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fisher price my first psyco moment

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so we were half way to berenzino when the thirst began to take hold.......so we were walking along on the experimental server seeing whats new etc. when a guy standing right in the middle of town shoots my friend with a mosin, I look over and the guy is close as hell to him which tells me he's a bad shot so i sprint right for him hands up going to oldscool mike tyson his ass.

He runs away i chase him literally on his heels screaming at him cursing him and of course being a smart ass. i followed him from the solinchky factory to the constuction site near berenzino. yelling at every new spawn to kill me or him or us both. i didn't care this dude sucks, I told him we could duke it out i would've fought fair but no he kept running like the unskilled tool he was. so we get to the construction site and low he has a friend with a fire axe.  i ignored him i wanted this guy dead really bad. i punched him a few times and he shot at me and missed me close range and his axe friend sucked too, trying to swing at me hahahaha no skill at all. they finally got me though after a few minutes of them running from me, so i realized you KOS'ers are probably like this tool you have no skill and can't hit the broad side of a barn and run scared to your friends at the first sign that some maniac has the upper hand. supposedly this was recorded by the tool. if you read this please post the vid.( i was pretty drunk at the time as well which makes your skill even worse cause i was seeing double), i'm sure its a hoot.i even did a nice van damme yell when i was punching him. what can i say i'm a sucker for the classics. and yes i spelled psycho wrong in the title sue me.and my grammar is atrocious

Edited by gannon46

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Were you drunk when writing this too? Your lack of capitalization, poor punctuation and use of grammar leads me to that conclusion. If it was one or two misspelled words, or maybe even if you used the wrong your/you're, I wouldn't have felt it necessary to chastise you on your own post. I know people will say that this is a forum and using abhorrent grammar doesn't matter, but I can't abide by laziness. If you want people to read your words, make sure that they are intelligible. Good day.

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Wow... Grammer suks rite? No. But for real, you probably ran into a 12 year old KoS'er. Most KoS guys actually know what they are doing and can hit their target.

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actually I'm kind of hung over troll and i don't really feel up to answering any riddles please just go back under your bridge and die.

i swear i hate this community worse than COD most of the time.on the forums and in the game.

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I can use proper grammar but i like to make it look like crap because you guys read it and get aggravated. now you know how i feel when i learn of your existence.and that your not gonna die anytime soon lol

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Were you drunk when writing this too? Your lack of capitalization, poor punctuation and use of grammar leads me to that conclusion. If it was one or two misspelled words, or maybe even if you used the wrong your/you're, I wouldn't have felt it necessary to chastise you on your own post. I know people will say that this is a forum and using abhorrent grammar doesn't matter, but I can't abide by laziness. If you want people to read your words, make sure that they are intelligible. Good day.


Yknow its one thing to mention their grammar and then contribute something to the argument


It's another thing completely to be an asshole about it. If you don't like the grammar, don't comment and move on, dick


Anyway, I'm with Ray. Sounds like someone losing their "KoS" virginity lol xD

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actually I'm kind of hung over troll and i don't really feel up to answering any riddles please just go back under your bridge and die.

i swear i hate this community worse than COD most of the time.on the forums and in the game.


Yep, the KOS kiddies rule this game and the forums.


Welcome to KOS Deathmatch Permadeath Standalone.'


Maybe they don't have enough skill to play COD without dying 95% of the time, so they come here?

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