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If I Spawn In Solnichniy One More Time I'll Puke.

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Why do people assume that dashing to one of the airfields to get geared up before heading South for PvP is everyone's play style?


I like to sneak about and watch others from deep in the woods, only moving out into the open to loot buildings or bodies.


In my current life, I spent 2 hours slowly moving unseen from Solichniy to Guglovo via Dolina and Shakhova; checking every building. I found a pink ball cap and a hammer. 


I saw 5-6 other players during my travels, some heading West as I was, but most heading North. None appeared to have anything they didn't spawn with.


I don't want the game to be easy. I want it to be playable Lone Wolf / Wilderness Wanderer style the same way the Vanilla Mod is.

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Luckily I haven't had to respawn since they changed them so iv not experienced it yet, but from all iv read I don't see why they don't just spread the spawns out down the east coast. As someone said in another thread "the west is the new north" because of balota/new big mill base and NWA. Running has always been a big part of dayz, but ATM its not too bad. With unlimited sprint we can cross the map inside of 30mins :)

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Spawn at Solnichniy.


Jump from the silo.


Respawn at Elektro.



Problem solved. :D

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i'll give you an advice. Don't die, i swear you will never respawn at solnichniy again

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Why do people assume that dashing to one of the airfields to get geared up before heading South for PvP is everyone's play style?


I like to sneak about and watch others from deep in the woods, only moving out into the open to loot buildings or bodies.


In my current life, I spent 2 hours slowly moving unseen from Solichniy to Guglovo via Dolina and Shakhova; checking every building. I found a pink ball cap and a hammer. 


I saw 5-6 other players during my travels, some heading West as I was, but most heading North. None appeared to have anything they didn't spawn with.


I don't want the game to be easy. I want it to be playable Lone Wolf / Wilderness Wanderer style the same way the Vanilla Mod is.


So you took the newspawn highway inland to Guglovo in your "wilderness wanderer" playstyle, and you are still suprised you found no loot? 

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Pretty much, I guess.


In my defence, I hadn't really given it much thought about heading WNW from Solichniy being a Newspawn Highway now.


I'll try something different next time..

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Guys, quit being jerks to the people complaining about the legitimate and deliberate spawn location problem.

If you think that spawning should be an ordeal, then why not have us spawn in the middle of the ocean, and have to swim to shore using the sun to navigate... Oh, that doesn't add anything to the game you say???

Niether does the ridiculous 3-4 spawn points in Sol, the 3-4 spawn points in Kam. SPREAD them out.

This is a deliberate action by the developer (taking away the respawn option as well as altering spawn location). I actually wonder if they are deliberately trying to drive players away from the game, "because alpha".

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Yes, spread the spawn points out more evenly. Maybe one just north of berezino. I'm not sure if you can spawn near Balota any more. Maybe one really far north, north of Guba bay?


Having to run far is no problem at all, though. Atlest not unless you begin every new life with going to the NWAF or Balota.

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This only comes off as "whining" because whether or not it bothers solely you, I know a lot of people have similar complaints and problems and its inhibiting me from enjoying this game when I have to set aside half an hour to simply get somewhere where I can actually have fun. Not everyone can sit at their computer for 4 hours running around to the best loot or spots.  I'd like at least the ability to spawn somewhere more than the East coast.

You sir, didn't understand the game in ANY way it's not solely about loot (besides loot spawns everywhere not just in Balota/Cherno/Elektro *protip*) and you can have fun everywhere, the game is constructed around our imagination, no matter where you spawn as soon you are in game you start to write your story and when you die it's over, so when you go ahead and commit suicide you basically end the game immediatly thats not the way i prefer to play.


Players who just play this game to "running around to the best loot or spots" are just fuckwiz with no own creativity to me.


I like to spawn in Solnichiny btw it's a great place to be you have very easy access to the inland through three valleys, Msta, Dolina or you can go through Berenzino (great loot location btw) and explore the new Town that was just added to the game and there is still the NEAF somewhat near.


When you are playing DayZ you will have to invest some time to play, because DayZ is not a game about instant action (at least to me it's not) it's more about patience, surviving and the story of your character (whatever you decide it is).


What i want to say is that you destroying your game experience yourself by setting a goal wich is too hard to reach (immediatly want the most rare items, immediatly want to meet upwith person XY on the other side of the map), ofcourse it's always your decision but don't complain about how hard it is then ^^.

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You can complain about the spawns but everyone spawns on that strip, its not like dead has just gone "you see that guy there, give him a spawn he will hate" NO everyone spawns there so everyone has the same chance of survival, a balota spawn was the worst thing, because this is a survival game and people would run to balota airstrip to get an M4 before they had even gotten food. What you were saying about fun , not every game is for every person. I dont enjoy fifa, i dont find it fun so i dont play fifa.... So if you dont enjoy this game or find it fun.... GO play another game!!!!!!!!

