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Why does the game hate me?

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Logged in this morning. When the black faded away and I was to start playing I found myself staring into a magnum revolver. "You are dead". Damn I thought, So I restartedm shit happens. But that was just the beginning of todays shit that was pouring my way. :(


I found tons of food at water cantens, but no backpack, not even a bright yellow one with a bullseye painted on it. And ofc, no opener. :(

I also found buckshots, tons and tons of buckshots. could've easily filled 3-4 backpacks with buckshots, but no shotgun. :(

I did however find 4 mosin, but no ammo. :(


I think I'll just climb that watertower there and commit suicide. Someone is desperately trying to tell me something. I better listen. :D

Edited by Kytampe

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Don't worry i've had worse,

Mosin w/ Long Range Scope, Bi-Pod, Mosin Barrell Attachment
M4 w/ Handguard Rail, Flashlight, Acog Sight & Some buttstock attachment i can't remember name of

All Military gear, Pristine Red Beret, TTSKO Coat and Trousers w/ Military Backpack loaded with pipsi, coke and other weird brand named food and drinks.


Walked into firestation and got shot in the head with a pistol lol

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yeah it happens. you are on the same line with everyone else, so don't worry :)

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Now I tried to log in to the game, and I was kicked 3 times in a short row. The forth time I finally got in, and I was fresh again. *sigh* I give up, the game truly hates me today. I'll play tomorrow instead. Have fun all.

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Still mad about my fully kitted out pristine mosin + press vest getting reset by the public hive. It always waits until I have some really good stuff before kicking me back to the coast, too.

That'll teach me to log out ever.

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