, so if some 14 yo wants to dominate, you bet your ass he is going to turn the visuals down just so he can go around killing ppl for no reason. Nothing can be done about this, as long as you give someone a chance to cheat they will take that chance 100%   

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