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The one and only Anti-PVP/PvP Discussion thread! Whine/discuss here!

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Last two days I played I was allways killed by some player. People tend to attack on sight even when I posses no threat to them, I dont aim at them, I dont even see them before I hear first shots fired. No previous warning, no greeting either in chat or voice. I think the main reason is that every living player has a lot more valuable gear that one can find anywhere. The virtual life without gear held has no value and death player means no danger to the one who killed him. Many things in this great game need thinking and decision making depending on situaiton. Unfortunately P v P encounters on the other hand are simple - KILL ON SIGHT is the only rule that actualy makes sense. Removing weapon at the start has no impact on this IMHO.

Only thing that I found reasonable is to report in global chat every badit that kills me (position on the map and weapon that he used).

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Maybe have it so that the really good high humanity players get a radio given to them that broadcasts bandit areas.So now its worth it to not be a bandit and you can then go on hunting sprees if broadcasts are near your area.

Then how about for players with high humanity' date=' they emit light and have doves that follow them around wherever they go? Rocket has stated he will not tilt the scales in favor of one side, so I don't know why these suggestions keep coming up.


Wait WHAT??? Right now bandits camp and take down people surviving.Giving good players the town location where bandits are spotted via a message is tilting the scales?Its more even now.Now bandits muust watch their backs if they camp too long.

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Maybe have it so that the really good high humanity players get a radio given to them that broadcasts bandit areas.So now its worth it to not be a bandit and you can then go on hunting sprees if broadcasts are near your area.

Then how about for players with high humanity' date=' they emit light and have doves that follow them around wherever they go? Rocket has stated he will not tilt the scales in favor of one side, so I don't know why these suggestions keep coming up.


Wait WHAT??? Right now bandits camp and take down people surviving.Giving good players the town location where bandits are spotted via a message is tilting the scales?Its more even now.Now bandits muust watch their backs if they camp too long.

Bandits already have to watch their back, ANY player has to watch their back regardless of their playstyle

There's just too many variables to consider whether or not a person would be succeptable to this kind of psychosis' date=' a natural serial killer would probably be no different in practice than a normal person, his mind would be conditioned to that sort of thing.


True, but the game already makes generalizations about character physique and skill level (everyone can set a broken bone, repair a car, etc.). Making the same kind of generalization about character mental state isn't that much of a stretch, in my opinion. Plus, "natural serial killers" are rare enough IRL that I don't think they need special consideration.

I kind of like this idea, Logan. Ironically, it might make the bandit/murderer play style MORE fun and intense, as it adds an additional level of stress and paranoia. I'm not sure how much of an effect on the amount of PVP it would have, though, although maybe you don't mean it to. The effect might be too subtle. Not sure.

I already have moments where I think I hear gunfire and I don't, or I think I hear someone climbing a ladder or walking on a certain surface. The ambient sounds of this game will already mess with you enough. If you're gonna add to one side of the scale you gotta add to the other to even it out, make bandits paranoid, then you gotta make survivors oblivious, and they think the gunshots they hear are birds chirping.

See how that works?

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Encourage teamwork..... like.... you do know that.... there are alot of bandit clans and groups.... and most groups you encounter are bandits. So..... punishing bandits is the awnser...

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Maybe have it so that the really good high humanity players get a radio given to them that broadcasts bandit areas.So now its worth it to not be a bandit and you can then go on hunting sprees if broadcasts are near your area.

Then how about for players with high humanity' date=' they emit light and have doves that follow them around wherever they go? Rocket has stated he will not tilt the scales in favor of one side, so I don't know why these suggestions keep coming up.


Wait WHAT??? Right now bandits camp and take down people surviving.Giving good players the town location where bandits are spotted via a message is tilting the scales?Its more even now.Now bandits muust watch their backs if they camp too long.

Bandits already have to watch their back, ANY player has to watch their back regardless of their playstyle

I don't think your getting my point.A bandit will find a nice cozy spot and wait while survivors run around gathering loot to survive.They attack/wait/attack/wait.But survivors should get tips so they can fight back this murderous practice.:P You get a radio and suddenly you see "bandit spotted in Quagalama".If its close you now can decide if you wanna pay back the bitches with their own medicine.....being hunted.

No way should they get rid of PVP as it just adds to the new fucked up world feel.BUT even the playing field by allowing good people to actually fight back....and with no bandit skins needed.Just enter the area and watch and wait for the little boogers to pop their heads up.Maybe even spawn top vigilantes with killer skins and NVG!! LOL Just think of the possibilities.Helicopters/radios/vigilante squads..........

