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Falling from the sky...

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I went to play on DayZ today and upon joining a server I was spawned around 20m off the ground and fell causing me to break a bone so now I my only shot is to crawl to a nearby town for the medical supplies. Where I was spawned was nowhere near where me and my friend were at when I'd left the server the previous night. Is there anything that can be done to save me from having to waste hours of my life crawling to a town like for instance resetting my character back a few hours so I could spawn back as to how I was then, any help is really appreciated, thanks.

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only way is to re spawn

I dont really want to respawn because I've got so much stuff on me and I have no clue as to where I am so I can't see me crawling to any towns.

Is there no other way?

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You won't get rolled back, and if it wasn't in the debug where you spawned.. the only options are to have someone bring you morphine or re spawn i'm afraid

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