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The one and only Anti-PVP/PvP Discussion thread! Whine/discuss here!

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Players of ANY type should not have to resort to offline meta-gaming in order to survive amicably inside the game they play. If you want to meta-game to be a bandit or whatever' date=' great, good for you. I think that's poor sportsmanship, and completely avoiding the entire point of the game, but good job. [/quote']

So recruiting on a forum, planning events and when to play around your actual REAL LIFE obligations, is poor sportsmanship? This is the kind of bullshit that gets you outed for what you really are. A bitter player that boohoo's because he keeps getting killed.

Forcing offline meta-gaming on other players is a shitty answer to a boorish question. It's not even really that legitimate' date=' either. Players liked to use side chat as an IN GAME feature. You're suggesting that players try to actively circumvent the in-game features which are meant to instill a greater sense of high-stakes immersion, because that's what everybody else does... [/quote']

What's the difference between sidechat and joining the server's teamspeak (many of which enforce friendlies-only/etc)? You're *INVENTING* a problem in order to push your actual agenda of creating PvE-only play:

PVPers who think Dayz should not -ever- have a legitimate PVE population is the problem. Dicks are the problem. PVPers are not always dicks. :)

If you want to AVOID PvP' date=' that is entirely your perogative. You're not OWED a PvP-free play experience.

To be fair, we get stupid ideas from BOTH sides of the argument. And the friction we get? It's because of people like you, man.

I'm just curious, which bandit idea was stupid? I've never once seen a bandit post an idea for a game implementation, stupid or otherwise. Why? Because there are a myriad of ideas, none of which are original, and all of which spam the fucking forums with useless shit.

You think rocket hasn't thought of adding player settlements, power grids to turn on lights at night, etc? You're not clever or useful for posting that shit.

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To be fair' date=' we get stupid ideas from BOTH sides of the argument. And the friction we get? It's because of people like you, man.[/quote']

To be fair' date=' i've never given a stupid idea, because unlike some, I wasn't born with extra chromosomes.


Stupid ideas/stupid comments. Two sides of the same coin. You don't add anything to the equation when you make comments such as "And that's why they're not welcome here." My apologies for the misrepresentation.

Do you ever wonder why these topics never die away? It's because people love to add their two cents just like everybody else. However, they will die down if nobody feeds into the trollish nature of these forums.

My way of playing the game is playing it as is' date=' I don't complain about anything other than a straight out bug. Is it wrong for thinking that this community would be a lot nicer place if more people had this mentality (i.e. did their job as alpha testers)? I've never stated that PVE doesn't belong in the game, i've never made a post stating "I GOT BAD TOUCHED BY A ZOMBIE, PLZ NERF PVE" or "I SHOT A PLAYER AND MY GUN MADE ZOMBIES WARP THROUGH THE WALL AND KILL ME, REMOVE PVE". You are putting words in my mouth, I said the casual / single player /zombie focused players don't belong here, because playing an online game for single player is fucking stupid, as stupid as complaining that this game is too hard, or that its sandbox nature is too 'sandboxy'


Likewise, I have never stated that PVP doesn't belong in the game. In fact, you'll notice, most of the -legitimate- suggestions involving PVP don't involve a cry to remove PVP, or even really "balance" it. I don't particularly see a solution for the balancing problem, as that exists within the framework of the game's engine. Obviously, a FPS made for real-life simulation, rather than arcade action, is not going to have very well defined inherent balancing mechanics.

However, PVP does not need to be the SOLE focus of this mod. And in fact, there is a very large sub-community within Dayz that do not, nor will they ever, be active PVP participants.

They would rather play the game they way they play, as you say. However, they have people like you on the forums telling them that because they don't do PVP, they don't belong here. At all.

The problem is that you seem to be lumping in anybody who has an opinion about anything that goes against yours, as the "casual" crowd who don't understand that this is a milsim and wants to make it "something else".

Also -

You are putting words in my mouth, I said the casual / single player /zombie focused players don't belong here, because playing an online game for single player is fucking stupid, as stupid as complaining that this game is too hard, or that its sandbox nature is too 'sandboxy'

I think this mod can appeal to the single player as well as the multiplayer crowd, as well. So I don't necessarily track you on that comment.

Read through the forums, and count how many players complain about PVP. Go ahead. Then get back to me on that statement.

I'd say the same thing about read through the forums, and count how many players complain about PVE. Or carebear casuals, or whatever. There are shitty suggestions, shitty statements, and shitty attitudes from both sides of the spectrum.

And finally - in regards to your statistics about how PVP isn't a big deal or whatever. Numbers can lie. Numbers games are about distortion and falsities. I'm not going to take some random numbers and take them at face value without putting any thought into it.

I'd ask, out of all of those bandits and survivors and PVEs and PVPs, what do the numbers really mean? If there's 273k survivor characters... How many of them are actually active? Out of the 50k bandits, how many of them are active? What is "active" defined as? Logging in once per week? Per day? One hour of activity in-game per day?

Those numbers don't answer a thing.

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Stupid ideas/stupid comments. Two sides of the same coin. You don't add anything to the equation when you make comments such as "And that's why they're not welcome here." My apologies for the misrepresentation.

Completely false. Even if you let the threads die' date=' some other retard will post the same exact thing the second he doesn't see it on the front page.

The problem is that people think their ideas are clever and unique. THEY ARE NOT. The reason rocket hasn't fixed this problem or added that feature is because actually coding it takes TIME.

If you've encountered some situation/bug that he might have missed, THAT WOULD MAKE YOU USEFUL.


I'd ask' date=' out of all of those bandits and survivors and PVEs and PVPs, what do the numbers really mean? If there's 273k survivor characters... How many of them are actually active? Out of the 50k bandits, how many of them are active? What is "active" defined as? Logging in once per week? Per day? One hour of activity in-game per day?