Dont punish bandits artifcialy but instead encourage vigilantism.

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Maybe have it so that the really good high humanity players get a radio given to them that broadcasts bandit areas.So now its worth it to not be a bandit and you can then go on hunting sprees if broadcasts are near your area.

Then how about for players with high humanity' date=' they emit light and have doves that follow them around wherever they go? Rocket has stated he will not tilt the scales in favor of one side, so I don't know why these suggestions keep coming up.


Wait WHAT??? Right now bandits camp and take down people surviving.Giving good players the town location where bandits are spotted via a message is tilting the scales?Its more even now.Now bandits muust watch their backs if they camp too long.

Bandits already have to watch their back, ANY player has to watch their back regardless of their playstyle

I don't think your getting my point.A bandit will find a nice cozy spot and wait while survivors run around gathering loot to survive.They attack/wait/attack/wait.But survivors should get tips so they can fight back this murderous practice.:P You get a radio and suddenly you see "bandit spotted in Quagalama".If its close you now can decide if you wanna pay back the bitches with their own medicine.....being hunted.

No way should they get rid of PVP as it just adds to the new fucked up world feel.BUT even the playing field by allowing good people to actually fight back....and with no bandit skins needed.Just enter the area and watch and wait for the little boogers to pop their heads up.Maybe even spawn top vigilantes with killer skins and NVG!! LOL Just think of the possibilities.Helicopters/radios/vigilante squads..........

Dont punish bandits artifcialy but instead encourage vigilantism.

But we don't need a feature like that, its the sound of gunshots, watching for aggro'ed zombies, and other little things that common sense helps with that will tell you if someone is around or not. As a bandit myself, I never have just a carefree moment when i'm relaxed, I always have to anticipate the flank, or some asshat spawning in behind me.

In short, theres alot of things in the game that will already help you if you take the time to notice them.

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I don't really think that dividing people into camps of 'bandits', 'non-bandits' and what not will get you anywhere. I can understand the frustration when you get killed after walking half-dead from Kamenka to Chernarus in search of blood and morphine (trust me on that one, lol, it was my first time and a three hour trek), but all in all I think that if you really want to have a cooperative envoirment without PvP then it either needs to be player enforced within the server or just having servers where the admins enforce PvE only activity.

In EVE Online we had the same discussions, "pirates" and "carebears" had threads (many heated) where they blamed each other for hampering the growth of the game or actually ruining it. The truth of the matter is that both "sides" contributed towards the growth and not in any "pure" fashion (i.e. you can PvP and not be a jerk and you can PvE without being a "carebear".). The point is that no good will come from labeling each other and adding attributes to each other that will put your ability to talk to each other at a disadvantage. You will have to face the fact that it's people that kill each other, help each other and what not, people don't butcher each other mercilessly at first possibility simply because they are jerks (same guy shot and saved me today). I've seen the posts that people had a lot more ease of cooperation before the side chat was removed and maybe that's the actual reason to why some people shoot on sight first now, and that's actually quite understandable (it's a paranoia generating game). But if that's the main case for this current PvP surge then leave it at that, it's a surge and as the alpha continues to develope I am sure that the game will continue in a direction that is benefical to all players and that's exactly the benefit of a sandbox - it allows all kinds of players to flourish and enjoy the game and I do not believe that punishing a percieved group will aid the game's growth, rather hamper it. At the end of the day that's what it is - a game. Don't hate on real people over pixels.

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great post johan. angry carebears calling PvP players cod kiddies, speaks more of their own character, then of the people they try to insult. dayz is not a forced PvE coop game. get that in your head carebears :)

see i can call people names as well, though im doing it without any frustration and wholy lightheartedly ;)

enjoy the game everyone, and don't get ulcers because someone likes to PvP and you don't.

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Dividing people into camps is valid because people *are* divided into camps by their game-style focus. The person focused on "I'm a zombie survivor!" is much more likely to be looking for co-operation, rebuilding, gathering supplies with others. The person focused on "group based PvP" has an almost entirely different focus.

The problem is they're on the same map, their gameplay styles will collide and one of them is far more likely to be back at the coast wondering what happened and why people are so hostile. It is not realistic but there needs to be some mechanism to warn the first player that those guys over there aren't going to be interested in roleplaying a scavenger hunt, so that the advantage of co-operative play which is group play happens more in-game with the survivor players (The good PvP teams are going to be grouped, because it's a huge advantage to their play-style). That also allows PK, anti-PK battles so that co-operative "we hunt the hunters" conflicts can happen.

