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569th StarScream

Things that would in my mind would make find people a little more easy

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Ok im not sure if dean will ever see this or any of the devs that work on dayz will see this but here goes

When i played dayz mod i thought that i could track people and there would be more weather then just sun rain and cloud so i was thinking in dayz sa that there are season like summer or winter and in winter is snows summer it is hot you have to have more water 

With the snow there are like 3 modes 

1. Snow on ground
Snow on ground is where snow has fallen on the ground on the roof tops and has blown into some buildings and when a player walks through it it makes a light foot print or a noticeable foot step that players can track but the foot steps do fade and not all foot steps stay EG if the player takes 100 steps only 70 of those foot prints are in the snow 
but foot prints only stay for 10 minutes

2. Snow fall 
its sort of the same as mode 1 snow on the ground but it has either light medium or heavy snow fall that covers foot steps faster lowers visibility and makes you get colder faster prompting the  player to make a fire get indoors or get cloths that warm you

3. Snow storm

Snow storm is the mode that people are scared of it your out in it you will freeze with in a hour if you run in it it knocks you out to freeze or just pushes you over this mode will only last for like 20-60 mins so it isn't as long but warnings will be in place like more wind faster snow fall and the visibility drop as the storm approaches 

Benefits to the snow would be you can hunt animals faster 

i just thought of this as having more of a reason to no always be out shooting or camping so you build a little underground home you stay in it with a fire snow outside you get a little hungry you have to get all your warm cloths on and go hunting for a pig to eat gut it bring it home cook it 

not so much of ok i got a gun do i want to camp newspawns or go get the stuff i need to survive 

thanks for reading and if a dev reads this can you pass it along as a idea to dean or who ever deals with this thanks :D

~569th starscream

Edited by 569th StarScream
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TL;DR: Footprints in snow.


Nice idea, but I'm not sure the engine would support it, and I imagine they'd have some issues optimising it so that the servers don't keel over and die after an hour of people running around making giant penises out of footprints.

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People could drop a track in the snow every 10 steps, maximum of 10 tracks. Blizzards would be rare, drop body temp, and not just make you freeze from being exposed for too long but also greatly increase the chance of hypothermia and the common cold passing on. I love it, imagine fighting zombies in the snow while you hunker in a log cabin from the cold and snowdrifts block your escape! And as a little fun thing you could collect snow into the hand, and put it into Canteens or Bottles to melt it with your body heat and capture the moisture. Putting it into the inventory would just melt it. Only very heavy clothing would keep your body temp at normal to survive the cold.

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TL;DR: Footprints in snow.


Nice idea, but I'm not sure the engine would support it, and I imagine they'd have some issues optimising it so that the servers don't keel over and die after an hour of people running around making giant penises out of footprints.


It supports it fine, theres several snow maps for Arma, where you can see footprints and tire tracks in the snow :)


But the problem is, Chernarus isnt a snow map...

The engine does not support seasons, at least ive yet to see actual season changes in any arma maps, what so ever :)

So in order for this to work, an area of Chernarus would have to be permanently covered in snow, which does fit the area tbh.


Its an awsome idea, no doubt about that, but i dont think we will ever see anything like this in DayZ :(

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