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No loot in Ballota Barracks?(the ones near the beach)

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Hey guys, this is my first post in here, well since the last update on the DayZ SA ive checked many servers and many times the barracks near the ocean in ballota and i havent found one single item, really nothing, not even crappy pants and stuff like that, im posting here cause i was playing today and the server reestarted and i relloged on the same server and i was expecting to have loot there since the server had a restart, well guess what? not a single penny was found haha.
Anyone found anything by there since the update?
Also i went to the north airport and on the barracks over there had nothing too.
Sorry about my bad english =).

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Military tents and barracks in General have been empty since the patch. Can't say if it's intended or a bug tho.

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The camo towers also have some occasional spawns as well

....and on a side note...how many times are we going to answer this question lol xD

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barracks still contain loot, but the tents haven't since the patch (bug or intended, who knows and whatever. i do enjoy the scarce loot)

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I think the barracks actually have reduced loot now as I seem to come across empty rooms (in barracks that have not been looted yet) more often than before the patch. Which is all fine by me tbh. It shouldn't be easy to find military grade weapons and attachments.

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Hi friend.

I visited military barracks south of Vibor and it had M4 and in next room pristine ACOG.

First time in military base. Like Charlie Sheen would say "winning"

I should have headed to airfield however, started south towards elektro for some Funny times.

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Maybe ist time to set a foot outside of balota/nw airfield ? There is shitloads of loot all around those god forsaken places...

Edited by {Core}BlackLabel

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