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So It Happened To Me (Reset)

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happened same with me many times, dude

i know how it feels
good luck to gear up your new char  :)

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Happened to all my friends. Except for me. Now i probably jinxed it.

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Server wipe bugs have happened to me 2 or 3 times now .. my least favourite is still pressing F to die if I decide to climb a ladder or go up a multi storey building and the game decides it would love to Wile Coyote me off said building or ladder.



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I have had several resets before, but I have never seen that message as displayed by the OP.


Anyway, it is after all the first hours between newspawn and looting that are the most fun in the game. Having geared up just means you are basically a walking loot pile, and, at least for me, I can feel that it kinda inhibits me regarding which risks I am willing to take, meaning less interaction and basically less fun.

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It makes me play a little less cautiously.  I would rather go down in a gun fight than survive and play super careful, only to get the dreaded reset!


I have never had that specific warning though, I normally just log in and hear those damn waves...

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Dont connect fresh startet servers which havent connected to the hive aIready.


If you spawn at beach Iog out and connect a other server.


Never Iost anything after the Iatest patch anymore without getting it back on another server...

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It won't be the last time your character gets wiped before release (in 2015?). Just grin and bear it. Gearing up is more fun anyway :). 

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