There were 91k players active within the last 24 hours. That means at *least* 41k survivors (assuming every single bandit played today, and I know my friends and I didn't). I suppose rocket could add a stat for "bandits active in the last 24 hours" vs "survivors active in the last 24 hours," but I'm pretty sure that's a waste of his time, because no one cares about this topic except for a couple of PvE junkies that can't handle facing a real opponent. (as opposed to the PvE junkies who CAN handle a real opponent, and choose to avoid other players, perhaps stalk them to study their habits, loot them if they die, etc)

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Players of ANY type should not have to resort to offline meta-gaming in order to survive amicably inside the game they play. If you want to meta-game to be a bandit or whatever' date=' great, good for you. I think that's poor sportsmanship, and completely avoiding the entire point of the game, but good job. [/quote']

So recruiting on a forum' date=' planning events and when to play around your actual REAL LIFE obligations, is poor sportsmanship? This is the kind of bullshit that gets you outed for what you really are. A bitter player that boohoo's because he keeps getting killed. [/quote']

I would say that recruiting on a forum, planning events, etc, is one thing. While utilizing ventrilo or another off-game chat program to circumvent in game direct chat, etc, while hunting players, is poor sportsmanship.

Do you disagree that going around the in-game options for chat is counter to the immersion/whatever appeal, you guys want?

What's the difference between sidechat and joining the server's teamspeak (many of which enforce friendlies-only/etc)? You're *INVENTING* a problem in order to push your actual agenda of creating PvE-only play

The difference is that sidechat is (or was) available in-game. You didn't have to download any other programs, or do anything at all. It was what the game had.

If you can't figure out the difference between joining a server and having side chat, and having a host of other programs out-of-game, being used in-game... Well..

If you want to AVOID PvP, that is entirely your perogative. You're not OWED a PvP-free play experience.

I've never demanded or felt entitled, to a PVP-free play experience.

I'm just curious, which bandit idea was stupid? I've never once seen a bandit post an idea for a game implementation, stupid or otherwise. Why? Because there are a myriad of ideas, none of which are original, and all of which spam the fucking forums with useless shit.

I'm not really sure what you're getting at with this. I've seen plenty of suggestions pro-PVP/banditry that are really bad. I'm not going to start hunting them down from various threads. They're available in various different threads, most of which are just poor troll attempts, I'm sure. A bad idea pro-banditry is just as bad as a pro-casual dumb idea. Do you disagree?

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However' date=' PVP does not need to be the SOLE focus of this mod. And in fact, there is a very large sub-community within Dayz that do not, nor will they ever, be active PVP participants.

They would rather play the game they way they play, as you say. However, they have people like you on the forums telling them that because they don't do PVP, they don't belong here. At all.

The problem is that you seem to be lumping in anybody who has an opinion about anything that goes against yours, as the "casual" crowd who don't understand that this is a milsim and wants to make it "something else".[/quote']

If they don't want to PVP, that is absolutely fine. Avoid those that do. The problem is, when they become a quote un quote 'victim' of those that will PVP, their first reaction is to complain about it. We aren't tired of those that only PVE, we are tired of those who PVE and want to push their playstyle down others throats by suggesting we somehow alter the game to discourage PVP, usually in a really half baked suggestion.

I think this mod can appeal to the single player as well as the multiplayer crowd, as well. So I don't necessarily track you on that comment.

This is akin to the people who complain about the difficulty level of solo'ing dungeons/bosses in an MMO, this game is MP and will forever be MP. Asking for singleplayer while complaining that sidechat is disabled is 10 different types of stupid

I'd say the same thing about read through the forums, and count how many players complain about PVE. Or carebear casuals, or whatever. There are shitty suggestions, shitty statements, and shitty attitudes from both sides of the spectrum.

Sure, difference is, right now you can get actively banned for those actions, whereas posting a completely fucktarded idea, you don't. And then those of us who actively speak up, are told oh just ignore them. The only complaining about PVE you hear is about the shitty AI that ArmA inherently has, or the lack of it, period.

And finally - in regards to your statistics about how PVP isn't a big deal or whatever. Numbers can lie. Numbers games are about distortion and falsities. I'm not going to take some random numbers and take them at face value without putting any thought into it.

I'd ask, out of all of those bandits and survivors and PVEs and PVPs, what do the numbers really mean? If there's 273k survivor characters... How many of them are actually active? Out of the 50k bandits, how many of them are active? What is "active" defined as? Logging in once per week? Per day? One hour of activity in-game per day?

Those numbers don't answer a thing.

How many of them are actually active? Probably a lot less. Then by that logic, a lot of those bandits aren't active, which skews that number also. No matter what, theres fewer bandits than players, no matter what leap of logic you use.

Numbers don't answer a thing, when they hurt your argument

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However' date=' PVP does not need to be the SOLE focus of this mod. And in fact, there is a very large sub-community within Dayz that do not, nor will they ever, be active PVP participants.

They would rather play the game they way they play, as you say. However, they have people like you on the forums telling them that because they don't do PVP, they don't belong here. At all.

The problem is that you seem to be lumping in anybody who has an opinion about anything that goes against yours, as the "casual" crowd who don't understand that this is a milsim and wants to make it "something else".[/quote']

If they don't want to PVP' date=' that is absolutely fine. Avoid those that do. The problem is, when they become a quote un quote 'victim' of those that will PVP, their first reaction is to complain about it. We aren't tired of those that only PVE, we are tired of those who PVE and want to push their playstyle down others throats by suggesting we somehow alter the game to discourage PVP, usually in a really half baked suggestion.[/quote']

The problem is that a lot of people are also tired of those that only PVP, and are attempting to push down -everybodies- throat, that the game should discourage anything that isn't PVP. Almost always in a really half baked suggestion.

It really goes both ways. The PVP crowd isn't angelic here. They're equally as vocal, in more often than not an entirely derogatory fashion that does not seek to compromise with anybody else at all.

The PVPers look at the casuals with disdain, and wonder why the casuals really don't appreciate what the PVPers have to say?

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I would say that recruiting on a forum' date=' planning events, etc, is one thing. While utilizing ventrilo or another off-game chat program to circumvent in game direct chat, etc, while hunting players, is poor sportsmanship.

Do you disagree that going around the in-game options for chat is counter to the immersion/whatever appeal, you guys want? [/quote']

Not only do *I* disagree, rocket disagrees, and fully supports VOIP. It is pretty much obligatory in multiplayer gaming today.

And you seem to be fine with using forums to plan events. Why are you not coordinating with other friendlies to saturate a handful of servers, so that 40 out of 50 on those specific servers would be friendlies?

I'm not really sure what you're getting at with this. I've seen plenty of suggestions pro-PVP/banditry that are really bad. I'm not going to start hunting them down from various threads. They're available in various different threads' date=' most of which are just poor troll attempts, I'm sure. A bad idea pro-banditry is just as bad as a pro-casual dumb idea. Do you disagree?[/quote']

I'm saying the idiotic suggestions are coming almost exclusively from PvE/friendly players. Please find me a single instance to the contrary -- just an IDEA would be fine, you don't have to hunt down a link. Because I honestly have not seen one.