The current "heartbeat" mechanism is hilariously useless for this purpose. Which could be taken as an indication Rocket wants the PK groups as "hunters" providing the threat in the game. Which is fine, but people will realise the game is not really a zombie game after the first couple of hours.

The game would also really gain from a structured progression such that PvP hotspots aren't right next to new player spawns and that increases in environmental or zombie difficulty don't freeze out the new player and scale as they gear up. But I assume rocket knows that.

Eve, from the example above, does this through group reputation. If you see another player you know if his clan is hostile to your clan (allowing for politics), you know if he's a PK and there are policed safe zones for new players. Though a lot of that depends on having thousands of people on one server.

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Fair enough' date=' but whos to say bandits would band together and loot & pillage the outskirts of the towns that these survivors call home?[/quote']

Read what I said above. It is not a viable long term strategy. Survivors will band together and their return fire will chip away at the bandit group. Survivors will group up into larger and larger groups until the bandits are living a life worse off than the survivors.

I feel that people are severely overestimating the good will of mankind.

It has absolutely nothing to do with goodwill and everything to do with perusing their own self interest. Wolves in a pack often do not like each other, yet continue to work together because it is in their best interest to do so. A lone wolf is a dead wolf. The same is true with humans. The best way to interact with your fellow humans is the way that doesn't get you shot at, that way is voluntary exchange.

Also what you describe exists ingame, i've had several times where i've been out with a 2-man team, and found myself hiding in a bush and refusing to engage a group of heavily armed survivors, just because you're a bandit doesn't mean you're stupid.

Not to the degree it needs to be to make the game work as a zombie survivor game and not a COD-mod. I am seriously concerned with the path DayZ is taking. I may not have all the solutions, but I do recognize that there is a problem. Perhaps these issues will be resolved, I hope they are.

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I just want to know why it seems everyone who is being an asshat (subjective) in game is immediately labelled a "COD" player . . . .

Is this community made up of nothing but bitter nubs who got pwned in COD all the time ? and all they have left is to make posts claiming that any "bad element" in any game they are playing must be "COD player" etc . . . . .

It seems far more "childish" than the behaviour of the ones they are pointing the finger at.

I play COD, and I'm pretty good at it too, I also play CSS, BF3, and now DayZ, and my main objective is simply to survive, the group I play with, all are from my COD clan, and they too wish only to survive.

Is it ok for us, those who play COD, to say that all the bandits and exploiter type players must be from the old "Arma II kiddies" group ?

Why ? - No idea, could be any group.

How about we look at it like this : DayZ is a "new" mod , those playing this mod are coming from all kinds of different games, regardless of if it's COD, or Bejeweled, they are here and they are playing whatever way they like.

Labelling one particular group as the ones who are the "problem" is completely unproductive and only causes friction in a community that is only really just starting out, and could probably do without the division.

Yes the bandits are annoying, especially the ones who camp at known spawn locations, but the thing is, every FPS has this, not one single FPS game has ever been made where one group does not exploit the "noobs" or take advantage through less than "honourable" means.

Does this mean you have to join them ? IMO - no, but it seems to be what is occuring, most people now shoot on sight.

So really your becoming the thing you hated and felt the need to call others names for. . . .

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Kageru: I agree fully with your EVE analogy, hence what I meant with the side chat example (Dayz being in alpha and not finalized). I merely wished to point out that the frustration that is building up group-wise should be managed carefully as to not divide the community. With the side chat currently gone and (hopefully replaced with something better in the future) we will have to make due with something different for now, i.e. using the forums to determine pre-hand who we can play with (make groups).

As for PvP hotspots a suggestion was made in another thread to have people spawn in the center area, not along the coast due to the major points of interest being on the coast which, to me, sounded like a good idea.

All in all I feel that safety from bandits need to be player driven and that tools that allow players to create this safety (i.e. society creation or what not) is the key to giving players opposing banditry the ability to play the game their way which will also introduce new challenges and "endgame" goals to more people.

