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Cannot Use An Item (E.g. Drink/eat) If It Is "ruined"

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Yea if anyone says the ruining mechanic is not bugged they havent killed enough players. Also when it is fixed I would like to see where they don't ruin everything where u get hit. Like someone else suggested 1 bullet ruins 2 slots, 2 bullets ruin 6 slots etc. I'm no game dev expert but if they can make it so they know which part of the body they get hit they can make an easy math formula for this. 

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The gear he had may have already been ruined, also which angle did you shoot him from, if he was prone and you shot him directly in the face from the front then the round potentially would have passed through his head and then through his backpack/ torso depending on the round trajectory.



Standing above, shooting down into his head from the side ... no way it hit anywhere else and the chances everything was pre-ruined exist but I'd say more likely the game does indeed ruin everything.


I may run an experiment on a friend for proof if we can be assed to.

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I hated logic that said this is for stoping KOS if so how Dafuq will game realistic ? If got shot in their head it shouldn ruin any shit cuz you can't carry thing in your helmet tho. And if shot In the backpack the backpack itself should take the dmg until it ruined after that items in it shall be taking dmg !

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We must not be playing the same game, I have point blank shot a guy in the head with a mosin while he lay down (cos I am nice like that) and everything on him was insta ruined ... that single round of ammo must of ricocheted up and down his body Daaaaam


how do you know that his belongings weren't already ruined? maybe he has a junk fetish?

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Standing above, shooting down into his head from the side ... no way it hit anywhere else and the chances everything was pre-ruined exist but I'd say more likely the game does indeed ruin everything.


I may run an experiment on a friend for proof if we can be assed to.


Hmm then thats definately a bit bugged to say the least. I'll try and get a few headshots tonight and see if this is now the case.

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