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Gentelmans way to mosin around.

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So, recently I had a whimsical story with a fellow survivor. I was checking for food in a diner up East when I got a tasty bullet from a mosin in me. Got real blurry and grey, but somehow survived it. I ran out and surrendered after bandaging, yelling i'm friendly and quite freshly spawned. So the perpetrator of the crime, apologies, and says he was hunting some bandits in this area and suspected me to be one of them (i had a backpack some clothes and an empty sawn-off I looted from a corpse). So we talk a bit, he seemed quite lost and didn't know which city we were in, which I explained to him. He also asked around for a water source, which I also tried to direct him to. Eventually, he started talking bout following him, that he'd show me something "very interesting" and I figured his friend must have recently connected or something, since he almost giggled  while saying all that and I was sure he was leading me into an ambush or worse, but played along with it, as some proper banditry is also fun, + i've yet to try out the new disinfectant flavor. However, to my surprise that was not the case. He led me to a building, where there was another guy, with the same clothing (thought this was his clan-mate at first) crouched in the corner. As I was waiting for more tasty bullets filling my stomach, he explained, that this was actually a clone glitch, and I could take whatever I needed from his clone. He even handcuffed himself =D. He had several saline iv's on him and immediately administered me one. I thanked him as much as I could and was just genuinely surprised by this moment. The guy had superb endgame stuff. A pristine mosin with all pristine attachments (haven't even seen a compensator yet), a magnum, a lot of rounds for both of the weapons and so on, canteens, cleaning kit, a second LR scope, speed-loader, etc. So this has been the biggest surprise dayz has served me yet.



So, now that I have all this gear, I'm not even sure how to proceed. After all, this is pretty much the ideal setup for banditry (i've still got suspicions that the guy might have been a bandit or even a ghoster in a good mood), but i've yet to try that out, as I prefer to be the good guy. However, i can't just run around trying to talk to people, as I'll surely get riddled, when they notice, what kind of gear I'm packing (or even without a reason). However, just as my helping friend, I want to keep being a gentleman and not just start KOSing around. So, any suggestions, how or where I could provide overwatch for newspawns, do some counter-sniping or anything else. What do you do if you happen upon a good sniping kit? How to mosin around the gentleman's way?

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Good score.  You have a Mosin, LR scope, and a compensator, which right now makes the rifle ridiculously accurate.  


If you're not already, eat until you have the "healthy" status next to your toon.  Eat everything you can find, and find a well where you can take 15-20 drinks at a time.  Eat until you're stuffed,  then do it again as soon as you are able. Once you have the healthy status, you will be able to potentially withstand more injury.  And once you're there, keep eating/drinking/refilling water whenever you can.


Totally up to you how you want to roll next. After all, "it's your story".  It would be a shame though to be shot and killed without ever having a chance to use the Mosin.  So you could sneak around, and practice your marksmanship on Z's at a distance.  Make sure to change your position after you take a few shots.


Don't get to attached to all that new gear though. Go ahead and learn the Mosin,  but also learn where it spawns. Not much stuff spawns now at the military bases and airfields since the update,  so don't worry about those locations.  If you want, check the online map and pick a destination.  Or, just explore!  You now have the advantage and ability to reach out and eliminate threats to your well-being,  so practice your stealth. 


Stay well off of roads - follow them if you must but do so 100 meters to the side,  preferably on the lower end of the elevation.  Try to stay inside treelines whenever possible.  Use the CTRL button and look around/zoom look a lot while on the move. If you're sprinting to cover large amounts of ground, stop in cover every once and a while and look around, and make sure you're not followed. Be cognizant of silhouetting yourself near tops of hills, where a distant player could see your character against backdrop of sky.


Whatever you decide to do, have fun!   And realize that even when you get killed next,  you could get most of that gear back with a minimum of fuss, if you know where to look and how to stay alive while searching.

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Yeah, I fully get all that, thanks. Still, i'm asking more on the lines how can you be a good sniper and help people out form a distance?

