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Slot (DayZ)

Combat Loggers

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          Hey everyone, Slot here!


I today bring up a huge issue with the game- not the game itself unless you count not being ably to block it as an issue, but with the players.


I was playing yesterday, me and my friends had surrounded some bandits in one of the Balota barracks. We yelled in for them to get on the ground, so what do they do? Fire a few shots at us down the hall and combat log. What the crap! 


First off, to you combat loggers (you know who you are) why do you play?


"Heeer, ima play a multiplayer game- o no a player *logs out*" you people suck, it ruins the game when we legit players spend the time to actually find you, not even to kill you most of the time unless you attack, and you just go pooof and vanish. Why play the game, go play a freaking fairy unicorn game if you dont want any conflict, and get off our DayZ!



Now that thats done, the question comes up: how to fix this?


Simple for me: If you get shot or shoot a gun (or swing a mele weapon etc) you can not log out for 25 seconds. This would keep newbs from logging when they start crap they dont want to finish, and overall make the game much funner for the rest of us.




thats my mini-rant / suggestion, bye :P



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Holy balls if I see another KoS thread or a combat logging thread i'm going to shoot myself.

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TLDR; read half of it and let me stop you right there



it ruins the game when we legit players spend the time to actually find you, not even to kill you most of the time unless you attack



Gooby stahp!!!  this is total bullcrap, you are mad because you chase down people expecting to kill them and loot them, but they evade you by logging. I get that this is frustrating for you, but try and keep it in your pants! you can go jizz over a game of minecraft


Don't try and sell that "I just want to be friends" bullshit, you are a bandit like the rest of us, admit it!!!

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 This would keep newbs from logging when they start crap they dont want to finish, and overall make the game much funner for the rest of us.


So apparently new players are the only combat loggers?


Har har!

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Whilst I appreciate the OP's enthusiasm, it's not like this hasn't been suggested a million times.

@ OP - The search button is your friend. Please learn to use it.

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Guys, this is a must read! It differs so much from the 10000 other combat logging topics.

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Holy balls if I see another KoS thread or a combat logging thread i'm going to shoot myself.


I agreed.

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