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I think everyone needs to take a second and just calm down.  Never did I say I hated this game or it "isn't for me."


I still love this game, and I've sunk like 15 hours in this week.


I'm was just trying to argue a point to spawn in more than 4 places along the East Coast.


Everyone instantly thinks I'm ripping apart the entire game and calling it shit and everyone tells me

"It's not for you, it's an alpha, go play a different game."


No, I won't, because I still love this game and have had awesome experiences and have like 60 hours played into it, 

I'm just getting tired of spawning i the same spots.  I still find it fun, I just don't find spawning on the East coast 

everytime fun.

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I think everyone needs to take a second and just calm down.  Never did I say I hated this game or it "isn't for me."


I still love this game, and I've sunk like 15 hours in this week.


I'm was just trying to argue a point to spawn in more than 4 places along the East Coast.


Everyone instantly thinks I'm ripping apart the entire game and calling it shit and everyone tells me

"It's not for you, it's an alpha, go play a different game."


No, I won't, because I still love this game and have had awesome experiences and have like 60 hours played into it, 

I'm just getting tired of spawning i the same spots.  I still find it fun, I just don't find spawning on the East coast 

everytime fun.

Reasonable and agreed. The spawn system is going to need a lot of work, you shouldn't know exactly where you are when you spawn every time. It took away from the experience when playing the mod after a while, and it is even worse at this stage of the alpha.

Personally I'd prefer if we could spawn almost anywhere on the map, maybe the devs could set up a system where you spawn at least ten minutes away from a military loot hot spot but this map is huge, the fact that we currently only spawn in one little section of it is kind of ridiculous.

To the OP, a lot of people on the forums lose their s**t if anyone disagrees with a design choice the devs have made, they'll either go insane trying to convince you why a terrible system is secretly the best one and continue worshiping the devs as gods or they'll scream "ALPHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" at the top of their lung until they pass out. I think this thread is one of those cases.

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Personally I'd prefer if we could spawn almost anywhere on the map, maybe the devs could set up a system where you spawn at least ten minutes away from a military loot hot spot but this map is huge, the fact that we currently only spawn in one little section of it is kind of ridiculous.


The whole point to spawning is that you are supposed to be vulnerable. If you could spawn anywhere, you would be way too safe. No matter how lost you would be, you could just find the nearest road sign and bam easy money. The map is huge, you're right. That's exactly why we need to limit spawn points to a small area.

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If you're tired of spawning, try dying less.


This argument is so invalid it's insane. 

Everyone in Dayz dies, whether it be more for some and less for others.

Spawn camping is a serious problem for everyone when there are only 4-5 spawn locations.

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They should seriously add a option to bang yourself in the head with a flashing until you lose conciousness or  maybe swallow the 9v battery and die from chemical poisoning or something, because getting glitched and breaking my legs in the middle of nowhere makes me mad as hell, also spawning in the same villages and doing the same long run again is so boring i just head to a high place and jump off or find some newspawn raping bandit to kill me.

Edited by Sir Digby Chicken Caesar

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I've never had the problem of being spawn killed.  I don't really die often, but I think the main reason is.... I don't run straight into the closest town (thats probably already looted) to get a MOTORCYCLE HELMET.  The map is huge, EXPLORE IT.  Also, it is fairly easy to avoid spawn killing by not sitting still.  Try sprinting.

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I've never had the problem of being spawn killed.  I don't really die often, but I think the main reason is.... I don't run straight into the closest town (thats probably already looted) to get a MOTORCYCLE HELMET.  The map is huge, EXPLORE IT.  Also, it is fairly easy to avoid spawn killing by not sitting still.  Try sprinting.

Wow, seriously do you think the problems people have with the spawn system are all about spawn killing? Quit being so dense and actually read some posts before you start being an ass to other posters. Starting the same four places every spawn like this game is some poor quality single player RPG is stupid, it is boring as hell to make the same runs every single time you start a new life.

Almost as completely brain dead as the YOLOSWAG420 bros who do nothing but post "Lol, git gud n u don't have 2 spawn1!1."

With idiotic responses like these, I can see how every server on the DayZ mod ended up "1000+ Vehicles, DMR loadout, Self Bloodbag, CoD Style Bro!".

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Stop whining. Berezino and the NEAF are right nearby.


In the mod, Balota was pretty useless to loot, and everyone faced a run inland to the Stary tents, NWAF, and the Berezino tents if they felt like getting away from people.

 Haven't been to Berezino yet, think I might squeeze on over and check out some heads.

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