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Death of a Hero - What to do when bored and fully geared without banditry.

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Finally meet my end hunting spawn killers in Berenzino.  After fighting and defend Zeleno for three full days, I decided to head back east to see what adventures may await me.  I journeyed through the Stary, saline bagging a nice young player who had been mugged by zombies in Novy.  I showed him the fountain then went on to Polana.  I looked for spawns there but found none.  I then trekked towards the hospital at Berenzino.  


Sitting in the pines eating beans, I spotted a lone new spawn with only a tee shirt and a bad attitude looking around the hospital.  Before long, he decided a fist fight with some zombies was in order in front of the Hospital.  Three were beating on him before I deployed my bipod, ranged my ACOG, and managed to take a couple out.  I moved towards the hospital to see if he needed medical assistance, but he was nowhere to be found.  He had disappeared into the building, but all the doors were closed.  I assume he thought I was shooting at him and logged.  I drank from the fountain behind the cafe and waited in the bush nearby since I heard M4 and Mosin fire.  While there, lurking for four minutes or so, I saw no less than three survivors with no clothes running around.  Shots continued and when I left my bush I found several dead unclothed survivors in the streets near Tank Square.  I can only assume the killers where holding people up, stripping them down, and then letting them run free only to shoot them after.


I moved off, towards the south of town, to look towards the construction site and warn off any newspawns in the area.  For about five minutes I watched, when I saw several men moving around the perimeter and upper floors.  There were four that I could see, but I assumed there had to be more than that, since I saw no less than six different styles of dress.  At least two had M4 from what I could tell.  I could only assume that these were the bandits killing spawn.  While trying to get into a position to watch their path, I lost them as they moved towards the coast and lumber yard.


I immediately shifted back towards Tank Square, not wanting a gun fight in an open field when I was so heavily outnumbered.  As I moved, I had been hearing m4 and mosin shots for quite a while and moved to the apartments near the grocery store to get a look out.  This proved to be a very bad move.  I assume that while I was looking, someone else was looking at me.  Not seeing anyone, I made my way back down and at the bottom found myself looking  at a double barrel held by a man at the front door.  Improbably, I began unloading on him first despite him having the drop and his single shot swung wide.  He obviously died.  I ran up stairs a flight and waited to see if I could hear anyone.  I had to assume that the gang heard me.  On a lark I said:


"PSSSSSST, I know you are there."


Bandit: "Come on down with your hands up.  We won't shoot you."


Me: "No thanks, why don't you come up here?"


At this point, one of my main running mates logged in at Stary Sobor.  He was listen to the entire thing and was trying to make his way towards me but I told him that the encounter would most likely be over before his help could come.  I had resolved to sell my life dearly and kill as many of them as I could.

Sure enough, they did chose to come up.  I killed an m4 armed player on the second floor as we exchanged fire (I was in one of the bedrooms to the left of the stairs.  Moving across the hall into another bedroom, I killed a third player also  armed with an m4 as he sprinted across the hall.  I now heard several people below me.  A player raced across the stairs into the bathroom across from the stairs and I prepared to fire on him when another squirted up the steps and into the room across from me.  A third m4 player peered around the stairwell and all hell broke loose.  I opened fire at the peering player and struck him, probably killed him, though I will never know since the other two players opened fire and I went dead.  They then taunted me through the mic, apparent forgetting I killed at least three of their merry band and they now had my ruined equipment and much of theirs to show for it.

But really, a fun night!  I sold my life dearly and got some licks in.  I know many will think me a fool for playing the hero (I am looking at you Frosti!) but I like the play style and find it a challenge.

Edited by PhillyT
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nice story, dude

my beanz for this :)
why you don't make video about your journeys?
i think it will be awesome to watch a video with such actions as you wrote  :beans:  :thumbsup:

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Not to be negative, but the whole black-text-on-white-background is hard on the eyes.


Nice story, though. Props. :3

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Not to be negative, but the whole black-text-on-white-background is hard on the eyes.


Nice story, though. Props. :3


I just highlight it, whenever this happens.

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Only a fool thinks someone is a fool for being a hero. Playing as a hero is the most rewarding experience.

Based off your post, you obviously know what you're doing so it wouldn't take you that long to gear back up.

Good luck fellow hero!

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Cool story bro. Your story kinda reminded me of a scene in "The Last of Us". While this game is still clunky, I like that I can play the game stealthily. Everyone else runs around with their dingle dangling in the breeze. I hope they put in a one-hit-stealth-kill animation for the combat or kitchen knife, with which you would have to be crouched and behind them for it to work. The silenced pistol will have to do for now.

Edited by American_Mongrel

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shit man, sounds awesome! i don't get in too many firefights so I don't have as much experience with the pvp aspect, but I look forward to leveling up to your CQC skills (most likely through many more learning experiences ie deaths)

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Being s hero is the biggest challenge in Day Z. KoS is easy. Banditry is not as easy. Lone wolf survival is the easiest (all you have to do is avoid human contact as zed and supplies ate not the real threat). But being a helper, a hero, helping others to survive, surviving yourself and actively going after armed players, that's the most difficult path. And yes, it is rewarding if only psychologically.

Edited by Sinphaltimus

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Not to be negative, but the whole black-text-on-white-background is hard on the eyes.


Nice story, though. Props. :3


I have no idea what happened with that.  I wrote some of it in Word.  I just copied it, edited it and repasted at it seems fixed!

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Hey man, you seem like a fun dude to play with. Do you think I can have your steam ID and play with you at some point? :)

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Sure.  My steam name is the same as my forum name.  I have a group of 5 who play, three who play regularly (the others are waiting for the SA to improve a little - they hate running).


As far as playing a hero, I just like the interactions.  I can kill countless faceless gas mask people and barely remember, but I remember the interactions with those I met where we both go our separate ways.


I have been bit in the ass more than once, which has led me to have a few rules:


1.  Don't walk closer than 10 feet from me with your fists up.

2.  You will always have a gun pointed at you, either mine or one of my friends.  Sometimes a friend who you aren't aware of!

3.  If you are armed, I may handcuff you, or request you remove your vest and backpack.  You can keep your pants (yes I know you can hide a pistol in there, but I am willing to risk it for you to retain some dignity).  


I can regear really quickly, so those times when things REALLY go wrong and I get blasted aren't too serious.  The times when things go great make it all worth while.


I played for about an hour and a half after dying and had a hunting pack, two snap loaders, a shotgun, 22 rounds for the shotgun, piles of food, and a fire axe on the same server I died on.  I spawned at the factory, ran inland to the construction site, hit Polana, went to Dolena, and logged off.  This morning I checked Dolena again, made my way back to the construction site near Polana and found a Mosin on the 2nd floor saw horse.  I sawed off my shot gun so I am pretty well prepared now.  I went to BErenzino and found a .45 in school, though I have no magazines or rounds for it (consquently, they reduced .357 spawns, but now leave HEAPS of ammo for it everywhere!)

Edited by PhillyT

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shit man, sounds awesome! i don't get in too many firefights so I don't have as much experience with the pvp aspect, but I look forward to leveling up to your CQC skills (most likely through many more learning experiences ie deaths)


I should point out, due to my resistance to banditry, I don't get that much experience in full on fire fights.  I don't KOS, but I generally let people go without them knowing I am there.  I think a more experienced player would never have died in that building.  I had 4 60 round mags and a couple hundred spare rounds.  I could have killed a dozen men without trouble.  I also had the advantage.  They only had one way into the building.  But I did well enough in the grand scheme of things, and sometimes it is fun to just start fresh.

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