And that is the problem; PvE players are saturating the forums with bullshit. Whether it's "wahh too many bandits" which could be solved by coordinating on forums (which you say is fine?), or "wahh they can snipe you and you can't do anything about it" which is just admitting to poor play since I fight snipers every time I play, there is always some ridiculous premise that requires their idea be implemented.

Honestly I think it comes down to them wanting a PvE game and not liking PvP (wrong game completely for them), or them wanting to put their stamp on the game leading to them pushing some arbitrary idea that they think sounds unique enough to give them credit.

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Numbers don't answer a thing' date=' when [i']they hurt your argument

I don't think they really hurt my argument. The numbers can add up to whatever we want them to mean. Giving me random numbers of survivors vs bandits, but absolutely no context for those numbers, really doesn't help any side.

I would say that recruiting on a forum' date=' planning events, etc, is one thing. While utilizing ventrilo or another off-game chat program to circumvent in game direct chat, etc, while hunting players, is poor sportsmanship.

Do you disagree that going around the in-game options for chat is counter to the immersion/whatever appeal, you guys want? [/quote']

Not only do *I* disagree, rocket disagrees, and fully supports VOIP. It is pretty much obligatory in multiplayer gaming today.

And you seem to be fine with using forums to plan events. Why are you not coordinating with other friendlies to saturate a handful of servers, so that 40 out of 50 on those specific servers would be friendlies?

I'm not really sure what you're getting at with this. I've seen plenty of suggestions pro-PVP/banditry that are really bad. I'm not going to start hunting them down from various threads. They're available in various different threads' date=' most of which are just poor troll attempts, I'm sure. A bad idea pro-banditry is just as bad as a pro-casual dumb idea. Do you disagree?[/quote']

I'm saying the idiotic suggestions are coming almost exclusively from PvE/friendly players. Please find me a single instance to the contrary -- just an IDEA would be fine, you don't have to hunt down a link. Because I honestly have not seen one.

And that is the problem; PvE players are saturating the forums with bullshit.

I tend to play either solo, or when within a group it tends to a smaller group, 2-3 players not including myself, whom are all friends of mine via real life. I don't utilize the forums to find friendlies/etc, because that's not really how I play the game. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

And again, there is nothing wrong with voice chat, or side-chat text, however -- and this is a big however, I do have a problem with it when it's used as an alternative to in-game options, and used to circumvent established in-game communications limitations.

Maybe when radios are added in or whatever, things will change. But.. I really don't see the point of having in-game radios with ranges, etc, when it is the accepted norm to just hop on Teamspeak, or Vent. Why care about finding a radio if you're already in constant communication with everyone in the server? And more to the point... What does that mean for players who do not utilize TS, etc? It puts them at a absolute disadvantage, in game, don't you think?

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It really goes both ways. The PVP crowd isn't angelic here. They're equally as vocal' date=' in more often than not an entirely derogatory fashion that does not seek to compromise with anybody else at all.


Compromise is bullshit. I can start at any extreme and land with a "compromise" that suits me. You either have a cogent argument or you don't.

Penalizing banditry because you feel too many people in the game enjoy banditry is not a strong argument.

Half the complaints I hear from PvE'ers about the "lack of friendlies" is due to a complete lack of effort on their own part. It's a case of doing nothing to get something. ie. If you throw a tantrum and do absolutely nothing to create friendly play, the problem looks bigger than it is.

Like I said, why have you not coordinated friendlies on the forums? Created a steam group? Planned which servers to play on to make them more survivor-friendly? Helped make a city for survivors?

Because DOING any of those things disproves your own argument, that you need the game sanitized by the devs into something more to your liking (ie. PvE-centric, punish your killer FOR you so you don't feel bad, etc)

I tend to play either solo' date=' or when within a group it tends to a smaller group, 2-3 players not including myself, whom are all friends of mine via real life. I don't utilize the forums to find friendlies/etc, because that's not really how I play the game. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. [/quote']

Coordinating with friendlies doesn't mean you have to play WITH them. You can simply coordinate which server you play on so that if/when you DO encounter a player, the chances of KOS are less, which I think is what you guys are after?

And again' date=' there is nothing wrong with voice chat, or side-chat text, however -- and this is a big however, I do have a problem with it when it's used as an alternative to in-game options, and used to circumvent established in-game communications limitations.


Rocket has no issue with it, it is a norm in today's gaming environment, and there is literally no way to stop it. If you're claiming only bandits use VOIP and thus you need to penalize them to make up for it, that's a weak argument; there are as many survivors using VOIP as bandits. Look at how many servers offer official teamspeaks.

Where are all of these problems you presume (aka purposely manifest) in order to push your agenda? Because I don't see them.

(Still waiting on that example of an idiotic game suggestion from a bandit)

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It really goes both ways. The PVP crowd isn't angelic here. They're equally as vocal' date=' in more often than not an entirely derogatory fashion that does not seek to compromise with anybody else at all.


Compromise is bullshit. I can start at any extreme and land with a "compromise" that suits me. You either have a cogent argument or you don't.

Penalizing banditry because you feel too many people in the game enjoy banditry is not a strong argument.

Half the complaints I hear from PvE'ers about the "lack of friendlies" is due to a complete lack of effort on their own part. It's a case of doing nothing to get something. ie. If you throw a tantrum and do absolutely nothing to create friendly play, the problem looks bigger than it is.

Like I said, why have you not coordinated friendlies on the forums? Created a steam group? Planned which servers to play on to make them more survivor-friendly? Helped make a city for survivors?

Because DOING any of those things disproves your own argument, that you need the game sanitized by the devs into something more to your liking (ie. PvE-centric, punish your killer FOR you so you don't feel bad, etc)

So compromise is bullshit, I have to play the game the way you tell me or I'm wrong, and if I don't actively search for friendlies that makes my entire point moot?

Also, what "agenda" am I pushing here? Where have I once mentioned anything in regards to penalizing banditry, or anything, to be clear. When have I mentioned anything about penalizing one play style to support a different play style?

My agenda is trying to filter through all sides of the discussion. Unfortunately, your agenda seems to be in making your viewpoint the only accepted viewpoint.

