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Please make sure you have used the search function and/or have actually searched this forum before posting, to decrease the amount of suggestions that are re-posted. 


As per usual, should you fail to do the above prior to posting (and end up posting a suggestion when a topic regarding said suggestion currently exists), your topic shall be locked (and you will be directed to the existing topic) or merged (with said existing topic), depending upon the content of your topic.

Do not create worthless (i.e. pointless, non-constructive, obviously stupid, etc.) suggestions, for should you do so, your topic will be locked. These include suggestions like in-game marriage, the removal of zombies, and so on. Also, do not just say 'we should have ___', but rather elaborate upon why you think said thing(s) should be implemented.


Obviously all forum rules apply to this section.

Edited by Inception.
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