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Does morphine spawn in other locations apart from hospitals? .. I mean i managed to escape a attack from a bunch of infected but revived a broken bone whilst doing so, I'm way up in Mogilevka and don't really wanna try crawling all the way down too Cherno to the hospital.

So what are the chances of me finding morphine way up here?

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So what are the chances of me finding morphine way up here?

A week or 2 ago I would have said low chance. Today I would say outside of the main cities chances are nearly nill.

People who live and pvp in the cities though will say there is no problem with morphine.

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Has a anybody EVER found morphine outside of a city?

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I found morphine in a hanger once, and on the floors of some other places far away from the hospital.

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I used to find it in towns before Nothing since though and I avoid the cities.

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I found two morphine auto-injectors from Balota airstrip's air control tower. But some player could have just left them there. Someone had blocked downstairs with a barbed wire so someone might have set a camp up there.

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morphine dropped off of zombies for me now and again, particularly near helicopter sites. might just be a coincidence

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Morphine spawns in military camps also. Found some in tents and hangers before. Usually spawn with other medical supplies as in Painkillers and Bandages.

Although I have never found Epi-Pens, Blood Bags, or Antibiotics outside of hospitals.

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Well im no quitter so although i do have a broken bone ill fight to either until i fine morphine or im killed!

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Well im no quitter so although i do have a broken bone ill fight to either until i fine morphine or im killed!

You go ATOJAR, I lived at castle rog for an hour with a broken leg. I messed up and fell off the stairs before my rescue team could arrive.

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