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How long till i can hunt these little suckers and have the sweet taste of flesh in my mouth once again?







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Dean has said they are roadmapped, but he hasn't given an indication of how soon.  Almost certainly within the year though I would say, probably within 6 months.

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~1 year. stupid question stupid answer.


Thanks for that


just thought I would ask they moved like the wind in the mod but this smug little bugger moved like a meter then just sat there looking at me

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I think this is something coming soon maybe under 6 months. I think once they get fires and cooking they might let us hunt rabbits but maybe not put in the other animals. Well that's just my speculation and I am sticking to it.


Now part of the reason that hunting/adding other animals is taking its time is due to the fact that they share the same AI as zombies. Meaning that cute deer or humble boar they want to eat your face off and are really aggressive.

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