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Nasty Goat

hShit went down.

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Hey guys im here to let you know about my most traumatizing and at the same time exhilarating experience in DayZ yet.


Lets begin, I was looting this building east of Elektro when I got jumped by 5 guys fully kitted out they started screaming at me and yelling me to put my hands up. I did as they asked and personally didn't really care if they killed me since all I had was a couple sodas and a flashlight to my name. Anyways they handcuffed me and put a burlap sack over my head, (Note : This was a hard-core server so I had no idea what was going on since I couldn't go in third person).

We walked for what seemed was like an hour but more like 15 minutes or so till they told me to stop walking and not bother trying to break out of the handcuffs as they had multiple pairs.


So we stopped at a small town it was somewhere northwest on the map where I had never been too, and as we drew closer to the area where they said to stop I started to hear multiple voices in proximity chat yelling at each other and a couple called for help. They took off my burlap sack and as I looked around where we stopped I could see about 10 other survivors with their pants off. Minutes passed, when I guess one of the survivors got bored or nervous and tried to run. He was shot and I can remember as the other survivors just stilled and wondered what there were here for.


Eventually 3 guys kitted up, I think one had a mosin and the others had M4's told us why we were there, the conversation went something like this and I could obviously tell that these guys were into heavy role play.


"Welcome survivors, we have brought you here to see which one of you will join are ranks each of you will duel till there is 1 left. The winner may join us, If you try to run during the competition you will be shot or force fed disinfectant. Now we will let you go and you may begin but note you also have to fight the few remaining zombies in the fight."


So we walked out into this open field and they took of our handcuffs, the guard's ran to opposite sides of the field and another guy obviously the leader watched this all happen with guard's on either side of him. They yelled begin and everyone started punching each other, someone knocked me unconscious whilst I was punching this other survivor. They thought I was dead and a couple minutes later I woke up and 2 guys were still going at it, a black guy killed or knocked this guy unconscious and thought he had won I walked up behind him and im sad to say I killed him,  he was my first kill (Im sorry who ever this was). They started closing in on the group and dropped a crowbar at my feet. 


They then said for them to fully trust me I would have to beat every survivor to death if they were unconscious, if not I would be killed. I was about to try to run until I heard gunshots, the gaurds broke up and I assumed this was another clan competing with them. I ran to the line of trees close by and just before I turned to leave the leader saw me and said that they will track me down and finish this and then he ran away while 2 guys covered him.


This was my most favourite and least favourite experience in DayZ and I hope those guys don't find me.


-Thank you for reading if you see someone by the name of RedClash or something like BlackDust I think those were some of the gaurds.


P.S. Sorry bout the title

Edited by Nasty Goat
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