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new village in the North, east of Svetlo?

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I haven´t played every day this past week, but I just discovered that if you leave Svetlo by the main highway going east to west (north of the rail road), there´s a small village, basically ten buildings perched along the highway but with nice loot-rich buildings, somewhere east of the large rock formation that announces Svetlo if you´d be heading towards it. The buildings are all empty, just like most of the new buildings in Svetlo itself, I guess until the current experimental branch goes stable next week. But it´s like the piano building, and the bar-home, and other bigger buildings like the offices you find on the industrial estate outside Vybor. Should make for a nice new place to visit. 


Is this totally new or I simply haven´t read anything about it? In any case, sorry if this is a double post.

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It got added in same time as Svetlo just isn't named and wasn't mentioned.

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it was there before Svetlo, contained a nice amount of food too.  Haven't been since Svetlo was introduced though.

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