I guess that the central issue is where you put your foot down as the different playstyles end up being hard to mix, i.e. systems to cater to people desiring pure PvE risk harming the playstyle of people who prefer a simulator-esque game (i.e. side chat harming their immersion) or lone gunmen shutting people out of major cities where most of the hospitals are centered. I think that's also why it is important that people of the different playstyles discuss how to shape the game into a more pleasurable experience together, rather than argue with each other, even though this can certainly be difficult in the "heat of the moment" and that is more or less the central point I wanted to lift out into the discussion: unity not division.

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I'm coming to this thread late and wasn't able to read the entire thread. I did want to share some thoughts on what I think the potential issues are and how I feel they could be solved.

The concept of Bandit and Survivor is very fluid in the reality of the game. Very rare you have players that are 100% Bandit or Survivor all of the time.

For example when you spawn you have no offensive output so you're 100% survivor.

When you get a handgun or lower tier weapon you may shoot at other armed Humans but you're not going out of your way to hunt Survivors, which to some make you a Bandit but most players would argue its what they need to do to survive. I feel its at this stage of the game (where most players can get to quite quickly) is where we're seeing this explosion in 'Bandits/PvP is over the top' feeling.

Finally what I would consider true Bandits are the guys/girls that have advanced gear (NVGs, Sniper Rifles etc.) and go hunting for other players as they don't have much else to do.

I would say you need to adjust the balance of the game in the following areas:

* Make it easier in the early game for people to meet up/group (build that Teamwork element BEFORE people are armed)

* Adjust the timing of when Players should enter larger cities such as Cherno and Elecktro

* Add additional mechanics to Medium/Late game so that multiple people are needed to Survive.

I feel if you can offer incentives to players that a (small) group is better than being solo always then you'll start to build balance around the feeling of *Factions* of Humans banding together vs the Zombies and other Human Factions.

I'll explain in more detail below.

*Early Game/Spawning*

So once two armed people meet its over. The chances to build trust are so remote its just easier to take the other person out. What if a system was implemented to select your spawn point. While I like the vibe of spawning in a random location but with out of game maps and people respawning over and over to hit the spawn they want, I feel the meta game would be better served with a different dynamic.

What I imagined is a list (not a map!) of all the available spawn points and all the players in the spawn area (or have the spawn selected but have yet to click through to spawn). Any armed player or bandit in the area show up in the list of players in red with a warning in the UI.

Players are then encouraged to spawn together (spawning with extra gear perhaps?) and that trust can be built by playing the game together, watching each others backs and experiencing the game in a small group. So yes now we've moved from Solo players being killed by just as many solo players to have at least bands of 2-4 people roaming around (group play and larger more tactical firefights, yay!)

Sure some people will just run off, others will betray at a later stage but at least it opens up more opportunities for 'spawn brothers' to at least form up per life.

*Early to Mid game transition and Cherno/Elecktro*

With either of the two large cities being close to the majority of spawn points it has produced an interesting dynamic and most experienced players will do runs on the Hospitals, if not the Supermarket and Fire stations to initially gear up. New/Green Players will get caught up in the cross fire of Part-Time Bandits and other players who are just trying to gear up quickly. As well as more advanced Full-Time Bandits who have come back south to hunt and/or quickly gather medical and food supplies.

While this may be controversial I would adjust the spawn positions, I would have the progression of the game be East to West rather than South to North. This would put Cherno/Elecktro behind one or two towns (if you spawned on the South East of the coast). Yes this would need a loot re-balance and sure Berenzino could become the next Cherno but at least players would have more choice in terms of pathing they could go and may have some gear to defend themselves with by the time they hit the larger cities.

*More Group activities in the Mid/End Game*

So once a player has gathered good gear, maybe a tent, repaired some vehicles then the level of progression abruptly ends. While this is a game of having great stories to tell the only way to make your own content is really to keep personally challenging yourself/group. There is no better way to do this than to hunt and kill other players. Though as Gamers we all (mostly) play to win, so you've spent a lot of time building a character, so why lose all of that by hunting other heavily armed players. Which is where the full-time Bandits come into play.

While this is still Alpha I wouldn't expect to see this soon but I feel the more large scale/group objectives could be added to the game. Especially objectives that could influence the world at a server (or even hive) level or be competitive across the hive.

As an example of a lower tier 'end-game goal' what if Power Stations could be repaired, it would require a lot of materials to be gathered, Toolboxes, small group of players working on a few objects at the same time to bring power back online. Then power could be controlled to certain cities (or other parts of the grid could require restoration) and players would have a common goal to work towards. Factions could try owning or even destroying the newly repaired power station/grid.

