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I need someone to translate from Spanish to English this suggestion

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hola amigos, necesito que alguien que sepa ingles, o mejor que yo, me ayuda a traducir esto, la sugerencia en cuestion es esta:


Los fallos mas grandes que yo veo desde mi punto de vista, es el movimiento tan ortopedico y los giros tan bruscos de movimiento que tienen los players, entonces si este juego tubiese la movilidad que por ejemplo tiene otros juegos como Call of duty o GTA 5, que son juegos de actualidad, solo con eso ganaria muchisimo, en el aspecto de que los movimientos de los tios fueran similares, y no tan amorfos.


Y luego, las caidas, y el daño al caerte, tu te caes desde una altura en la que no deberias de acerte daño o solo un poco y te rompes un hueso o incluso te llegas a matar y yo creo que eso se deberia de solucionar, no digo que ahora, puesto que supongo que necesitara otros arreglos mas importantes, pero en un futuro.

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Hello friends, I need someone that I know English, or better than me, help me to translate this, the suggestion in question is this:

The biggest fault I see from my perspective, is as orthopedic movement and motion as sharp turns that have the players, so if this game tubiese mobility has other games such as Call of Duty or GTA 5 which are games today, that alone would win a lot, in the aspect that the movements of the guys were like, and not so amorphous.
And then fallen, and damage to falling, you will fall from a height at which you should not of may assert damage or just a little and you break a bone or even you get to kill and I think that he should solve I do not say that now, since I guess most important need other arrangements, but in the future.


Don't speak Spanish ... best I can do. :P
Edited by novogeek

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If you're making comparisons between DayZ and Cod/GT5, your suggestions probably isn't worth the 5 seconds it would take to run through Google Translate...

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If you're making comparisons between DayZ and Cod/GT5, your suggestions probably isn't worth the 5 seconds it would take to run through Google Translate...

But he used big words. I've never seen "orthopedic" used in such a thread. Props to OP.

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But he used big words. I've never seen "orthopedic" used in such a thread. Props to OP.

orthopedic refers to the movement of the character is bad, when you move to one side or another or to stop spinning

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orthopedic refers to the movement of the character is bad, when you move to one side or another or to stop spinning

I know what it means. I'm just saying, I've never seen it used in such threads before.

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Hola, es dificl que el creador haga esos movimientos como el gta o el CoD, porque este juego se basa en realismos y ese tipo de movimientos bajaria mucho los fps y para que quieres algo asi como GTa si puedes tener algo diferente como arma y dayz ? o quieres nadamas un deathmatch giganete donde la unica diferencia es que comes y si se te avaban las balas ?

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