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It takes guts not to shoot on sight

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and after sparing someone only to be shot over and over again' date=' it takes a special kind of stupidity not to shoot first.


Then be more careful.

Sneak up on the fool, tell them to pull out seconday or something like that, while not showing yourself. Then offer to trade, if they accept tell them what you want, and have them tell you what they want. Then make a deal, watch to make sure he drops his items on a ground, and you drop yours. Now carfully come out and claim your items and GTFO before he shoots you in the back.

Ask them to pull out their secondary? You realize 1 shot from a 1911 will drop you instantly right? It's never worth the risk.

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You say it as if being Ghandi is a bad thing.

I did kill 20-30 bandits' date=' so you should feel safer XD


dude, I don't know, maybe video games make me a more violent individual but I want a big steak and a glass of port for dinner

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Im, that means me and my group, never shoot on sight. We´re playing for quite some time now. Mostly we just let people pass by and watch them, sometimes, when theyre close, we just hide somewhere till theyre gone. You wouldnt believe how many people just ran past us, not more then 2 metres away. :D

Or Vehicles driving near us, when we hide in a bush next to the street. We just let them pass and head for another direction.

Yesterday, after we all died on DE4 due to some hacks, we started over and happened to just met another random survivor at the Balota airfield. He was obviously scared to death as he noticed us, because he layed on the ground and tried to crawl away. He was alone and only had a Hatchet, we where two and had a AK on my buddy.

He was just standing there and watching us, holdig onto his hatchet. My buddy kept distance, I approached and told him over Direct VON "We´re friendly, we wont shoot you. Please just dont Follow us"

Worked fine aswell, but afterall, i think if he had a gun, he had tried to shoot us. Thats the way it is. You cant argue most time with the folks, you just need to avoid them if possible.

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No Canadian dude, you know the guys that want to be American but are afraid to admit it, anyways I'm in denial too but I still want that steak

Im' date=' that means me and my group, never shoot on sight. We´re playing for quite some time now. Mostly we just let people pass by and watch them, sometimes, when theyre close, we just hide somewhere till theyre gone. You wouldnt believe how many people just ran past us, not more then 2 metres away. :D

Or Vehicles driving near us, when we hide in a bush next to the street. We just let them pass and head for another direction.

Yesterday, after we all died on DE4 due to some hacks, we started over and happened to just met another random survivor at the Balota airfield. He was obviously scared to death as he noticed us, because he layed on the ground and tried to crawl away. He was alone and only had a Hatchet, we where two and had a AK on my buddy.

He was just standing there and watching us, holdig onto his hatchet. My buddy kept distance, I approached and told him over Direct VON "We´re friendly, we wont shoot you. Please just dont Follow us"

Worked fine aswell, but afterall, i think if he had a gun, he had tried to shoot us. Thats the way it is. You cant argue most time with the folks, you just need to avoid them if possible.


I like groupies, I think that you should allow them to follow you as well, they can carry your extra supplies in their coyote for you, think dude, think, we all need an expendable crewman or 2

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Yep, guts needed not to kill on sight.

If only 50% of the game's population thought like that, it would already be slightly better.

The funny thing about backtabs is that I think they are fine: At least you interact with people.

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I've NEVER been betrayed by my guts. Everyone who I've met and have been able to open a dialogue with has been entirely cooperative.

One time had a survivor with me with a CZ and no ammo. Found another survivor looting a dead bandit. Told the guy with the CZ to sight him down but "BE OBVIOUS" about it and I approached the survivor. Opened up comms under this situation and all ended very well.

Even way back when SIDE chat was around I told a guy to drop his primary and leave the area if he didn't want trouble. He did, dropped his Winchester and ran. Said thank you even.

I like to make contact first before engaging if my current SOPs allows it. Always help when you have a friend sighting him down though while you approach in 'peace'.

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OP has the right idea.

I ask people over my mic if they're friendly, if they don't respond then I assume they're hostile. 99% of the time the people that have mics and do respond are friendly, or at least not outright hostile.

A lot of the time it ends up being like "Yeah, we're friendly but don't get too close. We got this building first and we're looting it. If you come in, we'll kill you."

Then watching them exit the building, everyone keeping a close eye on each other until we part ways. It's very intense.

And I say that is SO much more entertaining than just killing everyone you see.

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and after sparing someone only to be shot over and over again' date=' it takes a special kind of stupidity not to shoot first.


Steve beat me to it. too risky anymore not to shoot on sight. The exception would be on the coast. Havent been killed by a flashlight yet so I dont shoot first. Im pretty sure 50% of those I spared ran into cherno, got a gun, and killed me latter. Ahhh, the life of a survivor.

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If you want to make guts synonymous with foolish' date=' then sure.


Yes beause if you dont die in a computer game for 30 days, you become the king of the internet and mensa gives you an award for your great intelligence.

You die, so what, its not like you ever even use a compass or a watch and knives and hatchets are everywhere.

DayZ is currently "Frustrated kids vs Autistic people: The game"

In which people stay locked in inside their appartment while playing computer games in which they avoid all human contact.

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I always try to avoid survivors whenever possible, to avoid an awkward confrontation. It takes a special kind of guts to sit still and wait for potential dangers to pass rather than engaging someone and possibly getting your head shot off.

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You die' date=' so what, its not like you ever even use a compass or a watch and knives and hatchets are everywhere.


Who the fuck doesn't use their compass?

