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Bash Arkin

[Suggestion] Daily/weekly Spawn Rolls

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Probably will get some hate for this because it'll make things hard. But i'd like to see all high tier equipment be set on a rotation that changes every-once in awhile, maybe not 100% drops, but sometimes NWAF will have a high rate of Mosin spawns, and then next week NEAF will, ect. This would push people in to exploring more of the map, and remove some of the current meta "Get, Check, KOS a few newspawns check, Food check, AWAF HERE I COME!?!" This could be applied to Saline, anti-botics, and the like. The kicker is i want these to be set server-side, not hive-side, making server hoping redundant. 

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OP, I agree, loot rotation would tone down a lot of the meta gaming regarding loot maps.

Edited by Lady Kyrah

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It isnt a bad idea at all mate.
Im actually for something like this, to make the loot more dynamic, instead of people knowing exactly where to go, they might end up going to a place they usually find good weapons, to find nothing but crowbars and axes :)


This is a good, but actually small way, of making the game more dynamic.

Although it wont stop server hopping at all, in fact this could make it worse, because people would get more frustrated theres no loot lol :)

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Although it wont stop server hopping at all, in fact this could make it worse, because people would get more frustrated theres no loot lol :)


 Yeah but at least It'll slow -all- of them down, i'm fine with a slower character progression, i can get kitted out in under an hour now, and i find that kind silly.

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As long as it makes sense.

Military weapons cant spawn anywhere but military locations.

Or else it just wouldn't be authentic.

You ment realistic here.


It would be plenty authentic :)

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As long as it makes sense.

Military weapons cant spawn anywhere but military locations.

Or else it just wouldn't be authentic.


I would say its debatable. More like there is a better chance to find military gear in a military area.


In real life, there are people that have plenty of military weapons in their houses. Some people have A LOT of them.

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