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It's The Small Details.

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I've been playing Dayz now for a while, and it's a great game, even in alpha! But, i've noticed a few things that i think would make the game a little more.. Fun(?)

Screams -  I've never heard my character scream. Just some moans, like for instance, when i broke my leg, he was like - Ooohh, aaaah. At first a was like; WHY THE FUCK AREN'T YOU WALKING YOU PIECE OF SHIT!? Then after a while i realized he's leg was broken. (After going to the forum..)
And another time where i was mugged by bandits and one of them shot me in the leg. Just some simple; ooohhh, aaaahhh uuummmf (You get the picture)
How about adding some screams? I know that if i were shot in the leg or broke my leg i would scream from the top of my lungs.

 Some screams, just so you guys get the picture - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3vSRzkG82U

Beards - I've seen several threads of this, but i just wanted to add it to this thread to. If you are in a apocalypse and you don't grow a beard, you're a wimp. And you don't look so bad ass. (But don't forget the option to be able to shave yourself!)
Yea, that's that about beards.

CampsIf you like zombie things, you've probably watched one or more zombie movies,series etc. And what is the number one thing they all have in common except zombies? Camps. Either they clear out a mall, or a jail or something and then set up defenses. It wouldn't have to be so hard creating one, just like ; Planks and nails. (Or fences also work, but not so good in walking dead :lol: )  

TransportationI mean really, it's the end of the world, because of a virus. Why aren't there any cars? No, i'm not suggesting we add cars in every city, but like a jeep in some of the military bases. And you would have to fix it to get it to work. (Getting parts from others cars?) and putting in gas. Or why not even a bicycle? Or a horse? Seems kinda weird that you can't even find a bicycle.. 

Clothes DamageI mean, running through the woods, and getting hit by zombies etc, the clothes should become more worn out, and you should be able to see that. Like if your pants is old, a hole by the knee, maybe some parts of it's are missing, hole in pockets etc etc. Hope you get the point

Well, that's kinda it.  :huh: 

Tell me what you think.  :thumbsup:


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Those screams... 10/10

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Camps: Pretty much confirmed.


Clothes damage: Confirmed


Vehicles: Alpher.

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