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Starting a comunity camp

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Hello there i am thinking of starting a community on a server hopefully my own once setup i am from uk so ping shouldn't be a problem in Europe

anyway plans are

(1) setup a camp ie wire tents and stuff that maybe added in future

(2) help for survivors that need it ie journey out with what you need and with help to find Vehicles and protection from bandits

so please give feedback if you are interested ideas

if we cannot survive alone then lets try to help each other out

there will have to be rules like guard duty as wont be able to leave camp unprotected search groups will need leaders a voting system for over all rules

hope there is some interest in this idea let me know thanks for reading at least :)

Help would be appreciated

i will try to keep you updated as and when possible

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If they can't survive alone you aren't helping them by giving free handouts/escoring them places.

Maybe if you teach them where places are and how to be aware of their surroundings then they'll be able to survive alot better and enjoy the game more rather than running to your camp everytime they killed and learning nothing.

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@Kane Leant what exactly? An honours Degree in playing a Zombie games ?

Im UK based also would love yo help out if needed -

Steam name MorTvicR

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Learn how to play the game ofcourse, the game has a learning curve as do most games, playing without help gets you to the top of that curve much quicker but those that just get help every time will not know how to handle themselves properly when it matters.

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I'm interested. I'm still a noob really but somewhat useful. Could be good fun.

As far as the other guy. Working as a group is a great way to learn.

Forgot to add that I'm UK :P

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I would support this cause, though I am no where near the UK, I could find this a fun idea.

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Sounds like a good idea. Until the bandit squads get wind of it' date=' the location and server. Good luck. :D

[/quote'] that is part of life though you still need the feeling of being unsafe and can only hope to trust your fellow campers

I would support this cause' date=' though I am no where near the UK, I could find this a fun idea.

[/quote']all good where ever you are:)

If they can't survive alone you aren't helping them by giving free handouts/escoring them places.

Maybe if you teach them where places are and how to be aware of their surroundings then they'll be able to survive alot better and enjoy the game more rather than running to your camp everytime they killed and learning nothing.

yes i get your point but but this is about surviving for the long hall not just to run around willy nilly with the freedom to come and go and you would have to earn free stuff as it would be a joint effort to help the new

the more experienced could help with that matter :)

I'm interested. I'm still a noob really but somewhat useful. Could be good fun.

As far as the other guy. Working as a group is a great way to learn.

Forgot to add that I'm UK :P

good stuff once i start settiing stuff up will give you a shout

we will only know if we try :)

I would support this cause' date=' though I am no where near the UK, I could find this a fun idea.


that's cool we will need people in different time zones as the server doesn't sleep yet people do :)

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guarding a camp in the night without NV goggles is going to be impossible

We could get a whole ton of flares maybe?

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if any one on steam add me my name is wellysmut it would probably be the safest way to get started skype wellysmut :)

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Oh man, you're going to get destroyed if you put this plan in motion.

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guarding a camp in the night without NV goggles is going to be impossible

We could get a whole ton of flares maybe?

That will make you stand out alot for the night bandits though... not trying to downplay your idea or anything just saying it's going to be hard

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Oh man' date=' you're going to get destroyed if you put this plan in motion.


i think you are right at first we will get destroyed but we can learn from are mistakes it should make surviving a little easier finding parts building things to help if there is some one watching your back its a good thing well i hope we shall see :)

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Love this idea and am definitely in. Live in Sweden and have been looking for other ppl to play with but most threads I see are for US. Will be adding you on steam :)

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Yeah it'll be tough at first. But the more ppl we get and the more things we gather the easier it'll get. As long as someone survives in camp the gear won be lost.

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Good idea in theory, but not with DayZ in its current state.

Sounds like alot of these new guys have no idea just how brutal bandits can be.

But , it will be a good learning experience for you guys :evil laugh

mwahahahah haha

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ah! so i am not the only one who have been thinking about this! though i had in mind it would be more like a police force. Im definitley interested!

SkaalBones Norway

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Definitely interested, I already added you on steam. Hoping to make this work!

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Good idea in theory' date=' but not with DayZ in its current state.

Sounds like alot of these new guys have no idea just how brutal bandits can be.

But , it will be a good learning experience for you guys :evil laugh

mwahahahah haha

[/quote']yes dayz is not quiet ready for it at mo but soon it will i hope

i will hold off for a mo as i dont want to have to re build every server restart

as that would just be a waste of peoples time

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