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Loads of IMPORTANT suggestions.

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These suggestions will be numbered in order of importance.


  1. More scheduled updates (periodic and near definite update ETA's)
  2. Optimization, most computers can barely handle this.
  3. Clans and clan patches, (Friends will be able to invite friends into clans and being in a clan will give a patch on some clothing gear such as shirts and backpacks).
  4. Bandit and Hero skins, very different looks between bandits, survivors, and heroes are important.
  5. Fix death and wall glitches (random deaths, and somehow getting inside walls with no escape).
  6. More zombies (ones that roam the ENTIRE map, in the forest, the fields and even from town to town).
  7. Hunting and adding animals / cooking.
  8. Underground areas (anything from military to old mine shaft style and eventually able to create them)
  9. More gun placement spawns (same spawn rate but more areas like houses and other buildings beside firehouse and military).
  10. Small building features (like barbed wire, start with small things and every update or so add another object)
  11. When vehicles are introduced and sever population gets bigger: A bigger map, islands and other places maybe even the size of the main land.


Please comment more suggestions or even change the order! Hopefully these will be put in for the next update.

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Bandit and Hero skins, very different looks between bandits, survivors, and heroes are important.


No, never. Everything else sounds interesting or has been confirmed but NEVER add a humanity type system.

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1. They'll update stuff when they have stuff to update

2. This is going to be one of the last things done. Expect some minor optimization here and there, but also expect something to make performance worse at least in the beginning. They aren't going to do much optimizing because every major bit of code they do will undo a fair chunk of optimization already done.

3. Possibly doable, but not likely. Depends on if the code can allow for it, as well as the amount it will tax the system. Part of the reason most games don't have features like this is it requires more textures, code and other such things to be loaded into memory, which effects performance. Also, it would require uploading code into every individual hive your clan plays on. Much easier to pick an item of clothing or color combo for your clan to seek out.

4. That would defeat the purpose of the clothing system, which is so much better than skins. Only thing  Icould see here is physical features on a character, like a scar across the face of a bandit.

5.This is something they are already working on, and why it isn't number 1 or 2 on your list is beyond me.

6. See number 5. The reason there are so few zombies right now is because of their code. More zombies means more stress on the system, which caused problems in the internal tests. They will increase as they nail down behaviors and coding for the zombies.

7.If you'd bother to read any of the announcements, it's one of their higher priorities. You can already ather materiels to build a fire (Though you can't yet), as well as gas cannisters and burners to build gas fires. You can also gather berries as of the last patch.

8.Also in the works in the form of underground player built bases. Not sure on the ETA, but Dean has mentioned it in several interviews.

9. Gun spawns have actually been decreased as of last patch because there were too many. To balance this, two new guns have been added (Shotgun, which can be crafted into a sawed off with the hacksaw), with more guns on the way as they get finished.

10. These are coming as well. Again, you'd know this if you'd read the forus or interviews. The AMA with Dean on reddit the other day, when he was talking about player made structures/bases, he mentioned that the first part of that he had planned were craftable barricades.

11. Don't expect a new map until after launch, or during beta at the very least. They are working on a system for player mods, which will likely include custom maps. Dean has also mentioned in the interviews you obviously never read that there would likely be more maps later on, but that was at Bohemia's discretion, and priority was getting C+ working. I wouldn't expect to see a new map for at least a year and a half. If you want map variation in the near future, there's a few really good ones for the Mod version. There's even a new map that just came out that's I think twice the Size of Chernarus.


All in all, your whole post is out of order, filled with things already in the works, things that were done away with in the standalone version, or things that are very far down the road. Basically what you are looking for is the mod version of the game, which the standalone is trying to be so much more than. You can get the mod for free, though you will have to purchase a copy of Arma II and operation arrowhead.


Sorry if I seem a little rude, but one of 'these' threads is made every 4 or 5 hours, and I'm finding hard to be silent any longer.

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One word:


Most of these ARE coming in the future, especially the updates. Give the guys a chance.

Bandit/hero skins didn't work in the mod, really, so I doubt they'd be added.

Patience, young grasshopper.

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The idea that while playing an Alpha game that you were beseeched not to purchase at least 3 times before you could purchase it, your top recommendation is "schedule and announce all updates with accurate ETAs".

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All in all, your whole post is out of order, filled with things already in the works, things that were done away with in the standalone version, or things that are very far down the road. 



Agreed in all but one point - withholding ideas for things 'very far down the road'. In my opinion, now is the time to make suggestions for possibilities way off in the future... There is no harm in such ideas gaining interest and momentum now, the bug reports will continue regardless. As members of the Dev team finish their current projects and begin looking at new areas to devote themselves to they might just take a look on the forums... If there's some off-the-wall idea that players are united behind they might just decide to explore it's possibilities. 

