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Item Suggestions

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Hey guys! Just some more item ideas to throw into the mix! Let me know what you think!


Leg/ Belt Holster- I know there are already chest holsters, but I've seen countless times in both other games and real life examples of holsters strapped to your belt or strapped to your thigh.


Bandoleer- A rambo-esque kind of add on. Either over the shoulder thing or around your thigh


Dual Chest Holster- once again, just something I've seen at ranges/ police stations


Throwing knives/tomahawks- I myself own a knife made for throwing, I think it would be a cool feature to add in game, these could also double as melee weapons, but significantly weaker.


Dart gun/Blow gun- use darts to poison, kill, KO, or maybe paralyze based on where you hit them and if any toxin is present on the point of the dart


Riot Shield- could be used for deflecting bullets or attacks, or for swinging at zombies/people


Hunting rifles- good ol' civilian hunting rifle so there are different options than just the mosin, or other future military grade rifles

Edited by hoopman130

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