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Post Patch thoughts - i work 9 / 5 shifts.

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I like the part where the OP suggested airfields are where you get weapons...


Guarantee he's one of those players who runs to Elektro, checks the Firehouses, School, and Pub, then gives up.


News flash: All weapons, even M4's, can spawn in unlikely places. Yesterday a friend and I found an M4 sitting on top of one of the News Stands in Zelenogorsk. Mosins, Shotguns and Revolvers spawn all over the place, including in the Block Apartments, 2 level white barns, etc. If you're running to airfields just to get shot by combat logging server hopping KOS fags, you're doing it wrong and probably deserve to die.



Edited by Etherimp

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The fact of the matter is pitch black is unacceptable. A cursory glance at server populations verifies this.

If they roll out server hopping countermeasures before they either fix the unacceptable night time or at least make the world times reliably accurate, there will be a shitstorm.

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There is nothing stopping 24/7 day servers.  Your post implies that the patch is FORCING a schedule on servers.  It is not.  Servers can be set to run at whatever time or light level the admin prefers.  If you're encountering a lack of day time servers, that's because those admins are choosing to set their servers to night.  


Try reading those so posts you claim prove there is an issue- read far enough, and you'll get the same answer.  Derp.

Don't like the servers available to you?  Rent your own.  You'll find there is nothing stopping you from setting it to noon for 24/7 daylight.  


Thank you for the specific response, i now understand that server admins are the ones choosing real time day. Do all servers have real time daylight by default as per the current version of the game ? if so that may explain why so many public servers are running in such a manner as the admins of the public servers may not be aware of peoples thoughts on the matter? i dunno... i don't subscribe to dayz server admin monthly magaziine but my experience diminished as a result.


next time i'll read more of the posts to understand the source of the problem, you're right, but my post still stands and has other points in there to consider.

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I agree that in it's current state Night time is unplayable, but the rest of your original post is hogwash.


1. Weapons can be found all over.

2. There are tons of 24/7 daytime servers out there.

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And what will you do once you have the gun? Be that bandit/camper right? :)



Why would they? Cant you read the print? Its a pre-release alpha, dev dont have to do jack for the players at this point but follow their own dev schedule. My advice? Leave the game alone til its ready, you visibly dont like it.

I don't hang around AF's and don't have a problem with people who do.


why would they? - because in resolving current fundamental issues improves advocacy therefore more sales, more money etc...  (from a commercial sense) and generally keeping the audience happy is a pretty good idea when building a game.

Edited by hitt0r

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Not me personally, but the majority and server stats indicate that i am the majority. Sort your times in dayz server list and there's all the evidence you need.


Play on days when you're off, or on servers outside of your time zone.


Frankly, there's no penalty to playing at night. The game is like 9999999999999999999999999% easier in the dark.

Edited by Applejaxc

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 i will NOT stare at a 5" circle of s*** light using a torch of some kind or cheating changing my video settings.


Well, if you do ever decide to join the men, you can turn your FOV way down during the pitch black night, and the circle of light made by your torch will take up far more of your screen.

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Watching the latest stream, it seems like Rocket doesn't play the game much so i kinda wonder if hes going to even understand why so many people don't want to play at night.


It infuriates me that they don't have more daylight time options, like dusk/dawn and moonlit nights with limited visibility. Then i remember its alpha...

Edited by Thane

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Okay...? So the game should be unrealistic to benefit you. Yeha, okay.


People aren't working 9-5 during the zombie apocalypse... this is a game and people shouldn't be forced into night servers.


It's really aggravating when you want to play at 9pm and can't find any hardcore servers that are daylight and connected to the main hive.  

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I dont know what happend, but now even the gamma raise doesnt help, with turning up the clouds, its still pitch dark. Tryed several servers with my friend and its unplayable now because i dont know its only us or is it for all players. Yesterday we had no truoble with that. 


They should do something about the majority of the night servers because day servers are rare and full and night servers are empty. Not right to players who work.

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we need a sticky announcement that just says "GET OFF THE COAST"


seriously, the only reason you'd have difficulty finding loot on a high population server is if you stay on the coast. 

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People who have no job can spend more time in games than people who do? That's a conclusion nobody ever had before.

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