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Chernarus Survivor Census - the CSC
Survivor_Sabre, in General Discussion
Chernarus Survivor Census - CSC
154 members have voted
1. Do you prefer playing alone or in a group?
They call me Wolf, Lone-Wolf.
I'll stick with you for a bit, but I've got my own things to get on with later.
As they say, safety in numbers; and that town looks dangerous.
Hey guys and gals! What we doing today?
I take each day in Chernarus as it comes. If my friends are on I'll probably play with them; if not, so be it, I might find someone else.
2. What is your profession?
Super-Hero. You look like you could use an IV! You're not hungry or thirsty are you? You'd best take this gun for protection.
Hero. You look pale, have an IV.
Fellow-Survivor. I have no problem trading, but I'm not your mother.
I adapt as the situation demands. I like it on the fence, that way I can check which side the grass is greener on.
Gentleman-Bandit. I'm having your can-opener, but you can have this screwdriver.
Bandit. I'm having my pick of your stuff, if you live or die is up to you.
Psychopath. What's mine is mine, what's yours is also mine. While we're at it, drink this, I promise it's not disinfectant...
3. Shoot on sight?
Shoot first, and don't worry about asking questions later. Anyway, my trigger-finger gets so itchy sometimes I just have to scratch it.
Shoot first, ask questions later. I don't like it, but I do what I've got to do to survive.
I shoot to wound, then I know I have the upper hand.
Depends on if I think that nice coat and back-pack would look better on me and how willing they are to hand them over.
Depends on where I am, some places just aren't safe.
I'll try and talk, but if I feel threatened I won't hesitate.
Always try and talk first, there are little enough friends in Chernarus as is.