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Frames issue

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So my friend got standalone he can play every game great on ultra hes 100 plus frames when not near a town or city. but if hes looks at a city or town and hes drops to like 15 or below and its completetely unplayable. We tried some streamers suggestions and they didn't work. Has anyone had this issue? i had this issue on some servers on the mod of overwatch where people would have there own addons but no matter the server it doesnt matter. Any got suggestions?

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Don't play on ultra, by now, the game don't even got optmized.

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You can list the system spec if you want and I might have a few tips to get it up to 20ish fps in cities but that's gonna be about it because: Alpha.

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He's not playing ultra. Hes on low with everything disabled. lol. I got 30 frames in cities he gets 10.

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