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Am I Nuts?

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So I just found it seems you can only carry one "big" gun, so I swapped my pristine Mosin with a badly damaged sight and a damaged bipod for a prstine M4 with damaged stock and prstine everything else.


Good trade? Who knows. I figured I'm only going to use it for defense, and in that case rapid fire spray and pray is probably more effective than a 1 shot type deal :P


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id have kept the mosin but thats only my preference. as for the ability to carry only one main weap, you can "technically" carry two at the same time however its usually more hassle than its worth. (have your current primary gun on your back then you can pick up a second main weapon into your hands)

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You can carry 2 primary weapons.

At the cost of not being able to sprint, or use your hands without putting the weapon thats in your hands down first.

Have your weapon on your back (hands free) then look at the 2nd weapon you want to pick up, and press "F" when it says "take M4 into hands"

Or you can stand near it and open your inventory. When it shows up in the vicinity window, Right Click it and choose "take M4 into hands.


If reading isn't your thing, here's a video.


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It pretty much depends on how you want to play. For me, I switched for the M4 just because I want to specialize from mid range to CQC.

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I think because you had a crappy sight and bipod the m4 would've been a better option at that moment but like everyone else here says it depends on your play style. Even though i like using the mosin the m4 is much more common and seems to be the better weapon in most situations that you'll probably experience in the game for now 

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