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MOLLE or Modular Plate Carrier Vest

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>Regardless, i don't think it's worth adding. Maybe a few "ready to go" vests, but such a fragmented item? That's inviting inventory hell.

I'm not sure what you mean 'inventory hell?'


I don't see how a scalable inventory would be any more or less challenging to manage than the existing one with items being exchanged as they are between a new pair of pants or a new pack? Even adding the clothing option of shirts in there. It's just another rigging in the UI where items are being held.


If you're talking about the degree of scrolling required to move stuff around in the inventory. Sure - there is already an extensive amount of that to account for. But this is meant to give focused and meaningful storage space. With only a mild improvement above the existing LBVs (Load Bearing Harness).


I tossed the suggestion in because I personally would find this useful. I'm not concerned with inventory management cause if I need to move stuff around I'll find a safe spot and use the ground to reorganize - similar to what most people do when they're out and about.

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The requested design would only be a total of 4 slots larger than the standard combat vest currently and would take quite a while to collect the pouches required to fully fill one out. The idea surrounding this was in conjunction with two other inventory posts, One segregating pockets so combat vest would have a series of 1x2 Blocks to hold magazines, and the Subdivision of the existing squares to account for "real sizing" spaces.






Respectively, those changes by themselves would be an improvement to gameplay mechanics and then gets users to think about how they're going to carry equipment and what is the best equipment to try to obtain for their play style. This will be a bit of trial and error at first which is good as that's what a lot of this title is to most people in the beginning.


Even without those changes this doesn't make it much different other than have the availability to customize the spaces you want in a myriad of ways. Also Molle Gear depending on your setup works well with having a pack on. Most Molle gear is also design to work with having a belt with additional pouches and leg drops as well.


I suggested the idea as a means of allowing people to customize themselves further. I don't think there is a relative balance issues associated with this, but changing the equip time for using the backpack vs vest vs holster would be beneficial to the overall experience in the game. Though all of this is just in my opinion.


In terms of customization its simply easier to apply standard equipment and alternatives like adding chest rig that holds 4 magazines

similar fashion as holster does with pistols along with maybe 2x pouches. There will be lot more variation in equipment when DayZ

reaches closer to BETA and FULL RELEASE.


Inventory system needs to be simple system, not some over complicated tetris that makes the game frustrating, so in terms of space

it needs to be balanced through items. Such as walkie-talkie doesnt really take 2x space, but proper radio would or expand holding

capacity and balance it out with weight system.


MOLLE simply isnt that much bigger then rest standard vests. MOLLE might be cool, but doesnt really fit in the world of DayZ. 

There will be plenty of customization anyway.

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If not with the MOLLY stuff just add in a large military pack similar to the hiking one. Make it rare. I'm sure if we were to have an apocalyptic event things like that would get left behind by the military. Just make them rare. Also you could add in a day pack that's the same size as the regular book bag. 

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I'm not sure what you mean 'inventory hell?'


I don't see how a scalable inventory would be any more or less challenging to manage than the existing one with items being exchanged as they are between a new pair of pants or a new pack? Even adding the clothing option of shirts in there. It's just another rigging in the UI where items are being held.


If you're talking about the degree of scrolling required to move stuff around in the inventory. Sure - there is already an extensive amount of that to account for. But this is meant to give focused and meaningful storage space. With only a mild improvement above the existing LBVs (Load Bearing Harness).


I tossed the suggestion in because I personally would find this useful. I'm not concerned with inventory management cause if I need to move stuff around I'll find a safe spot and use the ground to reorganize - similar to what most people do when they're out and about.

For me it's more wether a granular "pouch pile" is really worth implementing.

I tried implementing a system like this in a project of mine, and realized later that it simply wasn't worth it, instead i settled for a system of mounting slots where items are mounted on visual slots on the players character if they fit the slot type, ex: if you carry grenades and have a belt, they will show on the grenade slots of the belt, but you don't have to manually place them there, that's just too cumbersome.

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For me it's more wether a granular "pouch pile" is really worth implementing.

I tried implementing a system like this in a project of mine, and realized later that it simply wasn't worth it, instead i settled for a system of mounting slots where items are mounted on visual slots on the players character if they fit the slot type, ex: if you carry grenades and have a belt, they will show on the grenade slots of the belt, but you don't have to manually place them there, that's just too cumbersome.


Alright I can see this.


I'd view this more as an expandable chest harness though. You're only manually placing pouches onto the LBV as you acquire them allowing for more slots to become available up to a maximum of 12 squares. I can see a degree of tedium with that, but accounting for a marginal increase in storage space and the ability to more easily have items just become centralized to a location. Like magazines as you reload defaulting back to the Ammunition storage location is much nicer than random pant/sleeve/pack location as space is available I think could make for inventory management a little bit easier. The idea for the pouches is that they'd behave like the weapon attachments currently. Namely those like for the Mosin where you pick up the Bayonet or the PU Scope then attach them to the weapon. So to that degree is the management you'd have to interact with there.


