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Why we need to remove the cheaty zoom from Hardcore

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The 3PP vs. Hardcore argument has always bothered me, because 3PP players refuse to acknowledge the unfair advantages, and first person only types tend to be condescending and act like they are the only people who play the game properly at all.


Out of the two groups, I must say that the first person only players are the worst because their attitude is "I know what's best for everyone" when it should be "this is how I prefer to play." 


After playing on the Hardcore experimental server today, I have decided to demand that the cheaty zoom be removed from Hardcore immediately and permanently. I see absolutely no reason why the first person players should get to be so full of salt while blatantly ignoring such a glaring fault in their blow hard, chest thumping Hardcore mentality. 


I am totally serious about this. 

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The "zoom" is actually meant to represent eye focus as a monitor can't represent that.

3pp is fine, 1pp is fine let's all move on from this tiring topic

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I dunno Doc.  We see things in much more detail than what our monitors can render. One could say the zoom feature helps to make up for this.  :rolleyes:

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the zoom is kinda gay, but its hard for some people to see, be it graphics or eye sight. So I don't think it should be removed.

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The "zoom" is actually meant to represent eye focus as a monitor can't represent that.


This; any monitor can't emulate the amount of detail gained through a human eye, so being able to zoom adds that clearness, in a way. I'd question not being able to see a road sign 15 meters away without the zoom. It's fine as it is. 

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If you're talking about the FoV slider, ignore the following...






What "cheaty zoom" are you talking about? There is no "cheaty zoom". Why do people not grasp this simple concept? It's clear they have not actually tested the "zoom" and haven't thought about it past "your eyes don't zoom in real life! Elf eyes!"


News flash! This isn't real life. We need zoom to see things at realistic distances. If you want everyone to be blind as a bat past 100 meters you're on the right track.



Second, there is no extra zoom, a 4X scope ALWAYS zooms 4X more than your eyes are capable of seeing. Your eyesight is zoomed out by default. Stop considering it as zooming in, you aren't zooming in.




Easy-to-understand graphics:






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Another 3PP exploiter enthusiast not grasping that the "zoom" simulates human sight in an authentic way whilst 3PP view exploitation simulates nothing a human is capable of.

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I'll be honest, OP, what your are saying makes absolutely zero sense.


This "zoom", I see it as your eyes having the ability to actually focus on an object like you can focus in real life, both 3PP and Hardcore get this "zoom" option, when your weapon is sighted, like said above you can't "zoom" any further unless using a scope. If you want "zoom" removed then it should also removed it from 3PP servers, lets also make it so the camera in 3PP can't go around doorways or over fences.


Honestly, with all the respect possible, you sound like you went to a Hardcore server and got owned in a fire fight or something. Please take a moment to sit back, catch your breath and think about what you just posted.


So totally cereal.

-a person that plays 3PP and Hardcore, enjoy both.

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Why is it that people feel the need to beat this dead horse over and over and over again? Why don't they use the search function to see if a thread like this hasn't already been open a million times before? Please for the love of god USE THE GOD DAMNED SEARCH FUNCTION!!

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I don't see what's wrong with zoom as long as it will be fixed so as to not change with FOV settings. Unlike third person view, zoom doesn't give you any superhuman abilities like peeking around corners.

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Another 3PP exploiter enthusiast not grasping that the "zoom" simulates human sight in an authentic way whilst 3PP view exploitation simulates nothing a human is capable of.

I don't agree with the OPs point of tone, but 3PP can be seen as simulating the sense of spacial awareness and peripheral vision that we have which no game renders. Even with the FOV maxed out, you still see more than the game displays in 1PP, though less than what 3PP allows. Also playing a role, though, is our hearing, which we use to orient and localize ourselves much more than we often realize, and to a degree no game is possible of simulating.

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The 3PP vs. Hardcore argument has always bothered me, because 3PP players refuse to acknowledge the unfair advantages, and first person only types tend to be condescending and act like they are the only people who play the game properly at all.


Out of the two groups, I must say that the first person only players are the worst because their attitude is "I know what's best for everyone" when it should be "this is how I prefer to play." 


After playing on the Hardcore experimental server today, I have decided to demand that the cheaty zoom be removed from Hardcore immediately and permanently. I see absolutely no reason why the first person players should get to be so full of salt while blatantly ignoring such a glaring fault in their blow hard, chest thumping Hardcore mentality. 


I am totally serious about this. 


Your reasoning is so silly that I don't think you are serious about this at all.

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