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implement suppressed fire and replace sound fillers

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suppressors are now in the game for both pistols and rifles, I know its in the pile for things that will be in the game in the next year, but if possible I'd like the next patch to implement the correct sounds files for the suppressors, and melee as well as correct the activation zone/audible distance for suppressed weapons.


on top of this making suppressors actually useful it would be nice not having to twirl around because a missed axe or zombie maul currently sounds like incoming fire.

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Minor things both. These will be done in parallel with more important stuff. Therefore we wait. ;)

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suppressors are now in the game for both pistols and rifles, I know its in the pile for things that will be in the game in the next year, but if possible I'd like the next patch to implement the correct sounds files for the suppressors, and melee as well as correct the activation zone/audible distance for suppressed weapons.


on top of this making suppressors actually useful it would be nice not having to twirl around because a missed axe or zombie maul currently sounds like incoming fire.


It's funny I just had reason to post this same info somewhere else. On some info rocket posted on this forum he seems to indicate they have a really good sound guy in there, and from what he said I gathered they'll be adding sound cues for this and that. However, it's not indicated that this is on the top of their list, as it's on the agenda for spring 2014 apparently.

It did seem like they were looking at increasing zombie numbers for the alpha though, and I think we've already seen them do it once. I was very surprised to have shot a sawed off in a small town to kill a zombie (i had no reason other than certainty I was going to die soon) and have a total of 7 zombies show up.

At the same time, I think looking at a zombie for an extended period of time can trigger it to you. If/when I can reproduce it, I will be reporting it on the bug... reporting... thing. yeah. Anyways, zombie was a blip on my 42" monitor when zoomed in. I kept looking at it, and eventually it turned to me. A few moments later, it ran, slow as fuck, all the way to me.


I'm done rambling after this last bit. Anyways, they posted some impressive numbers, something like 4000 at once in a debug build with no loot or something like that.

Me, I'm hoping to see areas where zombies respawn heavily to get good loot.

Imagine if getting a newspawn an almost guranteed m4 meant taking on many, many zombies in the process later on down the road. I would find it very fun.

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Have you tried being under fire in DayZ?

It's intense. There's no need for Battlefield suppression. It could be nice, but it's not really needed.


And yes, they should fix the sounds.

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sorry, to re-iterate, when I said suppressed fire, I meant fire with a suppressor, not suppressive fire. at least for the fnx45, it'd lean the balance of usefulness back towards center between that and the revolver

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Have you tried being under fire in DayZ?

It's intense. There's no need for Battlefield suppression. It could be nice, but it's not really needed.


And yes, they should fix the sounds.


The most major sound issues they need to fix is all the Zombie/eating/drinking/reloading/loading sounds that randomly occur while playing.  That's definitely my biggest issue with sound so far, of course suppressor sounds would be nice.

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There wouldn't BE any suppressor sounds.  ATM there is no subsonic ammunition in the game, which means putting on a suppressor would make the gun's CRACK noise noticeable. It wouldn't be quiet, although it would be far harder to determine what direction the shots are coming from.

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There wouldn't BE any suppressor sounds.  ATM there is no subsonic ammunition in the game, which means putting on a suppressor would make the gun's CRACK noise noticeable. It wouldn't be quiet, although it would be far harder to determine what direction the shots are coming from.


Isn't this enough? Zombies are attracted to sound right? So if they cant determine the direction they'll just scatter, or go in the wrong direction, etc.

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There wouldn't BE any suppressor sounds.  ATM there is no subsonic ammunition in the game


for your reading pleasure


also, I agree with syphax, if you can't tell where its coming from, all you know is you're getting shot. which becomes irrelevant pretty quickly


they can add subsonic 5.56 later, if they want to. but everything is in place to make this happen now

Edited by commanderbash

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