At least with how I organize my equipment for backpacking, or my range bag for shooting - everything has its proper place. Unless we're permitted to establish that in the inventory creating some dedicated storage for that I think is the most meaningful way to get that functionality.


The coding limitation on this is more entailed into hooking up the scripting system and establishing flags on items to determine their nature. Even so that can be simply Weapon Class: Pistol, Medical, Ammunition, Food, Wearable, etc...


This is similar to a systems used in Mechwarrior franchise games for determining weapon slot types and allocating those to be limited to Energy/Ballistic/Missile as the break down occurs there.


There is some work to have this implemented and the attachment system being applied to a wearable item will be interesting to see. But if it works it expands on a whole different setup potential that could be applied to backpacks, belts, leg drops and a myriad of other things - Even so if this pouch idea works you could see Rifle ammo satchel or attachments for individual rounds. Those are common on most hunting rifles today in the U.S. for having your spare rounds in a wrap around the buttstock of the weapon

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Rather than starting a new thread I can post as a result of maintenance DaedalRogue, hoping that it will not bother you.


Seeing that a PC was expected to add on a screen I had more or less the same idea as you, or complete the addition of the PC with a modular version of it.


I apologize in advance if my proposal appears redundant to yours but with my limited English I could not understand all the particulars of yours. I prefer the full post to avoid losing points that you would not have proposed in your original idea.


For information, I built my idea around the CIRAS that I use in real life while trying to adapt to the needs of its construction game.


The idea works for all platforms equipped with MOLLE system (Plate Carrier Chest Rig, Rig Mini, CIRAS, RAV, etc ...)


I'll take for example a PC (Plate Carrier), basic player find a PC naked as on the following screen:



You will notice the presence of slots that would be reserved for pouchs (currently we have the same system with the first kits care that welcome as medical or ammo box objects that welcome ammo)


It would be findable in several colors such as the following examples:

mini_487511PCDZC1.png mini_805596PCDZC2.png mini_311707PCDZC3.png mini_593816PCDZC4.png


So once you have your PC you will have to equip with pouchs or it will be nothing more than a ballistic vest.


We can find mags pouchs, medic pouchs, tote pouchs, hydra pouchs, etc ... 
Each of the pouchs occupy a number of slots on your PC (you organize yourself) some will be more "useful" than others for some players, but also rarer!
Pouchs and their uses:
- Pistol Mag Pouch: takes a slot and can hold a gun mag:
- M4Mag Pouch: takes two slots and can accommodate a M4 mag only:
- M4 Mag Pouch x2: takes two slots and can accommodate two M4 mags only:
- M4 Mag Triple-Pouch: takes 6 slots and can accommodate 3 M4 mags only:
- M4 Mag Triple-Pouch x2: takes 6 slots and can accommodate 6 M4 mags only:
- Medic Pouch: This is the PC version of the first aid kit, it occupies 4 slots and has 6 slots for medic items only:
- Tote Pouch: This is equivalent to the PC Protector Small Case, it occupies 4 slots and offers 6 slots for items of any kind:
-Hydra Pouch: It occupies 10 slots (can only be in the back of the PC) and can accommodate a Camelbag**, does not preclude wearing a backpack:
- MAP MOLLE Assault Pouch: MOLLE Backpack***, it occupies 10 slots as the Hydra pouch, can also accommodate a Camelbag but also offers 20 slots, prevents wearing a backpack over:
- Grenade Pouch: occupies 1 slot can accommodate a grenade only:
Example of a PC that could therefore obtain:
List of the payload:

- 6 M4 Mags
- 2 Pistol Mags
- 2 Grenades
- Camelbak 3L
- 6 Medic Slots
The idea behind this system is to have a dynamic display of our vest that would make a significant key to the personalization aspect of his character and come out of the UK Assault Vest with it ridiculous capacity that is ridiculous compared with to the real payload of this tactical vest.
*: We can imagine the same thing for AK mags and other assault rifles mags
**: a Camelbak is a 3L hydration bag can hold for large models
***: can also be worn without a PC thanks to a system of straps maskable to switch attachment system to another
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I like this idea would be nice in conjunction with a patrol pack with a camel back in it. I think adding more things to make you character/ load out customisable can't be a bad thing the more choice there is the better and should make for a more in depth game

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I like the idea of having a holster which allows for faster draw of a handgun coupled with inventory slots. Balanced? BALANCED? That word makes me rabid. Molle vests exist. Get over it. I own a molle backpack. I plan on buying water bottle bags for the sides. Why buy a bag that doesn't have water bottle bags already? I can fit all my books and folder after folder after folder in there. So much storage. Such utility! So win!

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