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Where to find radios (walkies)?

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I've heard they've added radios recently but I haven't seen one yet. Are there any specific places people are finding them or is it completely random?

Any helpful hints would be appreciated. Thanks. :)

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found a damaged one in a hangar on a hardcore server put a battery in it and it seems to work, but I have no use for it, maybe I will find someone who wants it.

Edited by Franchi

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Firestations is where I've found all of mine. Had no use for them, so I just leave them there.

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Firestations are the only places I've found them, and I find them in ABUNDANCE.


Better nab yourself one before people realise they work.

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i see these in first floor fire stations (shelf next to the stairs) most the time

Found my first radio in the NWAF fire station! Thanks for the tips everyone.

Now to find a second one. :)

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Do they work? I can't equip mine.


After you attach the battery right click on it in the inventory. You should see options to turn it on and change the frequency. After you turn it on you can change from direct chat to frequency by pressing the , and . keys. Then just hit caps lock to talk.

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