At any rate, I kill on sight primarily because I'm playing this game as one big interactive copy of The Most Dangerous Game. Who cares? Like most of you keep repeating, we're all gonna die and lose our shit at some point. I'm just helping to facilitate the cycle of life.

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Who the fuck doesn't use their compass?

Because I can look up at the sky and see where the sun is?

edit: I also managed to meet 5 different people and only 1 started shooting at me XD

He got hit by 1 zombie and fainted. And then I shot the zombies and his leg, and said farewell, like a sir XD

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Today we're hanging @ Stary Sobor military tents since my friend died... AGAIN. I found already GPS and few things for him but he needed weapons, ammo and few other things. I was covering the area with my DRM and then a wild camo guy appeared. We decided to not shoot guy yet as he was acting pretty smart - like someone was covering his back. I asked my friend to talk to him over direct chat voip that we're friendly and don't want trouble but I will shot him down as soon as he will do something against my buddy. We found out he was pretty ok and had backup too somewhere in bushes (didn't see the guy but didn't want to risk firefight so I didn't stand to look for him still patroling the area with my scope). Guys took what they wanted, even offered us some of ammo and we managed to leave each other in peace. This is what I like. However I would like a radio item so we could pick the same channel and talk within 1000m area (that would be amazing but Rocket propably won't introduce that)

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Curious. I can almost never see the sun - seems as though it's perpetually overcast in post-apocalyptia. Regardless, the compass is much faster and more reliable. I don't need one to navigate but I certainly enjoy the benefits of having one.

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its a circle jerk.

i used my mic and got shot for that.

respawned got inland. to a barn shot some Z with my freshly enfield. came out. a guy stands there i quickshot my enfield with panic. when i clicked the button i heard him speak over direct chat. but it was to late. i yelled back i am so sorry but just minutes ago i died and was still paranoid.

i hate that feeling what i have now. been killed doing the right thing. and instantly killed another nice guy who wanted to do the right thing.

if you read this. barn in mysta you had an m4a1 with 7stanag mags and an m9 fully loaded. i am so sorry but thanks for the nice gear. dont know how you did that. no other gear jsut weapons on mass.

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For awhile I was pissed at dying so I started shooting on sight. But the game gets boring if you do that, unless you are on Skype with others. You may as well just be playing a real slow version of any standard shooter.

It's the player interaction that makes this mod so special.

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Without a side chat, most players act like bots, so if you talk to them through direct comm, they know there is an enemy close by, and they try to figure out where you are so they can shoot you. Most "bots" won't really listen, they will just turn around looking for you until you have to shoot them before they find you.

I was planning on playing without shooting first, but after dying again today to other players - and losing a M4, a FAL, and a SAW in a single encounter (my friend was carrying one of them) - I think I am closer to adopting the bot behavior myself as well, and never hesitate before gunning down other players.

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I now think that player verbal interactions will become more normative over time. That doesn't mean it will change the outcome! Changes in the mod affect player interactions, as do the experiences players have as they grow into the game. Will there be a betrayal if you commit to not killing another survivior, ya maybe, but its part of the game that makes the game, if everyone is a bandit or everyone is a friendly YOU HAVE NO GAME, that tension must exist and its important that as a player you be open to both of those possibilies IMHO, so I started this thread simply to bring awareness to the fact that another dimension of gameplay exists outside of the box you may have adopted.

Whatever the outcome, verbal interaction in direct comm, is the primary element of this games intensity,

I'm not always friendly and I'm not always a bandit, if my spidy senses are tingling that u may betray me, I'll put some lead in your arse pronto.

Use capslocked in direct comm to use your mic

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I now think that player verbal interactions will become more normative over time. That doesn't mean it will change the outcome! Changes in the mod affect player interactions' date=' as do the experiences players have as they grow into the game. Will there be a betrayal if you commit to not killing another survivior, ya maybe, but its part of the game that makes the game, if everyone is a bandit or everyone is a friendly YOU HAVE NO GAME, that tension must exist and its important that as a player you be open to both of those possibilies IMHO, so I started this thread simply to bring awareness to the fact that another dimension of gameplay exists outside of the box you may have adopted.

Whatever the outcome, verbal interaction in direct comm, is the primary element of this games intensity,

I'm not always friendly and I'm not always a bandit, if my spidy senses are tingling that u may betray me, I'll put some lead in your arse pronto.

Use capslocked in direct comm to use your mic


That sounds like a pretty good policy to me. And if people like you consistently enforce this policy, it'll encourage people to get microphones and start talking in these kinds of situations. It'll also force people to communicate their intentions better - if they act all shady or weird, they'll get capped by people like you. For many things in life, there are rules/etiquette for engagement. Perhaps such a code will eventually be developed in DayZ by the players - a standard format for how strangers meet and ascertain each others friendliness out in the lands of Chernarus.

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today i was ambushed by some guys who hada buddy who was 'low on health' and need food badly. me, not thinking about the potential set up, went into my inventory and started dropping beans, as soon as i did that one of the guys shot me. when i re spawned i meta guy in elektro who had been looking for a weapon for ages, i had just run past a weapon so i showed him where it was and left him, last i heard from him was shooting and zombies screaming. i went out of elektro and met another survivor, opened comms and we both had a common need - blood, and i had blood packs, meat and fire, so we set up camp, i cooked him a meal and then we set off together. while we were raiding a barn 40+ zombies came in and we managed to get them all, and then a guy came over direct yelling for help, and we ran out and saved him from a conga of zombies, turned out to be the guy who i gave the gun in elekro :D so we had good journeys together, and my faith in humanity is now restored!

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