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cornflakez39 (DayZ)

Getting a zombie's attention

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Let's say you peek out of a corner of a building, and there's a zombie on the road that doesn't see you. You say, "Hey zombie!" in your direct chat, and the zombie turns around and heads toward the sound. Or if you're chatting with a friend of yours through direct chat, a zombie could hear you and begin going to the sound. It would only work if you actually said something with volume, not simply holding the direct chat button. What do you think?

Edited by cornflakez39
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I have been thinking same thing cornflakez39, it would be good in situations when your in roof and there are bandits or lunatics down streets just start to yell and attract zombies to come there. Or just throw some empty cans down and noise would get zombies to come. I know that throwing objects is no possible yet but in future it might be.

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Ya this would be cool. I suggested this a while back. I got the idea after GTA V which let you yell through your mic at store clerks when you were robbing them to make them load the money faster.

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Definitely like the idea but can be tricky to implement , I don't want the zombies being too good at noticing me and I don't want annoying buttons that aggro zombies no matter what. All we need is some kind of loud can chain that you can throw for getting zombies attention ,but this seems like a minor addition compared to other things that could be added first

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