What about certain areas of the map becoming end game raiding zones. Perhaps one of the airfields could spawn a high volume of zombies when players enter the surrounding area. Too many for a small group to take out but perhaps a group of ~15 with awesome loots inside (also make it impossible to be saved inside that area so if anyone tries to server hop they'll be kicked out of the zone).

Finally as a controversial idea what about the idea of escape. Have a goal to repair a Helicopter and fly it off the south/east end of the map (Perhaps use the Aircraft Carrier to land on?) players are scored with certain multipliers for number of fellow players rescued at the same time, gear collected/saved against their character, Time spent alive, distance traveled, number of zombie kills and a negative score for Murders as well as number of Bandits in the group.

Then after rescue the player is reset, anything stored against the character (if possible vehicles/tens as well) would be despawned and be added to the final score. The player is then dropped back as a newbie along the coast. The score is then saved to a leaderboard (along with server names to help promote community, so you can have local as well as hive wide heroes!)

Now on that last suggestion I bet a few of you are thinking 'This is about surviving, I can go play Left4Dead if I want to shoot zombies and escape'. I understand that but the idea of leaving the area and despawning all the collective items/gear offers item deflation. Right now the 1% (aka Full-Time Bandits) are gathering more and more gear while shooting/using said gear way less. Some people are just focused on collecting/farming gear. Without any mechanics to take items out of the game then 'haves' are relatively getting way more powerful than the 'have-nots'. To offer an incentive to leave and give up your game, while still maintaining a strategic timing element in terms of scoring, leave too early and score too low or stay too long and get killed/lose everything.

Also scoring by leaving would always be optional, if you wanted to stay and help friends or keep that Helicopter then by all means this doesn't impact you in any way (other than people hunting those Choppers for themselves).

Edit: I also broke this out into it's own thread in case anyone wanted to discuss in more detail and iterate on some of the ideas raised: http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=21920

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Yesterday in Cherno on US 18 where 3 a 4 groups of players who sits on building and just snipe all other players in the surroundings. Because you spawn near cherno as new player you must go into te city to get some supplies to move on. Also a lot of buildings were wired. I'm killed 2 times from a distance. No fun, but ok.

The problem is that new-players will find another game fast this way. The community will last only hardcore players who knows the spots in the game and kill all other players. On the long term only these players will remain and the mod bleed to death. I know, alpha/alpha/alpha... but this has nothing to do with alpha, cause there are already a lot of gamers.

I think this problem will only be resolved if players know eachother as 'good' or 'evil' and can group-up together to kill those 'bandits'. Without something like this, everyone is killing eachother, because everyone thinks everyone is a bandit. Oke, the 'heartbeat', never hearth one...

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Heartbeat is 15 meter range in a game where hostilities commence long before that, it's meaningless.

1 million murders and one in 5 players having the bandit tag. I suspect the fade in interest will be quite swift when players realise the game is a hard core PvP/PK game with some odd looking agressive wild-life. Which is good, because most of the PR paints a false picture of the actual game.

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I don't think Rocket have the intentions to be it this way. I hope he knows the actual popularity in this mod lies in the new zombie-land. I hope if new players join and they get killed faster by other players then by zombies that they still like the game. Zombies are strong and don't must be stronger, but it must be harder to be a bandit in the way other players should see who is a bandit (and not within 20m).

I saw groups with 2 snipers in the hills and 2 in the city to spot the players. They working together to get the most player-kills. Maby they must play battlefield3 or something, where is the fun in that? If Rocket have the intentions it should be it this way, i say no word, but i hope he will solve this issue. Maby just bring back outfit-switching? It's Alpha, when there is a better system he could replace it always. Better a system then no system, for the short-term it is a good solution i think.

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Rockets intentions don't really matter. Most of the recent changes have made ad-hoc co-operation more difficult and making you more PvP vulnerable while there is absolutely zero incentive against PK and potent incentives (it's fun, safer and free loot). When it's also the only viable end-game and most of the mechanics are about shooting people with serious military weaponry (you don't need NVG, Ghillie suit and sniper rifles for zombies!).

The outcome was obvious. Especially to the many who cheered him on because it suits their play style.

And that, actually, is fine. The only issue is people with expectations of the gameplay revolving around zombies when it doesn't really. If Rocket clearly stated "The endgame is about squad PvP, with zombies in the background", all good, If he said "it will be about zombies, but for now it's mostly PvP" all good. But the interviews and media are all about zombies and those first 6-12 hours of being an innocent noob (which is honestly good if you don't get PK'd).

