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The Story Of Friendly Boy And Kos Girl

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Once upon a time in Solnichniy, a boy and a girl happened to cross paths. 


Like a story as old as time, the boy ignored the girl and the girl chased the boy west along the coast punching him in the back. About twenty five times she connected, but the boy was a former boxing champion and had a strong chin. 


After a long while running, the boy grew tired and gave up running. He turned around and threw a single quick jab, knocking the girl instantly unconscious. 


The girl drifted off into a hazy black dream, and her departing thought was of her own death. 




Many hours later, the girl awoke on the beach in the middle of the night. She was bleeding. The boy had not taken the girl's shirt, nor any of her few belongings. She tore her bloody shirt into some rags and patched herself up. 


Why had the boy let her live? She had tried to murder him with her bare hands. In her heart of hearts, she wanted his death more now than ever. Now she had a reason to want to kill him. Her head throbbed. Concussion? How much blood had she lost? No answers, only questions. 




The girl slept until sunrise and continued west towards Elektro. Along the way, she found some alcohol to treat her wounds and an old woodcutter's axe. It wasn't much, but it would do in a pinch. 


The first life she took belonged to a man in Elektro who was rifling through the fire station. She chopped him in the back and head with her axe as he fumbled to reach his own. His empty M4 carbine tumbled to the floor. She collected his belongings. There was a crate of ammunition for the rifle, but she would need to find magazines. 


The girl vowed revenge against the boy who had shown her mercy. She swore that going forward she would kill anyone she saw, in the name of the boy who left her to fend for herself in a lonely and hostile world. She looked down at the limp husk on the fire station floor. She admired the great work the boy had done in murdering this man with naught but his boundless sense of half-hearted idealism. 


The girl chambered a round into her pristine new M4, and got to moving on west. 




Balota Airfield sprawled before the girl, now clad in the bloody camo clothing of her prey. She had come from the high rise apartments north of Cherno, where she had rounded out her kit with plenty of food, some essential medical supplies and a much needed 30 round magazine for her new assault rifle. She had also found a pair of walkie talkies and some spare batteries which she now kept in a small protective case. 


The girl held onto the radios, but she knew not what for. They were more of a curio than an asset. After all, she had already decided to kill anyone she met. 


The girl made her way carefully through Balota along the treeline, and upon reaching the barracks she was just barely in time to observe the figure of an armed man walking inside. Taking care not to alert him, the girl positioned herself outside the building and waited for him to come back out.


Before he knew what was happening, the man was perforated to an extent so disturbing any description would seem inadequate. The girl felt a rush of adrenaline. She felt happy, angry and scared all at the same time. This had not been the case with the first victim. 


Two bodies, she thought. Two deaths are now on the friendly boy and his fool's compassion. She took what she needed from what was left of the man, and did a quick sweep of the nearby buildings before she went north west into the trees. 




The girl found another military camp on her journey north. She had enough firepower now to last her many battles. But she had stopped finding people. Rummaging through the densely grouped houses of Zelenogorsk, she encountered only the undead fragments of once living humans. The girl could not bring herself to waste bullets on such things, and euthanized them efficiently with patience and an axe. Whatever the girl still needed, Zelenogorsk seemed happy to provide. 


She sat for awhile reading a book in an abandoned house. 




The girl's  mind drifted uneasily between thoughts of the bloodshed to come and thoughts about the merciful boy. 


I wonder, she thought. What kind of life did he live? She retracted the bipod of her new Mosin Nagant, and rose from the tall grass at the edge of the treeline. She hoped that she would get a chance to shoot at some moving targets with her new, more powerful rifle. She wondered how she would fare against multiple threats. She wondered how many more people she would have to kill in the name of that stupid boy. 


I wonder...is he still out there? Will he kill me if we meet again?


She started north again, and didn't look back. 







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Great story, can't wait for the sequel.


Hope you find the boy to claim your vengeance.

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Thanks for the beans and positive comments guys! The story ended up a bit long so I wasn't sure how it'd be received.

Hoping to add more but you never know with these Alphers. She might be killed by a ladder or a database fart.

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Here she is, fellas...


She's quite a catch, if you've got what it takes. Not to be underestimated. 





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