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pope ramone

Strange Happenings

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So I was playing last night with a mate. We were on a low pop server in the hills around stary sober when we both heard a number of really loud explosions. It was directional sound so was in game but was also loud enough at times to seem as if it was global. I was then teleported back to novi sober only to die in a house by being moved in a house. My friend was killed shortly after by being blindsided. 


Im sure most of these things can be considered 'normal bugs' but the explosion thing was very strange. 


Was wondering if this has happened to anyone else? Perhaps if there is a pattern we could let the dev know of servers/patterns

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Not all over the map (unless one of the sound bugs...), but blowing a gas pump makes a very lord noise!

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like I say im sure the deaths were run of the mill bugs but it seems suspicious that there was an explosion and a teleport  followed by death by 2 people at different times. 

The sound was loud enough that I could hear the second one back on the coast when my mate was still around stary sober. although it was much lower for me

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explosions could of been from a gas station a ways away.  But the teleporting i have no clue.  Strange indeed.

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Gas Station Explosions can be heard from very far a way. They're quite a sight

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