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What iconic DayZ Mod moments need to be recreated in the Standalone?

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I feel like there are a lot of iconic moments people experience in the Mod that need to eventually be recreated in the Standalone.  Off the top of my head:


Firing a "dinner bell" rifle in a city and agroing every zombie to you.

The first time you approach the factory near Kamarova and crawl for 2 clicks to sneak past the zombies.

Killing and eating an entire cow to regain health.

Nearly killing yourself by driving a bicycle off a cliff.

Finding some idiot's fully-stocked hidden car.

The first time you see a helicopter overhead and it scares the crap out of you.

Accidentally trapping yourself in with dozens of zombies in an ATC tower.

Road flares.

Picking up new spawns on the coast, driving them to the middle of nowhere and robbing and/or killing them.

Axing a ghillie-suited sniper in the back of the head on Sniper Hill.

Crawling miles to a hospital to fix a broken leg.

Bandit camps

Bus tours of Chernarus.

Helicopter assault on Cherno.

Opening a Mountain Dew at Green Mountain.



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Some of these sound hilarious.  I never played the mod so Ive never experienced many of these.  Im a little worried that they wont add helicopters and planes though.

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This will be it's own game and it'll have it's own moments :D


That being said, this sounds like a good load to add to the bucket list for Dayz.


Currently on the bucket list for tonight....run north until I pass out.

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