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I think right now the only way to help new spawns is find a hide with a clear view of the spawn points.  I'm not sure of specific points, other than trying to ensure you have decent cover and a good view of where spawns are likely to be running across. 


In the towns such as Cherno, it's a little more complicated.  It can be hard to tell the motivations of people at a distance. How do you discern whether or not they are a new spawn?  Just by their gear, or lack thereof? I suppose seeing a fully-geared player brutalizing people having little more than a beanie and a fire extinguisher would be fairly obvious...maybe some bandit hunters could chime in with some ideas here. I've haven't played that role yet, but I can see how it could be personally rewarding.


I have taken a few rooftop snipers though. One of the best things to do is when approaching a town,  ask yourself, where would I be? It's not a bad habit to carefully scan the rooftops of the tallest structures.  Depending on the town there may be no activity for long stretches,  but it sure is rewarding to grease someone you spot getting into position on a roof in Cherno.


Nothing beats that LR scope for intel gathering. In my limited experience so far with the Mosin,  that LR scope has easily been the most useful piece of equipment when I have it in my inventory.  When I have had it, I've used it far more for recon and ingress/egress decision-making than taking shots.  With no binocs yet in-game, it would be great to just be able to use the LR scope even if you didn't have a rifle on which to mount it.

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Hm, it's really not all that complicated IMO. Always hang back somewhere with a good vantage point to cover your team when they're looting, always stay a good distance behind when traveling, like a good 200m behind, so if theyre ambushed you can get to a vantage point and provide cover, and always put your back to some kind of cover. makes it harder for people sneaking up on you to see you.

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try to learn the distances and how to zero properly at the distances when you have that into your nerves the only thing is the bullet travel time try it a some zeds with such a mossin shots about 1km are no problem

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try to learn the distances and how to zero properly at the distances when you have that into your nerves the only thing is the bullet travel time try it a some zeds with such a mossin shots about 1km are no problem


From my experience, this is pretty irrelevent at the moment. My attempts with zeroing do nothing basically because I don't think there is any bullet drop yet.


Someone correct me if i'm wrong please

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i my opinion the bullet drop at the mossin starts to get reasonable at 600 to 700 meters under that you dont notice it much

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1. So you met a cheater. He was abusing the game to dupe items.

2. He gives you items for free

3. Your excited and haoot and alright with using cheats

4. You get banned for using items with duped item ID

5. Then I am happy

Edited by Animosh

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1. So you met a cheater. He was abusing the game to dupe items.

2. He gives you items for free

3. Your excited and haoot and alright with using cheats

4. You get banned for using items with duped item ID

5. Then I am happy

this is duping, not a ban-able offense...try again

more like taking advantage of the bugs the devs missed...


OP im in the same boat, minus the duping...


Im resorting to setting up a nice blind and hunting server hoppers in the airfield.

Edited by deebz1234

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Cities on the east coast are the ones most likely to contain a new spawn or kos bndit. Also elektro is a Damn mess most of the time. I usually hear gunfights on approach to elektro in 30-40 man servers... Can't recommend going unless you just want to gun fight with gun fighters. With your sniper kit and the appropriate tactics you should focus on setting up an unfair fight vs bandits.

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1. So you met a cheater. He was abusing the game to dupe items.

2. He gives you items for free

3. Your excited and haoot and alright with using cheats

4. You get banned for using items with duped item ID

5. Then I am happy

It's not like he was hacking or anything. Also, didn't seem that he did that on purpose, couldn't that have been just an accident? Since if he did that on purpose, i figure he would have had more of the best items he had and less other things. Besides, as the other guy mentioned, this should be fixed by the devs, as I don't really see a big difference of my guilt even if those items were duped on purpose.


Already did some sniping on z's from long range as well as close. Kinda fun to stir up some zombies and see them running at you after the shots if you are close. The bolt action, low ammo capacity and inventory reload make them an exciting weapon to use. Way more fun than an m4. By the way, last time I played, think i had an actual bullet count in the corner. Was that removed for all weapons on purpose or is this just a mosin thing? Becouse hearing that dry click is such a rush in a combat situation, love it.

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