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Can You Add A Server To Favorits From In Game?

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Just want to know if there is a way to add a server to your list from in the game, or is it only from the server screen?

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At the moment you cannot add a server to your favorites in game.  It must be done at the server selection screen.

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When you exit the server, just check your history and add the last one to favorites  ;)

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When you exit the server, just check your history and add the last one to favorites  ;)

I feel like sometimes the history list is out of order. Is this just me?

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sometimes the history takes up minutes to be loaded

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definately would be nice to favorite a server in game i mean its in game you find out iff it is a good server. Yeah i find the server history very VERY hit and miss. Actually got to the point i was writing down server name playing then making notes on it eg desync population if it restarted more than 1 time when playing a 5 or 6 hour run etc.


Found a good hardcore server that so far has kept a deceent population doesnt desync ( all that much lol ) and has the times it resets written when you enter the game so i am sticking till any of the good points change..

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History doesn't usually work; it's all jumbled. I recommend just keeping a history list. I think if you don't play on a server for a while, the server get's removed from the list?

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It's such a minor thing but it should be implemented. It will come in handy, and I say this a lot for ideas on these forums, when housing comes to the game.

Groups of players at that point in time will be looking for decent groups of other players to end game PvP against. And as SoulFirez said, you don't actually know the atmosphere of a server until you've properly played on it. If the game doesn't update your history and you forget th name of a server until next time you go to play on it, you'll lose it. And then you've just lost yiur perfect server.

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The history feature is sorted by whatever you normally sort by, in my case Ping. This means that the top one is seldom your last visited.

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