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Grimey Rick

Does DayZ ever b0rk your intrawebz?

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I server hopped tonight in the school in search of a mosin. I know, I know, I'm a douche bag. I tried finding one the legitimate way but gave up after an hour or so. My son found all of the mosin attachments and wanted my M4, so I was kind of in a hurry to find one.


Anyway, after trying to connect to my third server, it wouldn't let me. I tried again. Nothing. So I ALT-TAB to the desktop to check the forums while I waited for it to sort itself out only to notice that good ol' Google Chrome was stuck at "Resolving host..."


Then the little yellow exclamation point over my network connection appeared. After much fuckstickery trying to sort it out, I finally had to go into device manager (Windows 7 Ultimate x64), disable, then re-enable my ethernet card. After a few moments of cocksuckery, it finally sorted itself out.


So yeah, has this happened to anyone else?

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Yes using ingame browser borks my web browser

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Yes using ingame browser borks my web browser


Yeah, the current server browser is incredibly obnoxious and seems to make pretty much unlimited simultaneous connections.


Not only does it cause me to lag out of TeamSpeak every time I open the server browser, but the pings are all skewed because it's sending and recieving so much data.


I hope this is fixed, or we're at least given the option to limit the number of simultaneous connections made, at some point.

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nop i stopped using those oldschool 56k modems  long time ago

(wich im assuming your on if its hogging all the bandwith)

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Not gonna help a server hopper.


What was the point of this post? The troll is weak in this one.


I've got hundreds of hours logged on a single server that me and my kid play on. This was an exception.


I'd do it again too rather than listen to him whine for an hour about wanting my M4, hah.

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