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So compromise is bullshit' date=' I have to play the game the way you tell me or I'm wrong, and if I don't actively search for friendlies that makes my entire point moot?


What is your point in the first place?

You're not even putting in 0.00000001% of the effort that most bandits have put into the game, so you have no place to complain that they're playstyle is OP.

I've seen every manner of complaint from PvE'ers, none of which are really defensible (aside from actual game exploits like d/c abuse, server hopping, hacking, etc).

If you're getting sniped, it is your fault. 100% of the time. You can see plain as day where it's possible to get sniped from, and you should keep cover and/or make sure no one's there.

If you wander up to a stranger while solo and get shot in the face, it's YOUR FAULT. Bandits use something called overwatch, you should try it some time.

If bandits are more organized, it's YOUR FAULT. Use a forum, join these guys, make an ADVANTAGE for not shooting everyone KOS.

If you don't use VOIP, it's YOUR FAULT. Not only is it an arbitrary restriction (forums, twitter, irc, etc, are okay? who made you judge?), it's impossible to enforce. If you must, just imagine everyone's equipped with radios. It's no more outlandish than magically having a bulletproof vest.

If you don't even try and make a post advertising friendlies move to server X,Y, and Z, it's YOUR FAULT. It would take zero effort to instantly shift the ratio of friendlies:bandits to something like 9:1.

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Have I mentioned being angry at snipers?

Have I mentioned being angry at random strangers that shoot me?

Have I mentioned being angry about well organized bandits? (Well, I've spoken my two cents about how I think it's not necessarily the proper course of action, but I don't think I'm particularly angry with them. Like you said, Rocket himself is fine with meta-gaming VOIP-style.)

I never said I was judge of anything. I simply stated my beliefs, my personal thoughts, that using out-of-game utilities in order to get an in-game benefit is, to ME, kind of contrary to the point of the game. I'm not saying they're hacking or should be illegal. I'm just saying that's not how I play.

I'm voicing my opinions over the current state and status of Dayz. You, however, are trying to force everyone who has a differing opinion to adopt yours or be run out of town as a leper.

And btw -- I'm not actually looking for any dumb bandit ideas. So you can probably stop trying to slip that in there to make me look bad.

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I'm voicing my opinions over the current state and status of Dayz. You' date=' however, are trying to force everyone who has a differing opinion to adopt yours or be run out of town as a leper. [/quote']

I'm not at all. If you make a valid argument about something in the game, it will help. For example, I think the loot spawns are cause for concern because players usually take what they need and leave tin cans -- eventually the majority of loot spawns are covered with nothing but tin cans, and nothing will fix it besides a server restart or some player going through picking up all the tin cans and throwing them away somewhere (hint: usually you have to wait for a server restart).

See how that works?

You're voicing your opinion with the intent of having the game changed. When you do so, you should have a valid argument -- and like I said, you crying that the game doesn't instantly feed you with friendlies all around who want to cooperate with you is not a valid argument.

1. You can coordinate as many friendlies as you like onto a single server and saturate it. Use a forum, steam group, whatever.

2. You can make/join a survivor clan that hunts bandits, and lets you approach strangers while having actual overwatch support. You walking up to a random and going "HI THERE" does not entitle you to a companion. That is just as unrealistic as the PvE'er claim that there are more homicidal maniacs in DayZ than there "would be in a real apocalypse." It's you taking advantage of the fact that you respawn, just like bandits do.

3. You can advertise a safe city for survivors to trade, join pick-up groups, share intel, etc.

4. No one cares about your anecdotal sniper that sits in cherno ruining the game for you. That sniper is how I used to get all my gear after spawning -- just walk up the ladder and cap him in the back of the head. You being bad at the game is not a valid argument for change.

And btw -- I'm not actually looking for any dumb bandit ideas. So you can probably stop trying to slip that in there to make me look bad.

You make yourself look bad by spouting random bullshit that makes no sense on closer inspection.

Yea no shit a stupid idea would be stupid whether it comes from a bandit or a survivor -- but right now the stupid ideas are coming from survivors.

I saw bandits (myself included) telling rocket "taking away makarovs would be a BAD idea" while PvE players said "YEA ROCKET IT'LL INCENTIVIZE TEAMWORK BLAH BLAH BLAH." Now I actually hear PvE players claiming bandits secretly wanted the change so they could camp the coast, and tricked everyone. Fucking seriously?

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Have I mentioned being angry at snipers?

Have I mentioned being angry at random strangers that shoot me?

Have I mentioned being angry about well organized bandits? (Well' date=' I've spoken my two cents about how I think it's not necessarily the proper course of action, but I don't think I'm particularly angry with them. Like you said, Rocket himself is fine with meta-gaming VOIP-style.)

I never said I was judge of anything. I simply stated my beliefs, my personal thoughts, that using out-of-game utilities in order to get an in-game benefit is, to ME, kind of contrary to the point of the game. I'm not saying they're hacking or should be illegal. I'm just saying that's not how I play.

I'm voicing my opinions over the current state and status of Dayz. You, however, are trying to force everyone who has a differing opinion to adopt yours or be run out of town as a leper.

And btw -- I'm not actually looking for any dumb bandit ideas. So you can probably stop trying to slip that in there to make me look bad.


With all due respect, you've been here just over a week. Come back in 2 months when you've seen the same stuff said over and over on a daily basis for that amount of time. This isn't just random aggression towards a group of people for no reason, these forums are just riddled with stupidity, and it's your viewpoint of 'just ignore it' that makes it continue to spiral out of control.

Oh and refusing to back up your argument doesn't help you, you seem to have a history of being lazy, as evident of your posts in the side-chat thread

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I'm voicing my opinions over the current state and status of Dayz. You' date=' however, are trying to force everyone who has a differing opinion to adopt yours or be run out of town as a leper. [/quote']

I'm not at all. If you make a valid argument about something in the game, it will help. For example, I think the loot spawns are cause for concern because players usually take what they need and leave tin cans -- eventually the majority of loot spawns are covered with nothing but tin cans, and nothing will fix it besides a server restart or some player going through picking up all the tin cans and throwing them away somewhere (hint: usually you have to wait for a server restart).

See how that works?

And btw -- I'm not actually looking for any dumb bandit ideas. So you can probably stop trying to slip that in there to make me look bad.

You make yourself look bad by spouting random bullshit that makes no sense on closer inspection.