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From the last few posts I determine to solve or balance the who shoot first is...

How can you make a player an asset to a group of players.

If your in a group/ team of players who know each other, what would the player you bump into need to contribute or what can this player provide which will be more valuable to your team then killing him and looting the body.

That is the question that needs answering. If you can answer this then you will know how to cut down on random killings and make it fun for unknown players to meet and work with each other. (hint the answer is not larger numbers for defense from others)

See if anyone here can answer it,

I challenge you all to find the answer to this.

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Ok the whole server hopping get good loot come back to server kill newbs thing, while valid because game mechanics currently support it, could be curbed with a simple solution. Make items server dependent. Every time to "server hop", on the new server you start out, well new. in other words, you can't take gun A from server A to server B. You would still have persistence, per server, but not across all servers.

Like this.

Character save file to specific server? = yes spawn with last saved items. = no spawn with new spawn items.

just that simple.

Just an a thought, that would be fair to all parties involved.

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Ok the whole server hopping get good loot come back to server kill newbs thing' date=' while valid because game mechanics currently support it, could be curbed with a simple solution. Make items server dependent. Every time to "server hop", on the new server you start out, well new. in other words, you can't take gun A from server A to server B. You would still have persistence, per server, but not across all servers.

Like this.

Character save file to specific server? = yes spawn with last saved items. = no spawn with new spawn items.

just that simple.

Just an a thought, that would be fair to all parties involved.


I don't think this is a good solution for server-hopping, because you don't to stick to a server, because you found there a gun. I think this problem is much more easier to solve, just let players not connect more then 3 diffrent servers each 24 hours.

Another solution to find 'good' or 'bad' players is not to solve this realistic. Hearing a heartbeat is also not realistic, cause in real life you never would hear this. Give players a diffrent outfit when you kills to much friendlies is also not a good solution. Maby there should be a radio as item. When you find a radio you can chat. As bandit you can chat and everyone sees you chatting, as friendly you also can chat and sees who is bandit and who is survivor (as bandit you can't see this). This way there is a step to find an item and identify good and bad players.

*asking for help, sees who reacts. As bandit you are not sure, as survivor you are sure if the one who will help has good intentions

*Grouping together is possible.

A well, just an idea, i saw multiple good ideas on the forum.

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pvp needs to be in the game,but we need a way to identify who is naughty and whos nice,sidechat used to be great for this,u could call out to someone in the distance and after a bit of chatting u could often feel out who was rly friendly and who was just messing around in the chat tryin to lure in friendlys to kill.

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While this is still Alpha I wouldn't expect to see this soon but I feel the more large scale/group objectives could be added to the game. Especially objectives that could influence the world at a server (or even hive) level or be competitive across the hive.

As an example of a lower tier 'end-game goal' what if Power Stations could be repaired' date=' it would require a lot of materials to be gathered, Toolboxes, small group of players working on a few objects at the same time to bring power back online. Then power could be controlled to certain cities (or other parts of the grid could require restoration) and players would have a common goal to work towards. Factions could try owning or even destroying the newly repaired power station/grid.

What about certain areas of the map becoming end game raiding zones. Perhaps one of the airfields could spawn a high volume of zombies when players enter the surrounding area. Too many for a small group to take out but perhaps a group of ~15 with awesome loots inside (also make it impossible to be saved inside that area so if anyone tries to server hop they'll be kicked out of the zone).

Finally as a controversial idea what about the idea of escape. Have a goal to repair a Helicopter and fly it off the south/east end of the map (Perhaps use the Aircraft Carrier to land on?) players are scored with certain multipliers for number of fellow players rescued at the same time, gear collected/saved against their character, Time spent alive, distance traveled, number of zombie kills and a negative score for Murders as well as number of Bandits in the group.


Great suggestions. PVE objectives can help tilt the game away from immersion-breaking shits-and-giggles death matching without actually penalizing anyone's play style.

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well this is just great, theres more god damn DayZ player killing videos coming out than those stupid call of duty kid commentary i see everywhere.

ive seen videos of groups just going through cherno killing everyone, even people saluting.

so yea, its too late, there here, game was great a month ago when i could run up to someone, salute, and then we would go kill zombies together, now when i see someone imsupposed to avoid them/ kill them. no, thats not what i want to do.

this is fucking sad man, this game didnt even get through ALPHA before the CoDs COMPLETELY took over. this blows.

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