Those distant ideas are, in my opinion, the only likely ones to be of real service, the other little, obvious fixes and modifications are likely to be either outlined already in the work-flow of the devs or an alternative 'fix' or addition will already be outlined - i.e. the dude/s working on weapon's probably already has a whole series of new guns that he's decided to bring into the game, I'd say the odds are against him browsing the forums to see what every Tom, Dick and Harry thinks he should be working on. However, in six months time... Well then maybe he'll reach a block... "I want to craft a PVC pipe cross-bow - 2138 votes" ...And off he'll go. 

Edited by Harmonica

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Dont even know where to start lol.....

1. Use search, pretty much everything mentioned is already on the forums

2. Why do you expect the devs are gonna listen to this "fine list" and put it into the next update, simply because its you? :)

3. Just..... Spend one hour on the forums and you will find all the thread about all your subject.


Damn people feel "entitled" because they bought into an alpha -_-

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Agreed in all but one point - withholding ideas for things 'very far down the road'. In my opinion, now is the time to make suggestions for possibilities way off in the future... There is no harm in such ideas gaining interest and momentum now, the bug reports will continue regardless. As members of the Dev team finish their current projects and begin looking at new areas to devote themselves to they might just take a look on the forums... If there's some off-the-wall idea that players are united behind they might just decide to explore it's possibilities. 

Those distant ideas are, in my opinion, the only likely ones to be of real service, the other little, obvious fixes and modifications are likely to be either outlined already in the work-flow of the devs or an alternative 'fix' or addition will already be outlined - i.e. the dude/s working on weapon's probably already has a whole series of new guns that he's decided to bring into the game, I'd say the odds are against him browsing the forums to see what every Tom, Dick and Harry thinks he should be working on. However, in six months time... Well then maybe he'll reach a block... "I want to craft a PVC pipe cross-bow - 2138 votes" ...And off he'll go. 


True..as they run out of their current projects they will likely look to us for new ideas. The problem here is that all of this guys ideas with the exception of the one about clan patches and emblems are ideas that the dev team have already stated they are working on or in the case of bandit/hero skins, ideas that they have passed on. So OP has posted no suggestions that are even worth reading, as he's pretty much just suggesting they do what they are already doing, except in an order that only a retarded monkey could come up with.


If you put an infinite amount of monkeys in a room with typwriters, eventually one of them is going to come up with the script for Hamlet. The problem there is that someone already come up with the script for hamlet....

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True..as they run out of their current projects they will likely look to us for new ideas. The problem here is that all of this guys ideas with the exception of the one about clan patches and emblems are ideas that the dev team have already stated they are working on or in the case of bandit/hero skins, ideas that they have passed on. So OP has posted no suggestions that are even worth reading, as he's pretty much just suggesting they do what they are already doing, except in an order that only a retarded monkey could come up with.


If you put an infinite amount of monkeys in a room with typwriters, eventually one of them is going to come up with the script for Hamlet. The problem there is that someone already come up with the script for hamlet....

Indeed, wasn't contradicting you in that regard. Just being a pain in the arse on the off chance that someone read that who had a really cool and original 'distant future' idea that they then felt reluctant to post. Erm. Yep. So. Yeah. Good. Glad that's all settled.


...At some point I suppose I should play the game... Truth is it's a bit dull right now and these forums seem far more interesting and imaginative... ;) I keep running up North without seeing a soul and then not playing for a week because I just can't be bothered to run all the way South again. Am I the only one whose player doesn't get wiped? I mean... I'm seriously considering complaining about it. I've been running up and down the map for about a month now... I almost got killed with a few mates a while ago after going to support the lucky b******* fresh spawns on a Balota loot run and we came across a group of bandits... but then, by some terribly unlucky fluke, I ended up behind the bandits and came out the last man standing... It was gutting... 'Where'd you spawn dudes?' '...Ah, O.K... I'll run all the way there then... oh, you're logging... I'll run North then and hope they've added aircraft by the time I reach NWAF.'  ...I even logged on to find my player had dissappeared in the menu screen after last update, thought, "Ah, at last! Electro madness here I come!" Log in and there he is, that f***ing boring t*** standing there with all his fancy s***... Just grinning at me like "Ohhh, you didn;t think you'd get rid of me that easily did you?!?" Please, someone, I'm beside a little lake just North of a row of new houses near where Pobeda Dam used to be.. about a click West of "Strykypikipoopoo" the new (f***ing ghost-) town in the North. I'll logon tommorow at about 9pm (UK), How's that? Bullet in the back of the head. Please... Everyone else is having adventures! Sob.

EDIT: OH NOOOOO!!! Just realised that won;t work... how'll you know which server I'll be on..?. I'll edit it in here before I log on.

Edited by Harmonica

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