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Hutch (DayZ)

My new play style and rules of engagement

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This time around I decided to try something different...


- Civilian clothes and weapons only. No Military gear. No Cammo.  Avoid military bases.


- No Sneaking. Walk upright, in the open, weapons holstered or slung.

       Sneaking around with a weapon out is suspicious and provocative.


- Do not shoot civilian targets on sight. Walk (don't run) with empty hands and greet them. Do not engage unless threatened.


- Players wearing military gear are considered a threat and will be avoided or engaged if safe to do so.


I know walking in the open and talking to players first will probably get me killed more often than not, but I don't mind. I've tried it the other way and survival is easy and boring.

My theory is that behaving in a non threatening manner will actually minimize the risk of other players shooting on sight and provide more chances for player interaction.




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- No Sneaking. Walk upright, in the open, weapons holstered or slung.

Yeah, if I saw you slow walking in the middle of town with no weapon out I would definitely laugh.


And such I probably would not shoot you.  You have got to know there are plenty of bandits out there and a slow moving target with no cover is a sitting duck.  I'm sure most people would take the opportunity for an easy slow moving kill.  So I might change the walking out in the open rule.  That is just asking to be shot in the head.

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You should keep a running record of what you experience.


If I were a betting man I'd say you are about to get anally probed in DayZ...and you will revert back to your old play style with a sore ass and tougher skin.


I've been known to be wrong though...

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As an almost pure survivor/vigilante, i do this in the mod and in SA initially, wearing only a blending top and light'ish jeans, no bright colors and I was still careful, even at times looking out every window i passed while looting to scan around. I had a guy come around the corner right when i was rounding another corner, I with holstered M4, he armed with M4. I stopped, put my hands up, said "Wow, hey, friendly... hows it goin man?" Without skipping a beat, he continues jogging, comes to me, slows to a walk near me, aims his M4 while still walking and executes me. He was wearing exclusively civilian clothes. And thats not nearly the first time.


Thats why i want factioned PVP with band....err, murderer identification. If he was from another faction, such as the military, out to kill civilians to stop the virus and i was some sort of resistance (not a f'ing "hero") it would not only have been more acceptable, it would have made sense and possibly increased immersion. As it was, it felt like some goofball in his pajamas and one sock with half an erection got lucky in a weird PVP game.

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I would say Welcome to DayZ but you clearly know that is a likely outcome when you let a guy with an M4 walk up to you.  Why not jump back around the corner and run a building or something?

Edited by ChiefMasterKush

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So, my first encounter didn't work out so well. As expected.

I wasn't being careful since I was geared and healthy and didn't mind getting killed.

Saw a couple of guys looting near coast road on the north end of Berezino. I walked up friendly at the gas station, weapons holstered, hand raised in greeting.

They saw me coming so I didn't surprise them. I said "Hey There" in voice chat. I got a return "Hi", a moments pause, then a bullet to the head.


Oh well what did I expect.  At least I know for sure I was killed by an Ass and not just a friendly who was scared I would shoot first.


Now I get to start again which is always fun. Last time I got to healthy status in less than an hour. I'll time myself this time and see if I can beat my time the next time I get killed.

I'll probably amend my rules of engagement to observe from a distance before approaching.

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