Yea no shit a stupid idea would be stupid whether it comes from a bandit or a survivor -- but right now the stupid ideas are coming from survivors.

Lol' date=' I make myself look bad by stating that bandits make dumb ideas too, but don't want to go through the effort of looking for a few to post here? I'm pretty sure everybody here has seen something stupid by a bandit, just as they have by a survivor. Trying to paint the survivors as the idiots, and the bandits as the true heirs of the mod, is going to make you look stupid, too. The people who read the forums here and there are going to probably have come across some off-hand dumb suggestion or comment, too. They're not going to see me not be interested in hunting down specifics and say to themselves, "Yeah, fucking survivors can't back themselves up."

The stupid ideas are coming from everybody, man. If you can't see that. If you just want to assume survivors suck and be the end of it, that's great. Good on you.

That all said; I think there are proper places for suggestions and proper places for discussions. This is not the Suggestion section of the forum. This is a thread on the forums entitled "The one and only anti-PVP/No Bandits/COD Kiddies Thread". Do you think you're going to find the ultimate, greatest suggestion here? Or do you think you're going to find bored guys and gals kicking a can around, maybe having some good and bad ideas to spitball, all while remaining chalk full of sarcasm?

Do you see how that works?

PS -- It's really hard to take anybody seriously on here about "I'm not trying to stifle debate!", when it all comes back down to comments like "That's why they're not welcome here." and "Compromise is bullshit", lol.


Have I mentioned being angry at snipers?

Have I mentioned being angry at random strangers that shoot me?

Have I mentioned being angry about well organized bandits? (Well' date=' I've spoken my two cents about how I think it's not necessarily the proper course of action, but I don't think I'm particularly angry with them. Like you said, Rocket himself is fine with meta-gaming VOIP-style.)

I never said I was judge of anything. I simply stated my beliefs, my personal thoughts, that using out-of-game utilities in order to get an in-game benefit is, to ME, kind of contrary to the point of the game. I'm not saying they're hacking or should be illegal. I'm just saying that's not how I play.

I'm voicing my opinions over the current state and status of Dayz. You, however, are trying to force everyone who has a differing opinion to adopt yours or be run out of town as a leper.

And btw -- I'm not actually looking for any dumb bandit ideas. So you can probably stop trying to slip that in there to make me look bad.


With all due respect, you've been here just over a week. Come back in 2 months when you've seen the same stuff said over and over on a daily basis for that amount of time. This isn't just random aggression towards a group of people for no reason, these forums are just riddled with stupidity, and it's your viewpoint of 'just ignore it' that makes it continue to spiral out of control.

Oh and refusing to back up your argument doesn't help you, you seem to have a history of being lazy, as evident of your posts in the side-chat thread

What makes you think I haven't been here longer than a week? Who is making assumptions now? :)

And again, it isn't so much as refusing to back up to my argument (bandits say dumb things needs to be defended?), as much as it is not being interested to piecemeal together a few random statements from random threads in which somebody offers up a dumb banditry suggestion. Go do your own homework. Or open your eyes.

When was I lazy in the side-chat discussion, btw? :)

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I'm voicing my opinions over the current state and status of Dayz. You' date=' however, are trying to force everyone who has a differing opinion to adopt yours or be run out of town as a leper. [/quote']

I'm not at all. If you make a valid argument about something in the game, it will help. For example, I think the loot spawns are cause for concern because players usually take what they need and leave tin cans -- eventually the majority of loot spawns are covered with nothing but tin cans, and nothing will fix it besides a server restart or some player going through picking up all the tin cans and throwing them away somewhere (hint: usually you have to wait for a server restart).

See how that works?

And btw -- I'm not actually looking for any dumb bandit ideas. So you can probably stop trying to slip that in there to make me look bad.

You make yourself look bad by spouting random bullshit that makes no sense on closer inspection.

Yea no shit a stupid idea would be stupid whether it comes from a bandit or a survivor -- but right now the stupid ideas are coming from survivors.

Lol' date=' I make myself look bad by stating that bandits make dumb ideas too, but don't want to go through the effort of looking for a few to post here? I'm pretty sure everybody here has seen something stupid by a bandit, just as they have by a survivor. Trying to paint the survivors as the idiots, and the bandits as the true heirs of the mod, is going to make you look stupid, too. The people who read the forums here and there are going to probably have come across some off-hand dumb suggestion or comment, too. They're not going to see me not be interested in hunting down specifics and say to themselves, "Yeah, fucking survivors can't back themselves up."

The stupid ideas are coming from everybody, man. If you can't see that. If you just want to assume survivors suck and be the end of it, that's great. Good on you.

That all said; I think there are proper places for suggestions and proper places for discussions. This is not the Suggestion section of the forum. This is a thread on the forums entitled "The one and only anti-PVP/No Bandits/COD Kiddies Thread". Do you think you're going to find the ultimate, greatest suggestion here? Or do you think you're going to find bored guys and gals kicking a can around, maybe having some good and bad ideas to spitball, all while remaining chalk full of sarcasm?

Do you see how that works?

PS -- It's really hard to take anybody seriously on here about "I'm not trying to stifle debate!", when it all comes back down to comments like "That's why they're not welcome here." and "Compromise is bullshit", lol.


Have I mentioned being angry at snipers?

Have I mentioned being angry at random strangers that shoot me?

Have I mentioned being angry about well organized bandits? (Well' date=' I've spoken my two cents about how I think it's not necessarily the proper course of action, but I don't think I'm particularly angry with them. Like you said, Rocket himself is fine with meta-gaming VOIP-style.)

I never said I was judge of anything. I simply stated my beliefs, my personal thoughts, that using out-of-game utilities in order to get an in-game benefit is, to ME, kind of contrary to the point of the game. I'm not saying they're hacking or should be illegal. I'm just saying that's not how I play.

I'm voicing my opinions over the current state and status of Dayz. You, however, are trying to force everyone who has a differing opinion to adopt yours or be run out of town as a leper.

And btw -- I'm not actually looking for any dumb bandit ideas. So you can probably stop trying to slip that in there to make me look bad.


With all due respect, you've been here just over a week. Come back in 2 months when you've seen the same stuff said over and over on a daily basis for that amount of time. This isn't just random aggression towards a group of people for no reason, these forums are just riddled with stupidity, and it's your viewpoint of 'just ignore it' that makes it continue to spiral out of control.

