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What They Need To Fix

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I'm loving SA - the sounds, the graphics, etc. I know its an Alpha and I can handle the lack of loot, bandits, killing on sight, cans with no can openers, etc...thats all part and parcel. What I can't stand is the ability of Z's to walk through walls!! Its like there's no wall there for them. I don't mind it when I have a fireman's axe (my fav weapon) but when unarmed in a building trying to hide....nah.

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That is something that will get fixed in time, parallel to other fixes. ;) It is not a simple issue.

Also don't expect to be finding more loot as time goes by. With more items entering the game, I'd expect the good stuff to decrease. 

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I know its an Alpha



What I can't stand is the ability of Z's to walk through walls!!


So the point of this thread is?


It's a very known issue.

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im sure when they have a semi stable build they will focus on rebuilding the zombies and release a patch that will just completly change zombies and makes them properly work. If they dont... I will be one sad panda... cause the whole reason I play DayZ is for the zombie apocalypse experience

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I think there are more urgent issues than zombies walking through walls to attend to. The desync issues, for one are my biggest annoyance.

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Going first person in a building with fists out enable you to look through any walls when you walk right up to them lol! This needs to be sorted big time...

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my big issue is losing your man after a spawn for no real reason except   poor hive connection,, after spending hours collecting bags food and clothes and managing to survive in this new loot less patch, and   then poor spawn and  poof all gone in an instance, what a soul destroyer.... if there is any one thing that would stop me from playing DayZ its this problem


that needs fixing like yesterday


ho, and of course i hate hackers,,, protection ?  that needs keeping on top off

Edited by blueleader

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So the point of this thread is?


It's a very known issue.


Well I certainly didn't know which is why I raised it.


Also, I clicked report accidentally (why is report the first icon instead of quote????) which I tried to cancel. Hopefully it doesn't get reported! lol.

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yeahh.... well if you check out the patch notes it appears they are adding collision detection/pathing for zombies.


Also, I believe I read somewhere that zombies only ignore stuff at close range.  So it's not as bad as you may think.

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yeah because I have the firemans axe (LOVE this thing btw), I'm constantly running right up to Z's and chopping them...they don't seem to notice me if I'm running up to them from the side or behind which is weird.

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That is something that will get fixed in time, parallel to other fixes. ;) It is not a simple issue.

Also don't expect to be finding more loot as time goes by. With more items entering the game, I'd expect the good stuff to decrease. 

Why do I get the feeling as they introduce more zombies into the game we will encounter less and less spawn loot?

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yeahh.... well if you check out the patch notes it appears they are adding collision detection/pathing for zombies.


Also, I believe I read somewhere that zombies only ignore stuff at close range.  So it's not as bad as you may think.

I see tons of zombies lurking in the floor like Jaws 3d. One time my friend even got killed by a zombie 2 floors down. Something has to give.

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Yeah, zeds clipping through walls is the worst. Especially in a small confined area were you can't do the flank manuever on them.

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Why do I get the feeling as they introduce more zombies into the game we will encounter less and less spawn loot?


Indeed why do you get that feeling?

Once optimizations are done we will have loads of zombies and lots of junk loot. Good stuff will be rare, even more so with the dynamic loot count that can be changed across all servers. i.e they can set the presice amount of M4s spawning all over the map across all servers. Same goes for infections etc.

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