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Ghosting/server Hopping, Combat Logging/bandit System, And Also Zombie Difficulty

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Server hopping and ghosting:

I would think the best way to solve this is make it a actual penalty to switch servers.. If you want to change servers, you should randomly spawn elsewhere from where you logged out from on your original(home) server. The possibility of where you would spawn should be the whole map. Server hop too much or be a fresh spawn already and you will spawn at one of the new character spawn points with no gear. This would also make base building less easy to spawn inside other peoples base.

Obviously as well with this system, that after so much time on the current server you are in, the server would be considered your home server. With this, the number of how many times you can change servers before just being spawned at a new character spawn points again with no gear will reset. Should have a warning in place maybe as well to let you know a couple more server hops and you are spawning as a new character.

**Obviously this is more so a idea for when items respawning is fixed.**

Combat logging and Bandit system:

One thing i could think of to add on top of another system for combat logging is that it is based on if you are a bandit or not. I guess you can call it the bandit system.. If you want to kill players, there should be a penalty in way that makes it so you dont log out immediately(even if no gunshots in the area). Only time the player killing penalty wouldnt apply is if you kill someone who is a bandit.
I would also add a decay overtime effect that persists through death(sorta like UO). That the longer you go without killing someone, your bandit status decreases eventually to the point when you will no longer be considered a player killer. Would be nice also having this in place for the accidental player killing.

**Keep in mind, The combat logging idea/bandit system above. Im saying this should be added on top of a system to make it so people cant combat log. Which personally im a fan of the gun shots fired in the area should keep you from logging out for 3 to 5 minutes. Gun shots keep going, your character doesnt log out.. You either run to get out of the area so your character can log out immediately, or fight back.**

But not to base it just on gunshots.
Add as well that if you are in the area of another player and tempt to log out. It should give a warning saying your character will not be logging out immediately. With the bandit system you would just get the warning saying you are a bandit and your character will not log out immediately (despite if someone is nearby or not). If your character is not a bandit, it will immediately log out if no one is around.

-You could add, to bring more of a penalty to killing players and reward for not killing. Logging out while being friendly around other friendlies will log you out immediately. But if a bandit is near, it will not. Friendly near friendly with gunshots in the area will keep you still logged in as well-

Zombie aggro, bleeding and injuries/sickness, and being held hostage/prisoner will keep you from logging your character out til a set amount of time.

Zombie difficulty:

Right now I think they are pretty much just a nuisance when really they should be very dangerous. The one way I believe this could be fixed is going back into the zombie genre and making it so that they can only be killed by headshots..

This will change gameplay quite drastically I would think come SA when theres alot more zombies in the area. Gunfire would be more of a last resort because of the number of zombies it will attract. Would also promote teamwork since going alone into a town will be a bit more difficult since zombies wont be as easy to kill. A person alone can quickly be in a bad situation if they attract alot zombies.. Could also be quite possible to make it a dangerous situation for a group of people.

But yeah.. thats all the ideas I had.. Just think the game can be a bit more difficult really and have a little more consequence for your actions.

Edited by cels

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Dude, there are literally hundreds of posts about combat logging/ghosting. bandits and KoS. You've brought nothing new to the table that hasn't already been suggested and shot down. But to cover each point...


Server hopping - Devs are aware of the problem and will be fixing it.

Combat logging - See above

Zombie difficulty - On the devs radar and will be fixed in time. Zombies have already had improvements made in the latest patch and there are plenty more to come

Bandit system - Impossible to implement. There is no way they can write code that will understand the context of every situation and label someone accordingly.


TD;DR: See the other topics. Also, noooooooooooope.

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All good on all that..


Although, dont see how the last would hard to implement though.


Did the person you kill have the bandit timer for killing someone? Yes, then you dont get counted as a player killer. No, then you get counted as a player killer and get the bandit timer.


The more you kill that doesnt have the player killing bandit timer, the more time is added to your timer before you are no longer considered a bandit.(persisting through death)


Its up to you to decide if that person in front of you is a bandit or friendly and the choice to shoot will decide your outcome.




Personally just think right now, its too easy to run around shooting everyone with no consequence, which I do alot :P ...This will give some consequence for your actions by making it so bandits are treated the same as combat loggers in that they dont log out immediately. I dont care if i ruin someones gear by shooting them up.. I have my gear...

This at least makes me have a little more worry on doing so.


Actually and to add, this gives more worry on people who do want to play as a friendly but kill anyone they see because they dont trust them.. Now if they just decide to go off killing everyone because of worry they will die themselves, again, theres a possible consequence of doing so.

Edited by cels

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Everyone needs to just stop with these posts. Yes bandits and KoS are a problem right now, but that isn't going to persist when theres more for them to do once the game progresses and is closer to being finished. But since theres not enough for players to do once they have spent their 3 hours getting to and server hopping for gear. These things will get better in time, just hold on and be patient instead of crowding the forums with something that has been posted about 40 times in the last week.

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Just to say, I dont have a problem with bandits and kos in a bad way.. I do it myself.. Theres no reason not to really, it is fun to do. I want there to be reason to make it more harder to do and i would still do it cause it makes it more intense..

If people want to kill, that will always be up to them.. You use to get a bandit skin for doing it alot, im not asking for that back..No one should know if you are friendly or not besides yourself. I want people to sit and decide if the person they just met is someone they should just kill and risk possibly being put in a negative side, Or trust and stay friendly status. Which may end up getting them shot in the back if they do trust them.. :P it may not.

Just what is there that makes killing others hard? Nothing really.. The hardest thing in this game is finding a can of food... then a can opener :P the environment is more difficult than the players. Annnd i want the environment to be harder to overcome as well(as posted above about zombies)..

All im saying is I want meaning behind the choice you make more than 'whatever just kill him' and be on our merry way. I want you to have to choose and think that if you decide to kill someone because you dont trust them, if that person was good themselves it will effect you negatively... That as well, if you are a bandit, it puts more into being a bandit then just killing til you decide to log off.. You now have to be sure where you are at is safe and no one was following you when you want to log out since it wont be immediately.

Have you guys ever played UO? There was consequences to decisions you made with your character that was awesome.. Loved being a pk back then even though death meant statloss.. Not saying though that exact system should be here..

To add there was more to this post besides this topic. Personally I liked the server hopping/ghosting idea more as well as the headshots only kills zombies.

Edited by cels

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