Oh and refusing to back up your argument doesn't help you, you seem to have a history of being lazy, as evident of your posts in the side-chat thread

What makes you think I haven't been here longer than a week? Who is making assumptions now? :)

And again, it isn't so much as refusing to back up to my argument (bandits say dumb things needs to be defended?), as much as it is not being interested to piecemeal together a few random statements from random threads in which somebody offers up a dumb banditry suggestion. Go do your own homework. Or open your eyes.

When was I lazy in the side-chat discussion, btw? :)

When you stated you were in fact too lazy to join a voice chat server. Your registered date shows you've been here a week, that's what. And before you use the age-old "I just read a lot before I actually posted", we've heard that before too. If you have been here as long as we have, you'd be sick of the bullshit too.

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I'm voicing my opinions over the current state and status of Dayz. You' date=' however, are trying to force everyone who has a differing opinion to adopt yours or be run out of town as a leper. [/quote']

I'm not at all. If you make a valid argument about something in the game, it will help. For example, I think the loot spawns are cause for concern because players usually take what they need and leave tin cans -- eventually the majority of loot spawns are covered with nothing but tin cans, and nothing will fix it besides a server restart or some player going through picking up all the tin cans and throwing them away somewhere (hint: usually you have to wait for a server restart).

See how that works?

And btw -- I'm not actually looking for any dumb bandit ideas. So you can probably stop trying to slip that in there to make me look bad.

You make yourself look bad by spouting random bullshit that makes no sense on closer inspection.

Yea no shit a stupid idea would be stupid whether it comes from a bandit or a survivor -- but right now the stupid ideas are coming from survivors.

Lol' date=' I make myself look bad by stating that bandits make dumb ideas too, but don't want to go through the effort of looking for a few to post here? I'm pretty sure everybody here has seen something stupid by a bandit, just as they have by a survivor. Trying to paint the survivors as the idiots, and the bandits as the true heirs of the mod, is going to make you look stupid, too. The people who read the forums here and there are going to probably have come across some off-hand dumb suggestion or comment, too. They're not going to see me not be interested in hunting down specifics and say to themselves, "Yeah, fucking survivors can't back themselves up."

The stupid ideas are coming from everybody, man. If you can't see that. If you just want to assume survivors suck and be the end of it, that's great. Good on you.

That all said; I think there are proper places for suggestions and proper places for discussions. This is not the Suggestion section of the forum. This is a thread on the forums entitled "The one and only anti-PVP/No Bandits/COD Kiddies Thread". Do you think you're going to find the ultimate, greatest suggestion here? Or do you think you're going to find bored guys and gals kicking a can around, maybe having some good and bad ideas to spitball, all while remaining chalk full of sarcasm?

Do you see how that works?

PS -- It's really hard to take anybody seriously on here about "I'm not trying to stifle debate!", when it all comes back down to comments like "That's why they're not welcome here." and "Compromise is bullshit", lol.


Have I mentioned being angry at snipers?

Have I mentioned being angry at random strangers that shoot me?

Have I mentioned being angry about well organized bandits? (Well' date=' I've spoken my two cents about how I think it's not necessarily the proper course of action, but I don't think I'm particularly angry with them. Like you said, Rocket himself is fine with meta-gaming VOIP-style.)

I never said I was judge of anything. I simply stated my beliefs, my personal thoughts, that using out-of-game utilities in order to get an in-game benefit is, to ME, kind of contrary to the point of the game. I'm not saying they're hacking or should be illegal. I'm just saying that's not how I play.

I'm voicing my opinions over the current state and status of Dayz. You, however, are trying to force everyone who has a differing opinion to adopt yours or be run out of town as a leper.

And btw -- I'm not actually looking for any dumb bandit ideas. So you can probably stop trying to slip that in there to make me look bad.


With all due respect, you've been here just over a week. Come back in 2 months when you've seen the same stuff said over and over on a daily basis for that amount of time. This isn't just random aggression towards a group of people for no reason, these forums are just riddled with stupidity, and it's your viewpoint of 'just ignore it' that makes it continue to spiral out of control.

Oh and refusing to back up your argument doesn't help you, you seem to have a history of being lazy, as evident of your posts in the side-chat thread

What makes you think I haven't been here longer than a week? Who is making assumptions now? :)

And again, it isn't so much as refusing to back up to my argument (bandits say dumb things needs to be defended?), as much as it is not being interested to piecemeal together a few random statements from random threads in which somebody offers up a dumb banditry suggestion. Go do your own homework. Or open your eyes.

When was I lazy in the side-chat discussion, btw? :)

When you stated you were in fact too lazy to join a voice chat server. Your registered date shows you've been here a week, that's what. And before you use the age-old "I just read a lot before I actually posted", we've heard that before too. If you have been here as long as we have, you'd be sick of the bullshit too.

Could you please show me the quote where I said I was simply too lazy? Or, are you just trying to do a little character assassination and call me names? Or, I could show you my quote from the very first post in that thread where I say:

"Also, people have to keep in mind that some players actually prefer text communication to voice. Sure, voice is easier for handling some aspects, but some of us A) don't have microphones, or B) just aren't really that into voice communication in video games. "

Am I lazy, or do I not have a microphone/not really into voice chat with random people in video games?

Also; good touch with the "you've only been registered a week, but before you say you lurked the forums, I already know you're lying" comment. Is that what it has come down to? Guy says something you don't agree with, so you call him lazy and say he's a forum newbie? Good job, champ, you win the internet.

PS - Yes, I've been around on these forums from about early-mid April when one of my friends suggested I get Dayz, since I already own Arma2 and expansions. And I am getting tired of the people on the forums. People like you who only want to hear things that you agree with and think everybody else can shut themselves up.

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sevetron has an interesting point. You shouldn't necessarily need to use out of game methods to actually be able to make friends or form a group. Sure in game methods such as direct or maybe side chat can work, but lets be serious. It isn't really good and team speak is simply superior period. Radios can be used as a way to get into contact with someone from a distance, whistling, yell etc.

Don't give me shit about people having radios somehow being unrealistic. This game makes many concessions for gameplay. It will never be to totally realistic. Someone I played with offered a possible suggestion.

With radios you can have different types. Your standard radios in which you talk to each other on different channels and encrypted military radios in which people can't listen in on your channel.

