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If You Really Wanna Make Everyone Happy!

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I dont mind KOS, I dont mind glitches, bugs, dying for no reason. I effing hate the 20 minute run back into action. That is incredibly stupid for an alpha. You wanna make everyone happy, and fix a lot of complaints about things. Make more spawn points, and give new spawns an ability to pick their spawn location. This will lower KOS a lot, as with there being more spawn points, people wont be able to camp the new spawn. And for those who want to play it safe, they can spawn out in the middle of no where. For those like me that wanna get right back into the action, we can spawn outside elektro. As I said, i dont mind the KOS, bugs, glitches, and anything else. But this walk is incredibly long after dying.  Some of us have limited play time, and we dont wanna spend it running. This is only a suggestion for the alpha phase. Once the game is underway, then yes, back to the way it is now.

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Walking and scavenging to survive is what this game is about.  What you are suggesting is adding a team deathmatch.  Play a different game if you want that.  I personally love gunfights in dayZ, its the only game that gives me a thrill when im getting shot at or doing the shooting.  Being able to spawn right into that would be game breaking for me and the majority of people who play this game cause im sure they feel the same.  So no i strongly disagree,  even though the game is in alpha and can be boring at times does not give a reason to change this game into something it is not.

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You mind walking back for twenty minutes??? To get back in action???

Its not CoD... Just don't die then!

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Picking spawn points? No. That is just awful, this isn't Battlefield 3/4. Although I do agree on more spawn points do to the fact that there is so few now.

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CoD and BF4 is that way ---------->

Dayz is what it is, either accept it or move on.

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Adding spawn point in the new city or even in Krasnostav would be good. Other then that the spawn are fine. You are not suppose to die then be able to run back where you died in 5 minutes

Edited by flygamer1

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