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New Spawnlocations

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experimental servers are unplayabel, you will die before you find any thing.




Restart the Experimental servers every 1-2 hours to get some food and stuff under newly spawn players.

Or make it spawn more food and other stuff.



Sarcasm ?


Managed to log into a 40 slot experimental server for a session, ive played maybe 2 hours at peak gmt time. Headed inland and i now have a sks, more ammo than i need, more rice and fluid than i need. Not every house gets looted and sometimes people miss things. Just saying  :P

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I think spawning should be random, putting you within 100m of any town, village, or city on the map.  People would abuse that by suicide until they get a spawn they like? well then, set a timer, if you die within a certain time of your last spawn (15 minutes?) , then you next spawn is chosen from a subset of less desirable locations, keep on suicide and the spawns get worse.  


That will solve the loot problem on the coast and will bring the whole map into play much more than it currently is, solving two problems at a stroke by my reckoning.

Edited by Continuity

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