Direct Chat isn't necessarily horrible, but the in game system of communication could use some work and radios are useful. It isn't really unrealistic since people in a post apocalyptic world simply will have working radios sometimes. Day Z in general isn't necessarily an example of realism. Its an example of how douchey people can be due to internet anonymity.

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Could you please show me the quote where I said I was simply too lazy? Or' date=' are you just trying to do a little character assassination and call me names? Or, I could show you my quote from the very first post in that thread where I say:

"Also, people have to keep in mind that some players actually prefer text communication to voice. Sure, voice is easier for handling some aspects, but some of us A) don't have microphones, or B) just aren't really that into voice communication in video games. "

Am I lazy, or do I not have a microphone/not really into voice chat with random people in video games?

Also; good touch with the "you've only been registered a week, but before you say you lurked the forums, I already know you're lying" comment. Is that what it has come down to? Guy says something you don't agree with, so you call him lazy and say he's a forum newbie? Good job, champ, you win the internet.

PS - Yes, I've been around on these forums from about early-mid April when one of my friends suggested I get Dayz, since I already own Arma2 and expansions. And I am getting tired of the people on the forums. People like you who only want to hear things that you agree with and think everybody else can shut themselves up.


No, we just don't want to hear things from people who are full of shit. You make claims that you can't even back up, when confronted with it, you just simply state you won't provide proof, and when presented with a solution to a problem, you deny it.

"And I'd rather not have to resort to taking time from game, to log into the forums, start hunting around the Survivor threads, posting my own, etc, all to find people that I would rather have an in-game chat to talk to"

^ That = lazy. You don't want to go the route of solving your problem, you just want a solution handed to you, or in this case given back to you. Side chat was terrible, and if you were using that for anything other than to give a person a server to join for VOIP, you're equally terrible. You don't want to use your voice? Then use direct chat.

The whole register date thing was only because you act like the problem isn't widespread, and personally I don't give a shit if you lurked the forums for a year, you've only been actively posting for a week, and every subject you've been involved in has been volatile. You jump into a conversation and tell someone they are wrong, what do you expect?

Yeah you're right, I only want to hear things I agree with, because of all the bullshit that flows through here on a daily basis. Unlike you, I can provide links :

http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=22300 - Add babies to DayZ

http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=23551 - Gunshots spawn zombies

http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=23074 - Sleeping

http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=22439 - Blindfolds

http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=22501 - Spray Cans

http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=23038 - Iced Tea

http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=22966 - Flatulence

And thats only from the past 24 hours, and just randomly grabbed. How many threads on the 'pvp bandit boogeyman' situation in the last couple of days? I stopped counting after 50.

My advice to you? Lurk more.

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Could you please show me the quote where I said I was simply too lazy? Or' date=' are you just trying to do a little character assassination and call me names? Or, I could show you my quote from the very first post in that thread where I say:

"Also, people have to keep in mind that some players actually prefer text communication to voice. Sure, voice is easier for handling some aspects, but some of us A) don't have microphones, or B) just aren't really that into voice communication in video games. "

Am I lazy, or do I not have a microphone/not really into voice chat with random people in video games?

Also; good touch with the "you've only been registered a week, but before you say you lurked the forums, I already know you're lying" comment. Is that what it has come down to? Guy says something you don't agree with, so you call him lazy and say he's a forum newbie? Good job, champ, you win the internet.

PS - Yes, I've been around on these forums from about early-mid April when one of my friends suggested I get Dayz, since I already own Arma2 and expansions. And I am getting tired of the people on the forums. People like you who only want to hear things that you agree with and think everybody else can shut themselves up.


No, we just don't want to hear things from people who are full of shit. You make claims that you can't even back up, when confronted with it, you just simply state you won't provide proof, and when presented with a solution to a problem, you deny it.

"And I'd rather not have to resort to taking time from game, to log into the forums, start hunting around the Survivor threads, posting my own, etc, all to find people that I would rather have an in-game chat to talk to"

^ That = lazy. You don't want to go the route of solving your problem, you just want a solution handed to you, or in this case given back to you. Side chat was terrible, and if you were using that for anything other than to give a person a server to join for VOIP, you're equally terrible. You don't want to use your voice? Then use direct chat.

The whole register date thing was only because you act like the problem isn't widespread, and personally I don't give a shit if you lurked the forums for a year, you've only been actively posting for a week, and every subject you've been involved in has been volatile. You jump into a conversation and tell someone they are wrong, what do you expect?

Yeah you're right, I only want to hear things I agree with, because of all the bullshit that flows through here on a daily basis. Unlike you, I can provide links :

http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=22300 - Add babies to DayZ

http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=23551 - Gunshots spawn zombies

http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=23074 - Sleeping

http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=22439 - Blindfolds

http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=22501 - Spray Cans

http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=23038 - Iced Tea

http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=22966 - Flatulence

And thats only from the past 24 hours, and just randomly grabbed. How many threads on the 'pvp bandit boogeyman' situation in the last couple of days? I stopped counting after 50.

My advice to you? Lurk more.

Your example of my being lazy is more of an example, I think, of me not wanting to have to jump through hoops off-line for something that doesn't even necessarily do what I would like it to do. Direct text? With the range of like 20 meters? You're talking about a solution that is simply an extension of the problem I'm trying to address.

This is like, only the second time I've even jumped into a conversation at all, and the previous (the side chat discussion) was entirely me trying to tell people there are optional ways to handle this without disenfranchising any core group of players. Shame on me.

As for the links... I -know- the stupid shit people are saying. What exactly is your intention with throwing in my face more examples (that, shame on me again, I didn't really want to dig around to re-post) that only further fuel my point of view that things here are far, far too divisive than they need to be.

Here we go: If you don't want stupid shit to be flowing on the forums, stop biting. Stop taking the bait, stop feeding into the poor suggestions by making responses trying to call them out or egg them on? (PS - I use the term 'you' loosely. Not necessarily you in particular. I don't know your thread hopping habits.)That's the only reason shitty things keep popping back up. People want to invest themselves in flame wars. People want to troll the forums here the same way they troll forums everywhere else. Don't buy into it and it'll eventually dissipate.

But where's the fun in that? You wouldn't be able to continue rattling your sabre.

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The difference's are just based on the play-style.

