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Awkward mouse Movement

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This has happened to me in the mod and Standalone. 

This is really hard to explain though.


 When I move my mouse around in-game it has this weird movement. After I stop moving my mouse after quick looking movements, my cursor still continues to move in that direction for a short period of time. Kind of like a smoothing effect for a cinematic.



If you don't fully understand and would still like to help me. Msg me on skype






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Mouse smothing! editable in options menu 

Edited by logan4ik
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I believe it was rocket that posted some time ago that there wouldn't be a way to currently disable mouse accel, due to arma being a simulation (the way you can't turn near objects and whatnot).


I don't have the exact post on hand, but I believe it said something along the lines of fixing the acceleration problem so that it's more user-friendly is not as simple as toggling it off (it'd harm the "feel" of the game as it were). Instead, they would have to redesign the entire input system, something which i think(??) he mentioned was in its initial stages.


So I'm afraid for now you'll have to live with it sadly. But try turn down sensitivity ingame to extremely low, and smoothing all the way down. There's also:


Some follks have felt an improvement with that. Might be worth a try.

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this sounds more like a render-ahead issue

it's not visible in most games but becomes really bad on low fps, and especially on bohemia engines


open your videocard settings and limit the "Maximum Pre-rendered Frames" on Nvidia or "Flip Queue Size" on AMD to 1 (0 is possible, but would crash some games)

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Try changing "mouseSmoothing=1;" to 0 in:




E: Nevermind apparently it is in game options. :)

Edited by K120

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