PvE gameplay very rarely negatively impacts PvP gameplay much, indeed it gives more targets so PvP people really don't want a non-PvP option or separation. The inverse is often not true, so there will always be friction. This is why virtually all games have some degree of limits on PvP because they want to retain the maximum number of players. That may not be an issue here, since it's effectively non-commercial.

PvP players are competitive and realise a strong group makes winning a conflict *much* more likely and thus have an extremely strong incentive to group. That's why Goonswarm's coalition in Eve is something like 8,000 people strong. PvE players are fighting AI opponents that have a known challenge, generally aimed at the solo player, and thus a much weaker incentive to pre-form groups.

Both sides will try to influence Rocket to favor their game-style with forum posts. The PvP players pretty much defending the status-quo at the moment since it favors them. What actually happens is pretty much 100% up to the developers, and won't happen quickly in any case. Building game content that didn't come in the Arma-II box is going to take months.

And if we're going to argue realism a blood transfusion and a couple of bandages doesn't cure multiple gunshot wounds, anyone up for several weeks of your character being incapacitated after a shoot-out? Of course not, because realism has to take a back seat to gameplay.

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The difference's are just based on the play-style.

PvE gameplay very rarely negatively impacts PvP gameplay much' date=' indeed it gives more targets so PvP people really don't want a non-PvP option or separation. The inverse is often not true, so there will always be friction. This is why virtually all games have some degree of limits on PvP because they want to retain the maximum number of players. That may not be an issue here, since it's effectively non-commercial.

PvP players are competitive and realise a strong group makes winning a conflict *much* more likely and thus have an extremely strong incentive to group. That's why Goonswarm's coalition in Eve is something like 8,000 people strong. PvE players are fighting AI opponents that have a known challenge, generally aimed at the solo player, and thus a much weaker incentive to pre-form groups.

Both sides will try to influence Rocket to favor their game-style with forum posts. The PvP players pretty much defending the status-quo at the moment since it favors them. What actually happens is pretty much 100% up to the developers, and won't happen quickly in any case. Building game content that didn't come in the Arma-II box is going to take months.

And if we're going to argue realism a blood transfusion and a couple of bandages doesn't cure multiple gunshot wounds, anyone up for several weeks of your character being incapacitated after a shoot-out? Of course not, because realism has to take a back seat to gameplay.


I completely agree. Unfortunately, however, both sides are pretty much spitting venom at each other right now in a very knee-jerk reactionary way, with the PVP-sided players not even really wanting the status quo. What they want is to introduce even tighter measures, which will further disenfranchise an entire core, loyal group of Dayz players. (Those who do not PVP actively)

It really seems to me that these (PVPer) people do not want to coexist at all with anybody who does not take up that flag. They want to see us stricken from the record books forever, and why? Because we don't play in the sandbox the same way.

At the end of the day, really, PVE does not have to mean anti-PVP. And these titles alone, PVP, PVE, hardcore, casual, all of them, they're just given negative context for meaning and used to put people down in such a ridiculous manner.

The moment they realize we're all part of the same community, and should be given a modicum of respect, even in dissenting opinions, things will get better. Unfortunately again, I don't see that happening any time soon.

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They're not really the same though. Someone who is here primarily for another PK notch on his rifle will see the game completely differently from someone who dreams of sneaking around zombies to steal their beans. They have different goals, probably don't even understand what the other gets out of it, and their play-style can be enhanced or degraded as the game rules change.

Since the game is young, and the rules will change (but no one really knows how) the lobbying is intense.

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The difference's are just based on the play-style.

PvE gameplay very rarely negatively impacts PvP gameplay much' date=' indeed it gives more targets so PvP people really don't want a non-PvP option or separation. The inverse is often not true, so there will always be friction. This is why virtually all games have some degree of limits on PvP because they want to retain the maximum number of players. That may not be an issue here, since it's effectively non-commercial.

PvP players are competitive and realise a strong group makes winning a conflict *much* more likely and thus have an extremely strong incentive to group. That's why Goonswarm's coalition in Eve is something like 8,000 people strong. PvE players are fighting AI opponents that have a known challenge, generally aimed at the solo player, and thus a much weaker incentive to pre-form groups.

Both sides will try to influence Rocket to favor their game-style with forum posts. The PvP players pretty much defending the status-quo at the moment since it favors them. What actually happens is pretty much 100% up to the developers, and won't happen quickly in any case. Building game content that didn't come in the Arma-II box is going to take months.

And if we're going to argue realism a blood transfusion and a couple of bandages doesn't cure multiple gunshot wounds, anyone up for several weeks of your character being incapacitated after a shoot-out? Of course not, because realism has to take a back seat to gameplay.


I completely agree. Unfortunately, however, both sides are pretty much spitting venom at each other right now in a very knee-jerk reactionary way, with the PVP-sided players not even really wanting the status quo. What they want is to introduce even tighter measures, which will further disenfranchise an entire core, loyal group of Dayz players. (Those who do not PVP actively)

It really seems to me that these (PVPer) people do not want to coexist at all with anybody who does not take up that flag. They want to see us stricken from the record books forever, and why? Because we don't play in the sandbox the same way.

At the end of the day, really, PVE does not have to mean anti-PVP. And these titles alone, PVP, PVE, hardcore, casual, all of them, they're just given negative context for meaning and used to put people down in such a ridiculous manner.

The moment they realize we're all part of the same community, and should be given a modicum of respect, even in dissenting opinions, things will get better. Unfortunately again, I don't see that happening any time soon.

Again, the problem is not that you want to PVE, and the problem is not that you want to PVP, it's when you want to PVE, get PVP'ed and end up complaining that the game is somehow flawed and needs to be changed so that PVP is harder/less frequent/etc.

There's plenty of legitimate concerns out there, along with plenty of good suggestions, they are just being buried underneath the filth of the people who don't "get it". PVE itself isn't bad, i'd personally love to see some of the elements people suggest added in, I personally can't wait until he adds in the generators and power grids, and my favorite patch was the one that had the zombie spawn glitch where you had sometimes 1k-2k zombies on a server at a time. But pure PVE players tend to want elements in the game stifled or taken away, whereas PVP players tend to want things added, this is where the tension comes from.

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Get rid of tents. If there's no way for people to save gear, they'll be a lot more careful, and a lot less inclined to get in to dangerous situations, ie: attacking other players willy-nilly).

Also, there needs to be some way of making a player potentially more valuable than the contents of their backpack. I don't know how you go about emphasising that, but it would greatly help.

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